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Member Name: LilBwayLady
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 Mar 15 2009, 05:08:52 PM
good god I don't understand how people even have the guts to do that kind of stuff. When I saw SA and met John Gallagher Jr. I was speechless. I mean I had to fight just to get a word out. I don't get how people could actually ask about their sex life and other invasive things thats just freaky.
re: Opinions on surrealism
 May 19 2008, 02:51:50 PM
Thank you! This is really going to help me out! : )
Opinions on surrealism
 May 19 2008, 02:46:02 PM
In your own opinion what would you guys say the most popular and most controversal play/musical in the surrealism era was?
This is for a paper im writing for school and I have some ideas but I would really appriciate others input as well.

re: Spring Awakening
 May 16 2008, 04:53:42 PM
um again no you can't how many people have to tell you, you can judge a show before you have seen it live its a completely different experience....i know people who have hated the music but love the show....its an amazing story with amazing acting
re: Spring Awakening
 May 16 2008, 04:48:32 PM
Um ya sorry i tried to be nice but i cant after what you said about it
who do you think knows about this show critiques or you who hasn't even seen it live yet.....its an amazing show and how can you judge a show off stupid you tube cannot call yourself a broadway fan if you decide to do that because if you knew the first thing about broadway you would know that every show is completely different when your actually there at the theatre experiencing

re: Would you see a show in 'previews'?
 May 16 2008, 01:09:27 PM
I saw lestat in previews and i have to say i really liked it even though it didn't do very well when it got to broadway
i would definately see any show in previews i think its a really great oppertunity to be able to see what a show is like in the making

re: Spring Awakening
 May 16 2008, 12:33:03 PM
um no offense but where have you been
its hard not to find stuff about spring awakening all over this site
not that its a bad thing.....just because it is that darn successful
well i am going to be the nice one (because i know what its like to be ganged up on on this site) and tell you that if you have anyother questions about it, feel free to pm me.....its probably best not to post any other questions on this site because before you get an ansrew you will get about 10 people tellin

re: Guess the show from the prop list!
 May 14 2008, 06:20:46 PM
re: Guess the show from the prop list!
 May 13 2008, 08:41:41 PM

yep good job Tchi4Lif188

no one has guess at my easy one.....and it is pretty easy

Matt is yours phantom?

re: Guess the show from the prop list!
 May 13 2008, 12:35:36 AM
leather jackets
long table

only off broadway

re: Anastasia
 Jan 22 2008, 04:57:55 PM
Ya know what.....i think they should make the swan princess into a stage production....i was watching it the other day and i totally forgot it was a movie musical.....i think the costumes sets and overall show would be absolutly amazing!

anyone else agree???

oh and yes i totally think they should make anastasia into a stage production
Shrek should never be on stage in my opinion..

re: A Little Priest- New extended Sweeney Todd clip
 Dec 8 2007, 12:40:50 PM
Well i personally thought that whole clip was weak. I mean when depp says "I'll come back when you have judge on the menu" That is suposed to be a very angry potent line and he just kinda grabs her gently and says it. I felt like there needed to be a lot more anger in him and he needed to grab her more violently.
re: Spring Awakening screw-ups
 Aug 1 2007, 03:13:53 AM
"BwayLady I appreciate you trying to help but you really don't need to police my thread. If they want to be a bunch of morons let them. And I'll have you know that I've never seen the show! But that's only because I'm not allowed."

Wow okay that was a bit rude....I was just trying to help but if you dont want my help im doing this for the sake of the show and the preformers anyway.

re: Spring Awakening screw-ups
 Jul 31 2007, 08:16:24 PM
Can all of you that are poisoning this thread with negativity please go back up and read my post again since you clearly didnt understand it the first arent wanted here so leave. I'm sure most of you haven't even seen the show which is pathetic.
re: Grey Gardens a Musical or a Play with music?
 Jul 31 2007, 02:44:16 AM
okay a play with music is a play that includes music that does relate to the play...has nothing to do with the story but adds a little something and is in the same era

like the show im in right now
Spoon River Anthology, is considered a play with music
because it has a bunch of folk music that does not relate to the play but comes from the same era.....
Grey Gardens and Spring Awakening music, if taken away, the story would be completly lost and make no sense at all. <

re: Spring Awakening screw-ups
 Jul 31 2007, 02:12:25 AM
Okay, why don't all you guys who hate SP start your own thread and stop posting on here because its deeply annoying when I read the title of this thread expecting to find cute little bloopers and all im seeing is people being really negative (as usual on this supid site) towards the show. Im so sick of all you conformers. You guys think you should hate anything thats popular. Get over yourselves really. Start your own "We basically hate broadway" thread and take all your negative energy there be
re: Who have you gotten stuff back from?
 Jul 27 2007, 03:16:43 AM
Has anyone ever recieved anything back from Drew Sarich?
re: Julia Murney in Wicked.....huge disappointment
 Jul 26 2007, 01:38:44 AM
Popular- ya those were honestly the only things I was disappointed with on this trip all the other shows that i saw i loved and was pleasently surprised with all the performances and i know there are people that love those shows and actors as much as I do. I only started this thread because I was curious to see if anyone felt the same about this specific topic
re: Julia Murney in Wicked.....huge disappointment
 Jul 26 2007, 12:30:45 AM
ya i see what you mean with the whole possibilty of her being is a bit of a sticky situation. If she was sick i definatly have to give her credit for going on stage anyway thats for sure, i know how hard that is so good for her. Its been so long since ive seen Shoshana and all i really remember is how much i enjoyed her singing, i did think Julia was really in touch with her character, and i guess if i cant rememebr much of shoshana's acting compared to her singing it must have not be
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