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Member Name: Shay Jericho
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re: Transposing Songs in Musicals
 Jul 26 2006, 05:01:32 PM
Also, I find that people who would advise lowering something by that much aren't really good musicians, and if you're in a musical directed by people who don't understand music, you're in for a world of pain.

Not to be a music snob, or anything...:)

re: Transposing Songs in Musicals
 Jul 26 2006, 04:59:56 PM
I'm in a show where, due to the vocal constraints of one of the actresses, the show was lowered a third, which leaves all of the songs down in the basement.

One of the biggest regrets of my acting life is not making a bigger deal about this and trying to get it changed.

But, it is community theatre. What do you want?

I can't even imagine lowering anything a fifth. That's ridiculous.

re: Has Robin Williams done any theatre?
 Jul 20 2006, 04:28:44 PM
He briefly attended an acting conservatory in my home town, but he got kicked out for smoking pot, or at least that was the rumor when I was doing shows there as a kid.
re: Today's Birthdays 5/15
 May 15 2006, 12:47:47 PM
And it's my birthday too!
re: Plays/Musicals that Portray Evil Essay
 May 4 2006, 07:58:49 PM
You might also use Sweeney Todd as an example of both outside (being sent away for a crime he didn't commit) and inside (his slow descent into madness and vengeance).
re: What show are YOU currently working on?
 May 1 2006, 01:07:18 PM
I was just cast as Snoopy in SNOOPY!!! and John the Baptist in Godspell. I'm looking forward to this summer!
re: 'i wish'- into the woods
 Mar 29 2006, 12:07:42 PM
In a production of this that I saw the other, Cinderella said it at the end of the show, and then immediately covered her mouth as if to imply that she didn't mean to. I took this to mean that although she intellectually believed that true happiness was somewhere in between fantasy and reality, she had a difficult time to get over her natural impulse to want more than she had.
re: 'Bad ' Musicals You Enjoyed
 Mar 28 2006, 01:48:09 PM
There used to be a musical review show at Universal Studios called "Spiderman Rocks" that included Mary Jane singing "I Need a Hero," and Green Goblin uttering "Green Goblin's in the house!"

I was so lame, but I just loved it.

re: Little Women
 Feb 21 2006, 01:24:08 PM
If you go to BroadwayAbridged's link in his post, he has created a fine parody of Little Women that illustrates the faults of the show quite well.

My biggest gripe, which has already been stated, is that it was difficult to establish coherency because the time jumped around so much.

re: your FAVORITE. uptempos
 Jan 11 2006, 07:53:40 PM
Perhaps "Life of the Party" from Lippa's Wild Party?
re: ok..Sutton Foster is amazing
 Jan 11 2006, 06:59:52 PM
Uhm, don't you mean Sutton Foster is "Astonishing"?
re: Currently Listening to?
 Jan 10 2006, 07:53:42 PM
Mix Tape--Ave Q
re: In Your Humble Opinion...
 Jan 10 2006, 07:11:46 PM
Spelling Bee, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, and Sweeney Todd.
re: Ballads that aren't overdone?? Longggg list of songs!
 Jan 3 2006, 02:56:27 PM
Just from listening to L5Y, it seems like his accompaniment parts are very intricate. This puts accompanists on the spot, which is not something that you really want to do at an audtion; you want to make it as easy for them as you can so that they can help you look good.
re: Little Shop Revival Cast Recording
 Dec 30 2005, 09:00:37 PM
I appreciate the drafts of songs that were included, though. It helps me see the creative process, which I find fascinating.

re: The Fall of Saigon (Miss Saigon)
 Dec 22 2005, 04:55:44 PM
Just in case you don't know, the helicopter has historical significance due to the fact that that was really how the last of the American soldiers left Vietnam just before Saigon fell to the North's army. They were being flown off the roof of the American Embassy. I was not yet alive, but I understand that that moment is one of the first things people who were alive think about when they think about the Vietnam War.

If you already knew this, I apologize.

re: The Wizard of Oz
 Dec 22 2005, 12:45:49 AM
A production I was in a long time ago had a specific lead dancer play the Jitterbug. It was, as the name implies, a big dance number. It doesn't add a whole lot; it's supposed to be sort of scary, though, and it comes just prior to the monkeys coming and taking Dorothy away.
re: A Jekyll and Hyde Question
 Dec 15 2005, 01:34:05 PM
It seems like somebody on here said they took out "Bring on the Men" because the actress didn't want to sing it.
re: Arrogant Male Songs
 Dec 14 2005, 09:10:57 PM
Or "If You've Got It, Flaunt It" from the Producers.
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