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Profile for OddExoticCreature

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Member Name: OddExoticCreature
Contact User: You must be logged in to contact BWW members.
Gender: Female
Location: nyc
Occupation: record label representative / PR / event planner
Profile: I'm a writer. I like ponies. I sing.

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re: Thoughts on IS HE DEAD?
 Dec 6 2007, 12:54:07 AM
I saw it tonight and for the most part agree with you, though I definitely laughed a lot. Like Margo though, as I laughed at extremely well done physical comedy, I was amused by how many other audience members found EVERYTHING HILARIOUS. The two widows cracked me up the entire show from the moment they bustled on stage.
re: 2007 BWW PICNIC-Can we plan?
 Jun 27 2007, 10:40:28 PM
I seem to visit these boards about once a month but I'd go to a fleamarket gathering, as I'll be in NYC by then.
re: Is this crazy or what...
 Jun 3 2007, 09:44:21 AM
the comments are great; "the chandalier wouldn't fit in my bedroom! must be an american thing to have money"
re: IF You Had An Audition For a Broadway Show...
 Jun 3 2007, 09:40:53 AM
re: Who Are Your Biggest Influences?
 May 31 2007, 11:38:49 PM
my therapist
my friends
Alice Marie
some people on youtube (hahahaha)

Rachael Sage
Fiona Apple
Uta Hagen
Wendy Wasserstein
Tony Kushner

re: Sadly, Don't Quit Your Night Job Calls It Quits
 May 31 2007, 11:21:22 PM
Oh man. I have been totally enjoying the clips on youtube, I wish I could have seen it live. I hope it starts up again elsewhere. "Helen Keller Is Whining" cracks me up. I do improv, but I've never attempted musical improv (well, of that caliber) it looks like so much fun!
re: Everyone's name?
 Mar 19 2007, 09:22:23 PM
I'm a strange bird and I like Emily Skinner.
re: Evil Dead: The Musical to End Off-Broadway Run Feb. 17
 Feb 3 2007, 12:51:52 AM
I am SO GLAD I got to see this. It was SO SOSOSOSOSOSOOOO funny, and I haven't even seen the movies. I'm thrilled there's a cast recording.


re: Norbert Leo Butz and Michelle Federer are engaged!
 Feb 3 2007, 12:11:21 AM
yay happiness!!

and anyone in NYC should go see ANON. it is a really well directed, well acted, and incredibly well written play. I love when people talk to fake animals on stage.

re: Off-Broadway Dead?
 Jan 19 2007, 11:47:54 PM
hmm well i don't know anything about that, heh. what would commercial off-broadway be, Altar Boyz?
re: Off-Broadway Dead?
 Jan 19 2007, 10:56:15 PM
re: Off-Broadway Dead?
 Jan 19 2007, 10:45:58 PM
there are shows off-broadway I don't really understand what you mean by this. You've heard opinions that off-broadway is dead...probably meaning people don't like what they see. That doesn't mean it's not going to exist anymore. Everything has an ebb and flow. There will always be "off-broadway" because there will always be smaller theatres and smaller, quirkier shows to be produced. That people want to produce.

I'm going to see ANON next week, a new off-broadway play. It sounds intrig

re: Worth worrying about?
 Jan 9 2007, 05:28:53 PM
terrified huh...sounds like you need to take a moment of zen.

re: The One Gift You Want This Year
 Dec 15 2006, 10:00:24 PM
a hippopotamus.
re: The Apple Tree Reviews
 Dec 14 2006, 07:59:10 PM
re: American Idol Contestants that should make it to Broadway
 Oct 26 2006, 09:55:42 PM
Why should people who chose to make a career move by auditioning for a high-profile singing competition automatically be shunned from the world of live theatre? Of course nobody should be cast in a Broadway show unless they deserve it, unless they are able to sing (and sustain), act, and dance if needed. But what makes the people who audition for American Idol somehow cheaper than those people who try to get on Broadway in any other way?
re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
 Sep 1 2006, 07:49:40 PM
Though let's not forget that as teenagers and young "artists" Broadway is romanticized and is the ideal. It's not until we reach a certain level of maturity or growth as an artist that we truly define success. Once the bright lights dim, then and only then is the path clear, I think. To me, success is weighed in everytime I am able to stand before people and make new discoveries, whether it be within a scene, a character, or within myself. Each time I'm able to be private in public and share
re: Acting 'big' onstage
 Aug 3 2006, 01:00:36 AM
think of this scenerio:

your character is talking to someone and the other person says something rude. Suppose your character would naturally scrunch her nose, narrow her eyes, and scoff. That's probably what you would do on screen, or real life. On stage, you would have to make that bigger for the audience. So your character choice would be to turn your head away, scoff audibly open-mouthed and then scrunch up your face whilst crossing your arms. Something like that. You're not overact

re: Broadway Doppelgangers
 Jul 22 2006, 09:36:28 AM
that's really weird...

I've always thought Michelle was pretty but I never noticed the resemblance! Ever since I first saw Center Stage I thought Julie was the prettiest woman EVER. heh. I think I just like people with big eyes and pointy faces. As that description also applies to my best friend.

My DVD player isn't working right now, what did Eva say Kathleen looked like? A gerbil? hahah.

re: Julia Roberts: 'You are all very talented people...' (please read on)
 Jun 12 2006, 06:52:15 PM
"But, did anyone else notice how the model person giving the awards to the people, had to pull her out of the shot, when whoever it was, gave their speech?"

hahahahahaha i saw that. oopsie!

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