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SUNSET BOULEVARD 2024 West End Cast Recording Thread
 Sep 20 2024, 01:45:01 PM

I stayed up past midnight to hear the full track and have listened at least 3 times already - not counting watching the video twice.  The freshness and vitality that we've been hearing about the production is reflected already. The orchestrations are so crisp, Tom Francis sounds perfect - cannot wait to hear the full recording (and to see it) ... and cannot believe how great live recordings have come in terms of quality 

SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
 Sep 7 2024, 07:55:23 PM

Didn't realize the St. James was so big - just looking now and seeing that the Savoy had 600 fewer seats, and did they do 7 or 8 performances per week? ( I think it was Tuesday - Saturday with Matinees on Wed and Sat)  

All that being said, there was a lot of availability initially - and then starting selling out once performances began.  A theatre this size and looking at the number of seats already sold, I think the box office will be fine

SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
 Aug 31 2024, 07:38:41 PM

220Basswood said: "Hello. When I saw Glen Close in this show I thought it didn't have much of a set. It was a good show and I still recall her telling my mother and I after the show about her dog. Someone said the new production is "stripped down" so I am wondering if anyone knows what the sets will look like. The last production seemed like it had a stripped down set so I am wondering if the new one is(1) "stripped down" compared to the last one, which would

SARAH BRIGHTMAN - Sunset Blvd in Sydney
 Aug 29 2024, 12:13:52 AM

This whole production has been bizarre to watch from afar.  The set and lead up to Melbourne seemed appropriately hyping things up.  Then the reviews (audience and critics) seemed to say what many of us suspected, that Sarah Brightman was miscast in this.  Then weeks of Sarah absent with Silvia taking over many (most?) of the performances due to Sarah's injuries and illnesses and getting lots of acclaim.  Now three months later they FINALLY release a substantial clip o

SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
 Aug 22 2024, 01:02:56 PM

ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "GiantsInTheSky2 said: "While it’s not my cup of tea, I think this production will last longer (and be more acclaimed withcritics and fans alike) thanthe 2017 revival."

That 2017 revival sold pretty damn well, but making money was always kind of a fool's journey because of the 40-piece orchestra and 26-person cast.

This has a 28-person cast and I believe the orchestra in London was in the 18-23 range. Sl

SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
 Aug 21 2024, 01:04:43 PM

Bette's Turban said: "This doesn’t appear to be selling that well. So much availability. But the London run didn’t sell either till after it opened."

I suppose it depends on your expectations in terms of advances. For comparison, I put up seating charts for the matinee of Sunset Blvd I'm going to in October next to the current largest gross per week, The Lion King, and Sunset has a greater percentage of seats sold.  It just doesn't seem t

SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
 Jul 12 2024, 07:23:33 PM

Just saw on another site that Caroline Bowman is rumored to be the alternative Norma 

 Jun 21 2024, 11:48:45 PM

Listener said: "chernjam said: "Listener said: "

Why did someone say Andrew had nothing to do with this version? I assumed he set it all up for Sarah at great expense."

Sarah had said in interviews that Opera Australia had approached her to do Sunset Blvd - after that she had asked ALW his opinion and he had encouraged her to do it, but it seems that this production is being solely produced and conceived by OperaAustralia.

 Jun 21 2024, 07:04:53 PM

Listener said: "

Why did someone say Andrew had nothing to do with this version? I assumed he set it all up for Sarah at great expense."

Sarah had said in interviews that Opera Australia had approached her to do Sunset Blvd - after that she had asked ALW his opinion and he had encouraged her to do it, but it seems that this production is being solely produced and conceived by OperaAustralia.  

ALW seems finally to be taking a step back

 Jun 12 2024, 01:36:20 PM

This is so unfortunate because the blame will fall on Sarah Brightman who many thought from the beginning was not a good casting choice for Norma.  I have never been a fan of her voice - even decades ago when she recorded one of my favorites from Aspects of Love "Anything but lonely" with the altered ending that was added after the London Cast Recording - she paled in comparison to Ann Crumb.  
And unless I've missed it, you barely have had any official clips

 May 30 2024, 04:35:10 PM

Ensemble1716440075 said: "They posted a trailer. You hear her say the famous line and sing a bit from "With One Look". Yeah, what I figured she'd sound like. She's really going for the heavy operatic sound.

It's telling that they barely feature Brightman singing in their ad/trailer and instead have two clips of Tim Draxl doing "Too Much in Love to Care" and the title song.

 May 22 2024, 03:25:41 PM

I'm not a Brightman fan and wasn't excited at all for the casting, but appreciate people's perspectives especially giving her time to adjust to starring with an ensemble cast performing a role multiple times.  Here's hoping she's able to settle in by the time critics attend next week.  
In the meantime, I'm impressed with the pics we've seen of the set.  As excited as I am for the Jamie Lloyd production, it's exciting to see a massive p

Glenn Close gives a 'Sunset Boulevard' movie update
 May 3 2024, 02:38:47 PM

I was still on board with this in 2017 When Glenn did the broadway revival for 5 months. It felt at the time that was done to get buzz going and supposedly the script was done and they HAD a director (Rob Marshall I think?) But when it never came to fruition 7 years later it’s hard to imagine doing this. Especially with the London Revival being well received which was a radical departure from any semblance of the original.

I had wondered how Glenn was taking the lavish praise the

SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
 Apr 5 2024, 10:39:02 PM

Valentina3 said: "Robbie2 said: "Any idea who's the alternate Norma and which night?"

Just read a Kate Shindle interview of her stepping down as the Equity president. Think she will make a great Norma in this production.

You piqued my interest, so I checked this out as an audition :)
Kate Shindle sings "Losing My Mind" from Follies at 54 Below! (

I could see her in Sunset.  Her voice sounds like it has the range, and you can see the acting there too - not an easy song to do simply with a piano and standing in one place

Am curious what happened with Rachel Tucker if she turned this down or what the plan is

SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
 Apr 4 2024, 06:10:46 PM

nealb1 said: "It's interesting how some got the email after purchasing tickets to pre-order the cd, and others didn't. I never got it. :("

Don't think it's a  big secret so here goes

The site to order

HOME | Sunsetblvd (


SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
 Apr 3 2024, 08:58:00 PM

chernjam said: "Just bought my tickets and didn’t see any link for the album… was it just me?"

Just a follow up that I did get an email later in the day to pre-order the album, which I dutifully did.  But am I missing something or did I simply pre-order something that I could've just purchased in October with no benefit to buying early?  I kind of assumed that there would be an early release date for those who purchased or some sort of digi

SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
 Apr 3 2024, 10:25:45 AM

Just bought my tickets and didn’t see any link for the album… was it just me?

SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
 Apr 2 2024, 10:38:23 AM

I was under the impression they were sending a special link for pre sale (which I haven’t gotten yet)

SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
 Apr 1 2024, 02:44:07 PM

I guess I got confused with "starting prices" - have never ordered through seat geek, so I assumed they were giving the full range of tickets


jagman - pre-sales start tomorrow.  I believe (and expect myself) that if you're signed up you should get notification tmrw morning 

SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
 Apr 1 2024, 02:34:32 PM

Jordan Catalano said: "Starting prices are up there for some days, but not all which is odd. Depending on the day and the week, they go from55, 65, 75 & 79 as the starting price."

If I had to guess none of this stuff is accurate and just seatgeek getting their site ready for pre-sales.  I can't imagine tickets being that low.  That's lower than I paid for the original production in 1994

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