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Member Name: MaryMac
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re: Once On This Island ????
 Feb 14 2006, 12:01:46 AM
SOOOO much fun. I was Andrea back in 03 at my high school and it was a blast to sing and dance too. The gods were in full body paint and looked pretty creepy. "We Dance" is the only song i have ever heard that had a bell rhythem to it, and that is awsome. We also included songs that were cut fromt he broadway version that were performed in the london cast, "Come Down From the Tree" and "When Daniel Marries Me". I still get chills listening to it!!
re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
 Dec 13 2005, 01:56:51 PM
Yeah Scott Backula!!!! Gotta love the St. Louis actors!!!
re: Favorite RENT Quotes
 Dec 8 2005, 01:47:39 AM
"Its like im being tied to the hood of a yellow rental truck being packed in with fertelizer and fuel oil, pushed over a cliff by a suicidal Micky Mouse." - Over the Moon

"Don't forget, get the moonlight out of your hair." -Another Day

re: Rosario on Leno and Conan
 Nov 1 2005, 05:40:56 PM
Is anyone else not being able to see the Rosario on Leno video? Or is it just me and my stupid computer?
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