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Member Name: JoanBennett
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Patti LuPone at 54 Below - just saw it
 Jun 10 2012, 12:33:36 PM
re Mr. Sleepy... she saw it, but ignored it...
Patti LuPone at 54 Below - just saw it
 Jun 8 2012, 10:09:26 AM
I keep thinking of Mr. Sleepy (the front table, directly-in-front-of-Patti patron who gave huge wide-mouthed, no-hand-over yawns through every song).

He'd look her directly in the eye as she sang, yaaaaawn, yawn again, and then at the end of the number he'd actually bounce up and down as he clapped...

From where I sat, the backlights from the stage turned his yawn-spray a sparkling mid-air pink...

There's no end to the new "enhancements" audiences can come up with...

Patti LuPone at 54 Below - just saw it
 Jun 6 2012, 02:04:02 PM
I hope none of you (who went to the dress) is the guy who sat directly in front of her AND YAWNED through her entire set.

Ms. LuPone didn't say anything to you. You're lucky you're alive.

Patti LuPone at 54 Below - just saw it
 Jun 5 2012, 03:24:46 PM
Oh My God!
She's in GREAT voice, the room and sound system are perfection and they've put together a right-on-pitch show for her (balance of old/new, serious/comedy).

It was like having her sing to me in my living room... if my living room had really great lighting... and I didn't have a phone jack there... and I wasn't allowed to get up

Or move.

It was - truly - a peak experience

Did anyone see
 May 15 2012, 12:24:21 AM
I sent two people. They both raved.
 May 10 2012, 03:27:33 AM
I saw the workshop expecting to not like it and instead enjoyed it.

The shooting no longer happens

Why was the original Dreamgirls so expensive?
 May 8 2012, 08:49:04 AM
Another cost factor: The set required a heretofore unknown number of trucks to transport. The cost of those trucks and their drivers was enormous. If I remember right, the trucks were originally outfitted specifically for the equipment, so they were leased for a year at a time even though they were used for one load in and then sat for months, unused, while the sit-down ran
Alex Ringler
 May 6 2012, 01:07:45 AM
Alex Ringler is a professional of the highest integrity.

vocalzone is correct to point out that photos with cast members who have left is not unusual.

Details on what happened tonight at CHICAGO
 May 6 2012, 12:37:56 AM
I hear that six leads were out, but no other details

Anyone know who was out, who covered whom, and why?


Linda Lavin
 May 4 2012, 10:23:52 AM
My mistake. Thanks.
Lauren Bacall
 May 4 2012, 10:20:24 AM
I've seen Betty.
I've worked with Betty.

Seeing her is great.

Linda Lavin
 May 4 2012, 10:15:52 AM
Couldn't find a thread on her, so get the wood ready to burn me at the stake...

Saw her show this week and she is a study in how to do everything right. If you're an actor, get a ticket just to watch her.

I think it was someone here who said that all she has to do is turn the page of the magazine she's reading and, not only is it funny, but you can't take your eyes off her. It's true. She's great.

A Jew Grows in Brooklyn
 May 4 2012, 10:07:38 AM
I went last night and it is F-U-N!!!!

It was 10 times better than I expected and the audience was just CRAZY for it. In one section, an actor was talking about the old Lower East Side, mentioning famous restaurants and it was as if we were at a fundamentalist revival meeting: a woman in the back shouted "YES! Oh, YES!' at each of her favorite restaurants.

The set uses its technology better than Ghost, seriously. It fits in perfectly.

The actors are mostly old school c

Easter Bonnet
 Apr 24 2012, 11:38:32 AM
We got out about June 2014...

a little over two hours, pee first

Singin' in the Rain and Meet Me in St.Louis on Broadway?
 Apr 19 2012, 10:56:26 PM
re: the graphic

It was the best of design, it was the worst of design. That year began a revolution as computers made ordinary citizens into designers.

In every revolutions, there are victims of torture. This logo was one. You should see the rejects.

Will Dirty Dancing or Flashdance ever be on Broadway?
 Apr 19 2012, 10:51:04 PM
Word on the Flashdance workshop was that it was pretty great - particularly the lead, who blew everyone away. There were substantial changes from the London version.
Peter And The Snooze Catcher....
 Apr 19 2012, 08:53:22 AM
oh, you beat me to the misspellings, drat

(but the "this boards" not "these boards" guy was on the good side! shhh!)

Singin' in the Rain and Meet Me in St.Louis on Broadway?
 Apr 19 2012, 08:45:33 AM
The first public performance of Singin' was also the first time the show had been run. Effectively, it was the tech rehearsal, before a paying audience. I remember two problems. Since it was the first time the rain sequence had been run, they didn't know you had to HEAT the water (it dropped about 20 degrees Fahrenheit as it fell) AND no one had realized that Don had to show up in the next scene immediately and dry... The other leads went into the next scene saying, "Well, if Don were here, I be
Peter And The Snooze Catcher....
 Apr 19 2012, 08:23:27 AM
In that case, I hate those shoes you're wearing...

I haven't seen them. But I hate them anyway.

Jonathan Frid Dead!
 Apr 19 2012, 08:21:27 AM
Jonathan Frid Dead at 87; Barnabas Collins on DARK SHADOWS

But, he'll come back for the new movie, right?

(and of course he died on Friday the 13th)

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