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Profile for sortofpedantic

Member Name: sortofpedantic
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City Centers 24-25: Ragtime, Urinetown, LaChiusa's Wild Party, Love Life
 May 16 2024, 01:28:31 PM

SonofRobbieJ said: 

Do we think blackface is essential for Burrs in this? I think George C. Wolfe could get away with that in 2000, but not sure how that plays now. Will it need to be a black actor? Or can they just reconceive the type of 'clown' Burrs is?"

I would personally never vouch for the use of blackface in any production, but however they wind up staging it, I sincerely hope that we're able to finally see a version of this show that&

City Centers 24-25: Ragtime, Urinetown, LaChiusa's Wild Party, Love Life
 May 16 2024, 01:26:24 PM

R&H Oklahoma Revival Tour
 Apr 5 2023, 10:38:28 AM

Always bums me out when people dislike something for the wrong reasons. Loved this on broadway, but catching the national tour was a huge disappointment simply because it didn't feel like any care was put into adapting the show for larger proscenium houses. I still think it could have worked if it had been a bit more thoughtful.

SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
 Mar 3 2023, 01:26:17 PM

Long time lurker, first time poster. Saw this on the 1st, I was hugely excited, as Sweeney has been a long time favorite, and I was bananas excited to hear the 26 piece orchestra. 

Kind of flummoxed by the number of posts about the sound here— as has been stated before, the sound mixing will inevitably improve through previews, and it *is* unreasonable to expect perfection at early performances. On the other hand, though, I was fortunate enough to catch Parade at NYCC,

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