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Profile for A.Douglas

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Member Name: A.Douglas
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Ironic: Trump donor = James Nederlander = Hamilton in Nederlander theater
 Jun 8 2020, 11:53:57 AM
It's been 3.5 years, and this is becoming news again (with powerful declarations from Karen Olivo and Eden Espinosa) -- maybe it's time to revive this thread?

Also, full disclosure, reading all these comments from Nov. 2016 was a trip and a half -- people ragging on folks who want to boycott/blast/cancel the Nederlanders. Now that Trump has utterly broken this country, do these folks still feel it unfair to blast the Nederlanders and everyone else who supported Trump in any way, especially financially to such a degree, now?

Please consult this link for a more detailed report of this gross hypocrisy within the Theatre community:

Time to hold the harmful enablers of this monster accountable.

Looking for Into the Woods Opening Night Playbill from 1987
 Apr 21 2020, 01:21:29 AM

Hi all!

I am looking for an Opening Night Playbill from the original Broadway production of "Into the Woods", from 1987.

Please PM me if you have one to sell, or have any leads on where I might be able to track one down.

Thanks all! :)

"Gary" Stage Door?
 Mar 21 2019, 02:24:42 AM
Hi all!

I have noticed signed Playbills from "Gary", signed by Nathan Lane, pop up. Is Nathan stage dooring again, finally? I would be so happy to be able to thank him in person for his work.


The Inheritance
 Dec 18 2018, 09:07:53 AM
Scotarts, you seem to have a personal vendetta against Matthew Lopez, and I am puzzled as to why. He has written a play that has been inspired by his predecessors (Crowley, Fierstein, Kramer, Kushner, Stoppard, Albee, etc.) He has not, in any shape or form, stolen material from anyone.

He has written a play about Drag Queens, "The Legend of Georgia McBride". Are you going to insinuate that he ripped off "Torch Song" and "La Cage Aux Folles", or even "The Birdcage"? Shall we rope in Elai

The Inheritance
 Dec 17 2018, 06:16:00 PM
Wick3 said: "I wouldn't go as far as calling it plagiarism but from watching/reading the play, it did remind me a lot of Howards End. I don't know Matthew Lopez's ethnic background nor do I know if he's Hispanic/Latino/Filipino but if he were, it would been really interesting to see if he added any elements of the play from his own teenager/20s experience as a gay man (presuming he's gay.)"

Well, I should hope so, haha. It was directly inspired by th

The Inheritance
 Dec 17 2018, 05:45:26 PM
SonofRobbieJ said: "Scotarts said: "How dare a now-40 year old who could never have experienced half what he claims authority over a knowledge he could never have witnessed? How dare this come-lately take the histories of a dead generation and sell it back to us.!?

I haven't seen or even read the play. But the part of your screed I've just quoted is all I need to discredit your argument. I am of Lopez's generation. It is our job...our inheritance,

The Inheritance
 Dec 17 2018, 05:42:37 PM
Scotarts said: "A.Douglas said: "I vehemently disagree with the above review of the piece."

Prove it wrong then. It's a RIPOFF.

Sir, I will not even dignify your, what seems to be, very personal attack on this piece with a list of reasons to "prove" its legitimacy. I don't know who you are, or exactly why you disliked this piece so much, but as far as I am concerned, this piece is a phenomenal epic, and moved me very much when I saw

The Inheritance
 Dec 17 2018, 03:06:58 PM
I vehemently disagree with the above review of the piece.
Who Have You Gotten Stuff Back From?
 Sep 4 2018, 01:14:30 AM

haterobics said: "Strangely enough, I got a signed window card back from Bette in the final week of the show.

I dropped a huge flat mailer off, with a Dolly poster inside, with the postage all sorted, and The Divine Miss M as the return addressee. I taped an envelope with a letter onto it, and the envelope also included a $150 donation to her charity.

The Friday before it closed, the mailer arrived, and she signed it directly in the middle between her name and t

Prodigal Son Playbill (Timothee Chalamet & Robert Sean Leonard)
 Aug 21 2018, 12:13:52 AM

taylortrensch said: "Lauren2 said: "How much? Or do you want to trade? Or will you give it away free?"

lauren you have a lot of nerve asking for a free playbill when a.douglas has been searching for one for a while now yikes!!

All is well, everyone. I was able to purchase it from a phenomenal person on here. ? Thank you all! ?? (esp you T.T. ??)

Who Have You Gotten Stuff Back From?
 Aug 20 2018, 10:17:03 PM
quizking101 said: "I got a letter back from Bernadette Peters’ assistant and the cost of her autograph runs for a $10 donation to Broadway Barks. Very reasonable"

Yes, I second the question; What address did you use? How can we donate and send an item to be signed?

Many thanks! :)

Prodigal Son Playbill (Timothee Chalamet & Robert Sean Leonard)
 Aug 20 2018, 09:43:21 PM

Hi all!

I am trying hard to find a Playbill from the play Prodigal Son by John Patrick Shanley, from February or March 2016. I am very willing to pay for it. :)

Thank you so much guys!

What is the soonest a show was revived after closing?
 Aug 1 2018, 10:37:59 PM
Les Miserables:

Original Run: 3/12/87 - 5/18/03

First Revival Run: 11/9/06 - 1/6/08

A little over three years between the closing of the original run and the opening of the revival.

The Inheritance
 Aug 1 2018, 08:34:35 PM

Jordan Catalano said: "Oh wow. Well, damn.
And Redgrave is only in it for a few minutes at the end of part 2??

Yup, for the last 15-20 min. approx, based on her character's dialogue in the script. But it's apparently one of her finest moments on the stage.


This is a very important work for not only the Theatre, but for the community. It's everything that I've been thinking about in regards to us as a community, ever since I

Prodigal Son Playbill (Timothee Chalamet & Robert Sean Leonard)
 Aug 1 2018, 08:28:30 PM
Hi all!

I'm looking for a Playbill (signed or unsigned) from the MTC production of John Patrick Shanley's "Prodigal Son", with Timothee Chalamet and Robert Sean Leonard. I am willing to trade or sell for it. Please PM me if interested in setting something up. :)

(Also, same goes for a signed Playbill from John Logan's "Red", signed by Alfred Molina and Eddie Redmayne.)


The Inheritance
 Aug 1 2018, 08:23:50 PM
I saw Part One at the Young Vic, back in March, and it is a transcendent, life-altering piece of Theatre. I could've have seen Part Two the following night, but had tickets to Hamilton. It might've been because it was my third time seeing Hamilton, but I DEEPLY regret not seeing Part Two instead. And to quote BB from his Hamilton review, "Yes, it really is that good." Especially to have seen the luminous Vanessa Redgrave make an, albeit brief, appearance towards the end of Part Two, as a bereave
Who Have You Gotten Stuff Back From?
 Jun 1 2018, 12:23:50 AM
Hi all!

Dropping off a donation tomorrow for a cast signed "The Boys in the Band" Playbill. Will let you all know if I hear back/the outcome. *Fingers Crossed*

Anyone else try "Boys" yet? Catch wind of them asking for a specific amount for a donation? Etc.

Thank you! :)

Who Have You Gotten Stuff Back From?
 May 18 2018, 10:49:14 PM
Hi all!

Anyone have luck with "The Boys in the Band"? If so, how much is being asked for as a donation?

Thank you! :)

Who Have You Gotten Stuff Back From?
 Apr 19 2018, 04:12:50 PM
Does "Lobby Hero" ask for a donation?

If so, how much?

Also, what other shows are asking for donations? Which are not?

Thanks all! :)

Who Have You Gotten Stuff Back From?
 Mar 30 2018, 08:46:15 PM
How much was the donation for "Lobby Hero"?


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