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Member Name: VinnieTheIceman
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re: Poppins Broadway Cast Recording?
 Aug 11 2006, 02:34:40 PM
They'd sue because the deal they have with Cam Mac was the production would be true to the books and not the movie. This was the only way they'd let him have it.
re: How Much Longer for DRS?
 Aug 11 2006, 12:39:41 PM
You cannot compare DRS with Producers. That's a joke. One made millions, one has recouped 70% so far. DRS has had very few weeks of losses until Norbert left. Last week was a disaster. They are trying to get stunt casting to get them through the year because the current cast is not getting it done. They do not want to lose 100K per week through September because they'll never make that money back. Although they would love to get through the year it might not be possible. It'll be interes
re: Poppins Broadway Cast Recording?
 Aug 11 2006, 12:30:56 PM
There will be an original Broadway cast recording.
re: How Much Longer for DRS?
 Aug 10 2006, 02:07:57 PM
High Fidelity to the Imperial.
re: How Much Longer for DRS?
 Aug 10 2006, 12:34:44 PM
They are feverishly trying to get stunt leads to prop up the B.O. and get them through the year. Otherwise they'll be losing north of 100K per week until October. Unless they are confident they can recoup that money why prolong the misery? Either way the end of the year is the latest they'll be open.
re: $150-200 Priced Tickets
 Aug 10 2006, 12:31:22 PM
There's no reason for them to raise the core price so quickly and get the bad PR when they can continue to expand the locations of the premium seats so there are more of those for each performance. This way they make more money much quieter and get the same end result. This is what is going on now.
Pirate Queen...
 Aug 2 2006, 10:06:43 PM
Inside word is things are going very well. Just thought I'd pass it along.
re: 06-07 Musical Season
 Jul 27 2006, 11:10:57 AM
It's amazing how you can predict the winners when no one has seen the shows?
re: Pirate Queen When and which Theater
 Jun 14 2006, 06:06:57 AM
You are correct.
re: pirate queen??
 Jun 10 2006, 12:56:31 PM
Hilton Theater if you can believe it.
 Jun 7 2006, 11:00:03 AM
Next week. Pajama Game. Orchestra tickets. $110 instead of $250-$1000. Sold out run. What is so hard to understand?
 Jun 7 2006, 10:28:32 AM
They couldn't sell many of the tickets at the ridiculous prices they were charging of $250-$1000 for the 5 last shows next week so they reduced the amount to regular price. You can get them at the box office or call on the phone. If you call, astonishingly they still try and sell them to you at benefit prices, but if you tell them you heard they are now $110 they will relent and sell them to you at that price. Bizarre.
re: Tarzan and Three Days of Rain this weekend?
 May 25 2006, 05:25:51 AM
You can't give tickets away to Three days of Rain now. Go in front of the theater for nearly any performance and buy tickets for less than face value. Good way to spend your extra time Munk.
re: 'Mary Poppins' - $20 Tix Vanished !!!
 May 23 2006, 08:48:26 PM
There are still $20 tickets available for most shows. Although they were taken off sale on the internet, if you call on the phone or go to the box office and ask specifically for them, they will sell them to you. If you have a problem, ask the telephone operator for "price level 5" to make it easier for them to figure out. Hope this helps.
re: Some more Mary Poppins casting news
 May 20 2006, 07:57:37 PM
re: Some more Mary Poppins casting news
 May 20 2006, 07:22:16 PM
Jane and Michael Banks:

Katherine Doherty
Delaney Moro
Henry Hodges
Alex Scheitinger

re: legally blonde oh dear
 May 19 2006, 09:46:04 AM
I was there yesterday at the workshop and the show is far from a mess. They have months to play with this before they begin in performances. While it's impossible to tell how it will eventually turn out, the cast and crew appeared to be excited and cohesive. We will see.

re: Ashley Brown's Last Day
 May 15 2006, 08:56:02 PM
May 28.
re: Ashley Brown's Last Day
 May 15 2006, 03:07:09 PM
I believe her last day will be May 28.
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