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Profile for ashers2u

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Member Name: ashers2u
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Gender: Female
Location: nyc
Occupation: starving actor!

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Broadway Quarantrivia - Sat Nov 28 at 8:00 Eastern
 Nov 16 2020, 09:27:12 PM

This sounds awesome! I can't wait to check it out.

Daniel Radcliffe in H2S this week?
 Nov 8 2011, 08:35:26 PM
WOW really?!? I had no idea-- that is AMAZING :) Thanks!
Daniel Radcliffe in H2S this week?
 Nov 8 2011, 08:16:46 PM
Hey guys, is he in this week as far as people know?
Holiday Show Schedule Tonight?
 Apr 25 2011, 03:31:39 PM
Hey guys,

I know over holiday weekends, show schedules change...does anyone know if any shows are playing tonight besides Rock of Ages? I've checked out their individual schedules on playbill, but it looks like the answer is no. i just figured i'd see if any of you guys knew differently!


re: Weeds star Parrish to join SPRING AWAKENING Aug. 18
 Jul 7 2008, 12:51:04 PM
OHHH i see...ok that makes more sense then. thanks for clearing that up! SA is not a show I follow very much, so I had no idea about Kyle...well then good for both of them!
ASU messanger bag
 Jul 7 2008, 12:48:36 PM
hey yall,

so i know this isn't ebay or anything, but ive checked there already and i know that you guys are very savvy on anything theater-related. i'm trying to find an "all shook up" messanger bag that was sold at last year's broadway flea market. (i won't be there this year unfortunately)....does anyone have any idea where i could get one? or are they totally unavailable now?

thanks :)

re: Weeds star Parrish to join SPRING AWAKENING Aug. 18
 Jul 7 2008, 10:27:50 AM
Didn't Kyle JUST start doing it?? I feel like Jonathan Groff left yesterday! Why would he be leaving so soon to do the tour?
re: Best/Worst Performance at the Tony's?
 Jun 16 2008, 01:35:53 PM
My favorite was Xanadu!! Close behind it were Cry Baby, Young Frankenstein, Gypsy and South Pacific.

Worst was Passing Strange. I have no desire to see that show now. Also, i'm sick of "Part of Your World" as well and thought it was boring, although I liked Sierra a lot in the actual show. I wasn't thrilled they opened the Tonys with Lion King either because I can't stand that show, but to be fair it was a good performance.

re: Grade the 2008 Tony performances...
 Jun 16 2008, 01:32:34 PM

re: Xanadu on Regis and Kelly
 Jun 13 2008, 12:28:32 PM
Xanadu is one of my favs and yet i was also feeling that it was a bit awkward on the show yesterday. That choreography isn't normally all in the song right? Aren't they usually rebuilding the space during this song, and not dancing? I bet they barely had time to rehearse it.

Someone else mentioned that Kerry Butler does not normally sing this song in the show...I was wondering if that was the case, because it just seemed really low for her and out of place.

Also, did anyone e

re: Kline/LuPone Robber Bridegroom
 Jun 13 2008, 12:20:40 PM
I saw the Showtime TV version too...just last week in fact! I also went to Lincoln Center to watch it. It's the only version of the show i've ever seen, so i have nothing to compare it to...but i'd say it's...interesting. I did not like the guy who played Jamie Lockhart either...he didn't look the part and his acting left much to be desired.
re: Kline/LuPone Robber Bridegroom
 May 23 2008, 01:38:25 AM
ooh thanks Chevstriss! sounds fun!
re: Kline/LuPone Robber Bridegroom
 May 22 2008, 01:36:02 PM
the only music i've heard from this show is on, where you can play clips. i'm not sure if this is patti's version though, does anyone know?

also, what is the character of Salome like? is it usually played like an older cratchety woman?

re: Which of the following ten upcoming shows are you most looking forward
 May 19 2008, 12:53:13 PM
i cant wait for title of show (never got to see it off bway!), pal joey, billy elliott and shrek. also will def be seeing Equus, but have never read it
re: Goodbye, Jonathan & Lea!
 May 19 2008, 01:59:03 AM i live right outside of spring awakening, and i don't know WHAt was going on after the show, but literally there were screams between 9:50 and 11:15!!! (not constant screaming- there were 10 minute periods of silence in between, of course)...but ive never heard anything like it! My roommates and i were going to go check it out (because i do like SA and i know tonight was a big deal to the major fans), but we figured it was MOBBED and there was no way we'd be able to see what was going
re: Guess the show from the prop list!
 May 13 2008, 10:46:48 AM
i don't think anyone did this yet....

teddy bear
leg brace


Things God Might Say
 May 13 2008, 10:37:01 AM
i am shocked that Cry Baby was nominated!!! I am one of the few people who actually liked the show, but I did not think it would be nominated since it seems like it's so hated. I loved Young Frankenstein...I did not see Sutton in it, but I was a bit surprised she wasn't nominated...anyone else?

I REALLY wanted Mary, Jackie, and Cheyenne to get nominations for Xanadu...basically that show all around is my favorite and I hope it wins!

re: Curtains Closing June 29
 Mar 19 2008, 07:00:11 PM
noooooo!!!!! i LOVE curtains and am so sad to see it go!! that really sucks i'm definitely going to have to see it again before June 29.
re: Presidents Day Shows?
 Feb 18 2008, 04:41:22 PM
yeah, i had heard about legally blonde changing their schedule, so that's why i assumed more shows might be doing the same. thanks for your help everyone!
Presidents Day Shows?
 Feb 18 2008, 04:13:15 PM
Hey guys, does anyone know where I can find a list of the shows that are playing tonight, Monday, since it's a holiday? I searched but had no luck. Thanks!
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