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re: The Streisand is Back with New Fall Tour
 Jun 10 2006, 12:38:05 AM
This is grand news. You tickled my soul. Although I won't be going, and am happy for all of her fans and supporters, on top of I can make jokes about farewell tours again. I kid you. Don't bite me.

Anyway, I don't think she looks bad (although her weight gain is annoying, because she has a "I'm fat, and who cares because I'm a goddess" attitude), but nobody cares if either Aretha Franklin or Barbara Cook gain weight because they add it to their material, as opposed to ignoring it. Noth

re: Why Idina?
 Jun 10 2006, 12:23:17 AM
(a million years later)-----
Rentboy86 (in case you read this now). I was present at the Tony's that year and I could hear she was off, and she had been performing the song for months every night (including rehearsals). As an actress one should be able to keep focus. Also the majority of Tony winner stay on pitch. Plus Tonya's pitchiness was due to an emotional connection to her character, whereas Idina was nervous, understandably, but went off nonetheless.

I also never never said s

re: Chicago Costume Question
 Jun 9 2006, 11:43:35 PM
I've never seen it on Broadway, but in the movie and in some other productions, I've seen her wear a faded grey/brown/or black dress with strategic lace around the neck and cuffs, that give the impression of a quaker-ish look (the guise of the poor-but-respectable look). It's very nun-ish or widow-wifey. Past the knees, kinda of shapeless and 3/4 to long sleeves.


re: Patti or LaChanze?
 Jun 8 2006, 10:40:06 AM
As much as Patti is wonderful, and absolutely deserves it (and I believe will probably win), and I'm actually still rooting for her to win (personal reasons), I believe LaChanze gave a better performance.

And Sutton's great, but if she wins, I may anonymously strangle the voting board.

re: Why Idina?
 Jun 8 2006, 10:34:00 AM's my take.

Idina sounds pretty on a cd, and looks good on TV making her very appealing so that when her young fan base sees her it's like they're starstruck and it doesn't matter if she sucks or not. Not true for the whole fanbase, but definitely a majority.

My opinion, although she's a nice goodhearted person, she has difficulty staying on pitch (kinda difficult in rehearsals) in rehearsals and many live performances (Tony's anyone?), and as an actress can be e

re: Daphne Rubin Vega as Fantine?!
 Jun 6 2006, 12:13:31 PM
Pssshhh, it'll either be great or a nightmare. Hopefully she'll have a new (good) interpretation, after all they're hoping to re-vamp it anyway.

re: Las Vegas Hairspray Closing?
 Jun 6 2006, 12:10:04 PM
Of course it's closing. Nothing stays open in Vegas for long. Which is fine. New York is here, baby!

I love Vegas, but it's a different crowd, and it's changed alot over the past 5-10 years.

re: jerry springer
 Jun 5 2006, 06:18:16 PM

"In May 2004, the show's producers announced that it would be moving to Broadway, New York City, in October 2005, following a short run in San Francisco in the Spring[5]. The move was cancelled, allegedly following the failure to attract the necessary backing.

Prior to the cancellation, Harvey Keitel and Kevin Kline were approached to play the lead role, and David Bedella (Warm-up Man/Satan) was under contract to resume his role on Broadway.

There are still rumours that th

re: IS Rent a Musical?
 Jun 5 2006, 06:03:37 PM
See, 'rock opera' immediately popped into my head, but the term really skeeves me out because Andrew Lloyd Webber is supposed to have origanted the style of 'rock opera'. So I prefer to call Rent a 'modern musical', plus there's a scant amount of dialougue so really it's not an opera.......*sigh*
re: Drowsy- A Dark Horse?
 Jun 5 2006, 05:56:23 PM
Dark Horse is such a weird term. Honestly, I feel like it isn't because of it's casting names, and it's widely talked about (whereas Ave Q totally was a dark horse since it really started with nothing but people, puppets, ideas, and valid points). I think it's very likely that it could win, but it's too commercial to be a dark horse.

Apples or Oranges??
 Jun 5 2006, 02:16:39 PM
Okay, for me, Streisand.

Eder vocally? Just as good as Streisand (despite some dynamics issues and occasional frogginess), but as an actress? Should be drug out into the street and shot.

But that's just my humble opinion. :)

re: Congratulations to LIZA on her TONY!!! HELL YES!!!
 Jun 5 2006, 02:04:20 PM
Dear precious Sueleen, at this point I'm assuming you started this thread as a joke. In which case, you are a genius.

Did you know that her Mom was Judy Garland? Eeeee! Diva generations!

re: Congratulations to LIZA on her TONY!!! HELL YES!!!
 Jun 5 2006, 12:51:43 PM
Yes, she was baby at the time.
As much as you admire Liza, it would be much more up to date if you congratulated her on her weight loss.

re: Why haven't there been any more Tony announcements in terms of musical
 Jun 5 2006, 11:31:54 AM
I think it's dumb that there's no host (just like I thought it was dumb when Hugh Jackman hosted for a million years, although the kickline was excellent).

Also there's no Tony announcements (although they've announced a few) , probably because the organization this year is difficult what with the million stars coming in and all (big job to organize that crap). As for the musical numbers, I don't really care since we at least know the shows they're from.

re: Could Connick take the TONY?
 Jun 5 2006, 10:39:07 AM
Yeah, ha ha, he's real sexy, but I doubt it.
re: jerry springer
 Jun 5 2006, 10:37:02 AM
It was rumoured to be coming to Broadway in 2006 (back in the day) and I haven't heard any plans or news, so I think it's definitely postponed if not canceled. I have the CD, it's dirty but what do you expect? I don't really think it's funny, but seeing it is probably different.

re: NYC Trip (This Week!)
 Jun 5 2006, 10:32:55 AM
Honey, make a checklist. Bring a camera, an umbrella, a sharpie (you'll want signatures if you're paying the buttload I think you are), clothes for rainy weather too (even though it's June, New York can be weather unpredictable), and you must bring spending money you'll be sorry if you didn't.
As for the shows.
Wicked - I'm sick of it, but it's still a big spectacular.....thing.
Tarzan - Dear God......I haven't seen it, but I feel embarrassed for everyone in it.
Beauty and the B

re: Wild Party
 Aug 17 2004, 05:25:14 PM
I prefer (and own) Lippa, but I've only heard the other version twice, which really isn't enough to allow it to grow on me.
 Aug 16 2004, 11:15:45 AM
To those that wanted DRACULA to be a The only reason it would generate any money would be for the people who are intrigued by gothic musicals, it has Wildhorn branded on it, or people go to see it out of curiouity (that's why I saw it).
It isn't good. The script is ridiculously underdeveloped (as are the lyrics to all the songs), the characters are jokes (the most developed one is Mina, Dracula is a charicature not a character), the plot is barely understandable, and although the

re: Opposite sex
 Jul 11 2004, 02:46:42 PM
Lumiere "Beauty And the Beast"
Peter Allen "Boy from OZ"
Mayor shinn(hilarious lines!) Or Harold Hill
Bursy "Wild Party"
Jean Valjean
Jekyll and Hyde
The King "The King and I"
Billy "Chicago"

*sigh* so many other great male roles I love too.....

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