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Member Name: dreaminaret
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Rush/Student Tix for Fame Becomes Me?
 Aug 1 2006, 11:04:12 PM
Hey - are there any cheap seats/rush tix for Fame Becomes Me? I'm a student and those prices are the only ones I can afford.
re: The wave does not belong in the theater!
 Apr 9 2006, 01:31:02 AM
not to mention, like the whole "yadda yadda yadda," seinfeld references have stayed in dialect for a surprisingly long time.
re: The wave does not belong in the theater!
 Apr 9 2006, 01:21:08 AM
BSo - I thought so too. Though I could not see it being a good show, so I'm happy this thread isn't about that.
re: The wave does not belong in the theater!
 Apr 9 2006, 01:18:19 AM
I'm bowing out of this because I really just don't care anymore, and I don't think that it was a good idea to use the word "nazi"... however I think that this particular reference was more along the lines of "soup nazi" rather than anything else... it's almost become a colloquial term. And this is also coming from a Jew whose family was killed in the holocaust.
re: The wave does not belong in the theater!
 Apr 9 2006, 12:42:40 AM
Jose - thanks. Every working adult/student could, I suppose, afford to devote their disposable income to a show... but most of us realize how nonsensical it is.
re: The wave does not belong in the theater!
 Apr 9 2006, 12:40:05 AM
"Sorry you are poor and cannot afford to go to the theater often. Stop being jealous that I go so much and get a job so you can see shows often too, if that's why you are complaining. "

Liotte: I work 3 jobs for a total of 50 hrs/wk in addition to taking a full college courseload. But I'd much rather go to a show once every month or two and spend my money on paying off undergrad loans, spending my free time doing work so that I can maintain the merit scholarships I got for most of my g

re: The wave does not belong in the theater!
 Apr 9 2006, 12:32:38 AM
ETA: i like the spelling bee, but have better things to do in my life than see it more than twice.
re: The wave does not belong in the theater!
 Apr 9 2006, 12:28:35 AM
liotte, dont you post after EVERY show on the spelling bee thread with whatever new line comes that probably no one else would have even noticed?
re: The wave does not belong in the theater!
 Apr 9 2006, 12:19:35 AM
Zoneface - I agree... while it is not 100% appropriate, it's a fun show with plenty of audience participation and if it's before the show, what's the harm? I mean, for shows like Phantom, the audience is usually uptight and that stuff wouldn't fly, but in general it's rather permissible for the Spelling Bee audience to come in jeans, try and catch the juiceboxes, etc...

BSO - in terms of the jeans thing... true. and i'm sure that someone like liotte who goes 100x a week to spelling b

re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
 Apr 8 2006, 01:27:07 PM
It seems like you were right behind the other ppl posting. :)
re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
 Apr 6 2006, 10:33:57 PM
"if you can afford to see the show in lotto seats 4 times, then you can buy a full price ticket once."
Why would I want to see it once when I can see it 4 times?

1. Because it's Tarzan...
2. True, maybe you *would* like to see it 4 times, but some people could only drop $20 to see it once... I live with first-year college students, some of whom are on fin. aid, working a work-study job to pay off add'l loans or for tuition itself, and barely have money for food outside

re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
 Apr 6 2006, 01:49:35 AM
Undergraduate students are NOT the only "poor" people who benefitted from lotteries. On the average, graduate students are actually poorer than undergrads (who tend to have their parents' support). These rush policies infuriate me as a graduate student. I've got far less money than I did as an undergrad, yet many places (like Tarzan) think I should be paying full price. - Starletta (I think... too lazy to switch back)

Yes, I agree that grad students can be just as broke/broker than unde

re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
 Apr 5 2006, 12:52:34 AM
at my school we're supposed to get a sticker every semester with the first 2 letters of the semester (like FA or SP) and then the last 2 digits of the year. if we want to go to the met for free, per se, we need the sticker on.

anyways, it just bugs me when people lie about their status. my mom coerces my little brother to do those hi five tix all the time and will sometimes go w/o him... whatever she makes me pissed off like no other... but crap like that just annoys me. because hone

re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
 Apr 5 2006, 12:48:00 AM
How can you still do it if you're not undergrad... are you going to cheat the system and deprive poor undergrads from seeing Tarzan?

If they actually check then you'll need to have one of those validation stickers or what not on your card... well if I want to see it I have one month left since they don't count grad school... ah well I didn't really want to see it anyways.

re: Rent Benefit Invitations
 Mar 19 2006, 01:48:32 PM
I believe it's at Cipriani's. I forget where I saw it though.
re: RENT Benefit Lottery Policy up.
 Mar 6 2006, 01:21:27 AM
liotte - we're not joking. i already bought some almond butter for anthony's finger sandwiches, and some dr. scholl's shoe gels so that wilson can be all comfy. my cat suit should be arriving in the mail within the next week. if you can't beat 'em, join 'em (or at least talk it up so much that they think it's now uncool and refrain from being idiots)
re: RENT Benefit Lottery Policy up.
 Mar 6 2006, 01:18:25 AM
i think we need an agent.

em, actually i shouldn't even get started on that one. nerves nerves nerves.

re: RENT Benefit Lottery Policy up.
 Mar 6 2006, 01:08:47 AM
okay but only if i can dress up like james bond. btw, be sure to find me in my hott range rover. :) why don't we hoist the line to the fire escape and tie off that back bench, break into NYTW to where the tix are and just take them. lotto, psh.

fantab - i'll light your candle.

re: RENT Benefit Lottery Policy up.
 Mar 6 2006, 12:51:09 AM
so, like, guys, i'm like totally going to wake up early and go to the life cafe and dance on the tables and order some huevos rancheros and then go to like nytw at like 10am and then like start singing the WHOLE soundtrack. i totally think that when we get to maureen's protest we should all mooo and moo and moo until we all like get our tickets or whatever. oh and we should totally make some finger sandwiches and eat them too! omg this is going to me SO MUCH FUN, you guys. i can't wait! lik
re: RENT Benefit Lottery Policy up.
 Mar 5 2006, 10:35:10 PM
liotte - that's why i said it's a decision for those to make... some people will stay away from bway for a while to save up, for others they'd rather have fun for a while and take a risk. i did think, though, that rent was among the few that were still only $20... am i wrong?

in terms of lotto singers- i'll bring the duct tape, you bring the rope.

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