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Member Name: JojoBroadway
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Is the Theater World Really That Ruthless?
 Jan 22 2012, 03:23:19 AM
The harsh reality of life is criticism sucks. IT HURTS especially when you try so hard and you give your best. But it shouldn' be seen as a bad thing. Good people criticise to help improve something. Assholes criticise just to be contrary or to hurt others. Either way you gotta develop thick skin and the brains to seperate useful information from crap. Entertainment biz is a very competitive and harsh place.
Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
 Jan 13 2012, 02:16:10 AM
Actually Miss Know-It-All with the bitchy daughter who does nothing but throw tantrums all day, he has changed the way he sings based on the clips online and what I heard yesterday.

Funny thing about you, VaJoJo - You don't actually know everything. (And your daughter still needs to either be controlled by medication or put down

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Hee. I can picture you stumping your feet as you made these comments.

Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
 Jan 12 2012, 11:15:58 PM
Jordan, sure because that makes it sound more logical and mature.

His highs are still the same: charm, charisma, a winning presence, some good dance moves and a pleasant voice. However, his shortcomings, though a little diminished, have not essentially changed: his stylized and somewhat light pop voice doesn't entirely mesh with the brassy Frank Loesser score.

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His voice isn't changing. Might get stronger but I doubt it however all the other points you made are the reason why I say he has a chance of a good and fulfilling career on Broadway. If Broadway was only for the belters then it would have closed down long ago. I look forward to other projects he gets involved in on stage.

Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
 Jan 12 2012, 06:39:13 PM
So I ended up seeing the show today and actually enjoyed him in it. He sounded a lot stronger than those clips I'd heard on line and was very charming in the role. I really didn't have any problems with him at all, it was obviously the audience I hated

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So you are saying you attacked this kid all this time and you hadn't even seen the show. When did the Broadway boards become Tumblr?

Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
 Jan 11 2012, 04:00:54 PM
Are we still on this? Darren is not a belter. He may not even be the strongest singer but its nowhere as bad as some posters are insisting on making it. Guys, its Broadway beautiful and entertaining theater. We are taking this too seriously and its killing the fun.

Future Roles for Darren Criss
 Jan 8 2012, 03:53:43 PM
Dollypop, what even?

I can't believe I ever took you people seriously.

Future Roles for Darren Criss
 Jan 8 2012, 03:50:46 PM
If by holier than thou you mean mature then you clearly demonstrate that is the case. Being mean for mean's sake is so junior high school that I can't even. I guess that
How to Succeed Stage Door
 Jan 8 2012, 03:48:00 PM
I don't know you Jordan but I am sure you are too old for that type of behavior. Its like talking to my daughter when she is having a hissy fit.
Future Roles for Darren Criss
 Jan 8 2012, 03:45:52 PM
I just read your comment before this one Dollypop and if those are types of gems I expect from you and others on this board then I guess theater folk aren't as sophisticated and 'above it all' as they would like to assume.
How to Succeed Stage Door
 Jan 8 2012, 03:42:21 PM
Moderators are meant to control and maintain civility in this board so I welcome them. Not all of us come here with the intention of attacking actors or shows. Some of us would like to hear honest reviews and share mature opinions of shows we have seen and would like to see. Others just come in here to be juvenile and spread juvenile comments so I am glad the wheat is being separated from the chaff as it were. Moderators, keep doing your job.
Future Roles for Darren Criss
 Jan 8 2012, 08:37:21 AM
I thought this message board was for adults. I am sort of bummed that the Broadway board now resembles the ramblings on my daughter's tumblr. She is twelve so by extension the comments here are by 12 year olds. I expected more. I don't know much about this Darren kid but all these comments are unnecessary especially from what I assume are adult posters.

Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
 Jan 8 2012, 08:05:31 AM
But you have to cut him some slack because

A) He's only in it for three weeks.
B) He'll get better as time goes on.
C) He even said he doesn't have a "broadway" voice.
D) You're just jealous of him.

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Jordan we get it. You don't like the actor and you think he is unworthy to be on Broadway. No one is asking anyone to like him or cut him some slack. People are entitled to their opinions. Its not your place or anyone else to mock them for it. If they want to make concessions for him then they are well within their right to do so just like you are within yours to not make concessions for him.

No one's opinion is better than the other's especially in a forum for fans. You aren't a Broadway critic neither am I or anyone else here for that matter so don't expect people to take your word as golden.

Jeez, calm down people.

Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
 Jan 8 2012, 07:47:46 AM
So i just the show last night and my opinion..

I LOVED IT. There I said it. I LOVED IT.

I had the best time and it was so enjoyable. How to Succeed is a true gem of musical theater. Now my thoughts on the actors..

Darren Criss or whatever is his name isn't bad at all. I was nervous after reading some of the comments posted here that I had wasted my money but I went anyway because I had to. That ticket was not cheap. But my gosh, he was a delight and so tiny. His voice

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