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Profile for theatahguy

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Member Name: theatahguy
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Gender: Male
Location: Nashville

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 Sep 23 2008, 02:21:57 PM
come on in, the water's fine :)
info on Amour?
 Sep 19 2008, 01:25:31 AM
Can someone give me info on the B'way production of Amour? I remember hearing about it when it opened and whatnot, but I only very recently listened to the OCR and found most of it really charming. A few clunkers here & there, naturally, but a cute score.

Does anyone remember the staging? Did it deserve the negative reviews? Why didnt it run longer?

The Perfect Musical?
 Jul 17 2008, 04:32:15 AM
What, in your opinion, is the "perfect" musical? or what comes closest and why? I've heard people say Gypsy or My Fair Lady, etc...but why? What do they have that West Side Story or Mame or Oklahoma or Night Music dont?

Was watching My Fair Lady tonight and got to thinking about it.


re: The BEST LuPone impersonator...
 Jul 17 2008, 04:28:25 AM
WOW! i think i'm in love with this guy.
Shows That A Non-Theater Goer Would Know?
 Jul 7 2008, 11:42:01 AM
The theater that I work with is beginning to talk about selecting our new season. I'm needing some help with that, so I thought I'd go to the good people of BWW for expert advice! :)

Couple of questions:

1) Are there any Artistic Directors out there and if so, how do you go about choosing a season?

2) What shows have sold the best at your theater in the past few season?

3) I'm trying to compile a list of plays and musicals that just about ANYONE would kno

Most Popular/Famous/Produced?
 Nov 14 2007, 12:24:02 AM
For research purposes:

What do you think are the 10 musicals and/or plays that are the most popular/famous/produced? One catch: these have to be shows that are currently licensable :)

Thanks!! Feel free to use private messages.

New Season Selection--Community Theater Woes
 Aug 6 2007, 01:29:39 PM
Looking for advice or or input or discussion, please...

Our theater is approaching a 20th anniversary--an idea for our new season is to have the audience/public at large select it. It would go like this--

Board will review all plays/musicals we've done previously, put together a slate or ballot of X number of plays & X number of musicals that were successful in the past both artistically and financially. This slate will be published and our patrons, etc will then vote on whic

re: Wedding Singer's future?
 Apr 30 2007, 11:26:30 AM
yes, ok, possibly. that's your opinion....i'm curious to know if there are any facts about touring or rights availability any time in the near future.

anyone with anything helpful to contribute, please?

Wedding Singer's future?
 Apr 30 2007, 11:13:06 AM
I dont seem to recall hearing/reading anything about it. Are there plans for the show to tour? Any talk of rights being made available?


re: Community Theater (longish)....Let's Talk.
 Apr 26 2007, 05:04:09 PM
OK!!! This is good, MB. This is the kind of stuff I'm wanting to hear.

Peter Pan....ahhhhhhh, if only we had a fly system.

Cats........errrrrrr....if only we had dancers.

Hair.....hell yeah!! i'd get naked!

Keep 'em coming!!

re: Community Theater (longish)....Let's Talk.
 Apr 26 2007, 01:35:53 PM
As someone said above, we are "bible-belt"y too, so choosing shows can be difficult.

We generally do 1 or 2 musicals, one show put on by our teen group (cast of teens directed by a teen with an adult advisor overseeing all of the proceedings) and the rest are a grab-bag, making up a 5 show season. If a Christmas-type show is not submitted for consideration, we put some kind of "holiday entertainment" in that slot. We tend to do a Shakespeare play once every two years.

To give

re: Community Theater (longish)....Let's Talk.
 Apr 26 2007, 12:23:16 PM
re: Community Theater (longish)....Let's Talk.
 Apr 26 2007, 12:04:51 PM
Season tickets are being sold but not many being bought! How have you seen them pimped successfully?
re: Community Theater (longish)....Let's Talk.
 Apr 26 2007, 11:47:00 AM
Thanks for you input. So it sounds like corporate sponsorships and family-friendly fare are the way to go. It just bothers me that Tony and/or Pulitzer winners or new works or the classics get pushed to the back because they wont sell. I played The Glass Menagerie a few years ago, to 2 people. We've got 2 actresses who would KILL (um, no pun) in Night Mother. 2 more who would astound in Streetcar. I'd love to do Rabbit Hole (or any other damn thing by David Lindsay-Abaire), or Virginia Woo
Community Theater (longish)....Let's Talk.
 Apr 26 2007, 11:04:15 AM
I'm trying to do a little research on how other community theaters do things in order to revamp some of our procedures.

A Little Background Info about my theater:
**Strictly volunteer.

**It's an arts center--the theater is the main thrust and what brings in the most money, but not the only thing happening.

**Not in a metropolitan area--about an hour outside of a major city

**The shows we've sold well in the past 9 years I've been with them are the same s

re: So.......does anyone like the Color Purple?
 Apr 25 2007, 11:39:07 AM
Love the book. Love the film. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATED the musical.
re: Raul Esparza questions
 Apr 13 2007, 03:38:04 PM
nope, it was definitely Zangara. If I'm not mistaken, Douglas Sills was supposed to have played Booth.
re: Theatrical Resume
 Mar 21 2007, 12:17:48 PM
hmmmm...that's odd. Sorry about that. Private messaging has been fixed now!
re: Lost In Yonkers
 Mar 21 2007, 12:06:49 PM
If your heart is not at all in it, there's no use sticking around, but Lost in Yonkers is a terrific play and Jay is a pretty great role for someone in that age group. I'd say stick with it--you'll find the beauty in the piece.
Theatrical Resume
 Mar 21 2007, 11:54:35 AM
I'm needing to put together a resume for the first time and I'm wondering if someone can help me with the information that needs to be included and the format, etc. Please send me a private message.

Thanks a million!

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