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Profile for MsPiety&Rectitude

Member Name: MsPiety&Rectitude
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Sarah Paulson wants to tackle The Goat , or Who Is Sylvia by Edward Albee next
 Jun 4 2024, 03:38:04 PM

Yesss please!

City Centers 24-25: Ragtime, Urinetown, LaChiusa's Wild Party, Love Life
 May 14 2024, 08:35:28 PM

somecheapfrenchthing said: "A HeléneYorke Queenie would make me very happy. Such amazing casting potential for this whole season."

Oh no, now I NEED this. I don't think there's anyone better for it.

LEMPICKA closing May 19
 May 13 2024, 02:58:30 PM

60'splayoff said: "I just needed to vent about how insufferable this fan base is. I actually enjoy the show, have already seen it a handful of times and took a friend over the weekend. It ended up being a miserable experience thanks to this "look at me watch the show" group. I understand deeply connecting to a productionbut when your response is so over-the-top and performative that you negatively affect patrons around you- idk I feel like they're alienating the ver

Adam Guettel deserves to win
 May 11 2024, 09:00:37 PM

I loved the music in Stereophonic, but it was... about three and a half songs? For this reason alone, it feels to me like it would be a slap in the face to musical theatre composers to give the Best Score Tony to Stereophonic. I personally wanted to see Lempicka nominated in this category, but I think DoWaR is a very deserving winner. While Suffs is plucky and unusual for Bway, I think that the DoWaR is much more sophisticated and dramatic -- qualities that I think should be rewarded in this

 May 1 2024, 03:04:05 PM

Charley Kringas Inc said: "This is one of those shows that's frustrating precisely because you can see the parts of it that are really great, and how they're muffled by the parts that aren't.

First off, I loved the score, even if the melody is often let down by pedestrian lyrics. These are just fun songs to listen to - Don't Bet Your Heart, Perfection, The Most Beautiful Bracelet, Pari Will Always Be Pari, Women, Stay, What She Sees, and Just This Way are a

 Apr 21 2024, 06:37:15 PM

yyys said: "Cut that creepy child character and give the husband some depth and maybe another song or two."

In previous iterations, the husband Tadeusz had a song called “The Exchange” that was exciting and dramatic - it took place at his bank teller window where he laments the menial work he’s taken on and continues to agonize over how Tamara got him out of the revolutionaries’ prison. His new song, “Wake Up,” is, unfortunate

 Apr 21 2024, 05:26:40 PM

PipingHotPiccolo said: "ColorTheHours048 said: "
I really feel like I’m taking crazy pills when people talk about this show like it was unfairly derided. To me, and to almost everyone I’ve spoken to about it in person, it’s a conceptual mess."

i hear you but i feel like *im* crazy because while these are perfectly legitimate criticisms of the show, and i agree with some of them, the response to Suffs has been "solid but middli

 Apr 16 2024, 05:24:18 PM

binau said: "Sorry to be one of those people, but I couldn't help myself and 'hear' about some of the music - at least from La Jolla. Eden sounded a little off pitch in 'Woman Is" all the way back then! However, I'm struck just at how beautiful some of the music is. "I Will Paint her", "Woman Is", "In The Blasted California Sun". I don't think these are just average songs, and Eden's beautiful low vocals wraping throughou

SUFFS Previews
 Mar 28 2024, 01:53:22 PM

Jordan Catalano said: "I really do like this show and I'm happy others are finding it and enjoying it, as well. For all the praise certain performers are getting, I want to single outAlly Bonino as Lucy Burns. She's so crazy talented and I had forgotten just how much I loved her in the role."

Ally was a highlight for me at the Public – she brings so much heart to the show. And an absolutely beautiful voice! Hoping her number toward t

 Mar 28 2024, 12:11:25 PM

ColorTheHours048 said: "Kad said: "This doesn’t sound like a show that can be fixed in previews. They’ve had two productions, several workshops, and many years at this point."

Exactly this. The show’s issues are deeper than another 3 weeks of putting the show in front of an audience. Maybe they’ll add or subtract more music or book scenes, they’ll tighten transitions, modify costumes and scenic elements, and generally brush

 Mar 20 2024, 01:37:25 PM

GilmoreGirlO2 said: "Many beautiful songs that felt very necessary for the story and character development (“Burn it Up,” “Stillness,” and “The Exchange&rdquo have been cut and the majority of the songs (although not all) that have been added since Williamstown are far less superior, in my opinion...

I have tickets for a few weeks from now and am looking forward to seeing what changes they make. (Is it too much to hope for “Burn it Up” and “Stillness” to be reinstated?)"

I was also shocked to see that Stillness and The Exchange were cut. Both were reliably great numbers in both Williamstown and La Jolla. But then watching the show in its current iteration, I felt that the plotting worked better without both of these numbers.

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In terms of "Stillness," the timeline of Tamara & Rafaela's relationship has shifted so that their first private time spent together is the night that ends in "Woman Is," which to me was more dramatically satisfying than having two separate encounters in the studio. And for "The Exchange," I think this had to go because it is now a plot point that Tadeusz is unemployed for a long period of time, as opposed to in previous versions where he begrudgingly takes a bank job earlier in the story. I think the story benefits from his protracted unemployment and Tamara being the only breadwinner -- but I will say I miss The Exchange and I don't think his new song "Wake Up" is as satisfying.

As for "Burn It Up"... this was such a fun and exciting song, but IMO it really added nothing, did not progress the plot, said almost nothing, and was unnecessarily taxing on Eden's voice. This song hasn't been in the show since Williamstown, which -- fun as it is musically -- is a good choice IMO and not going to change back.

What I find myself missing most is the expanded version of "Starting Over" that was performed in La Jolla. I absolutely loooved how this song worked in La Jolla, but now the middle section which was new for that production (and was far and away one of my favorite parts of the score), has been greatly reduced, making it more similar to the original Williamstown version.


 Mar 20 2024, 01:10:12 AM

Saw the show tonight and loved it. The cast is so good… Eden’s performance is phenomenal, she’s such an exciting and compelling actor. Amber Iman is perfect. Beth Leavel nails her big scene/song. And George Abud! He could win a Tony for this.

THE WHO’S TOMMY Broadway Previews
 Mar 10 2024, 05:14:35 PM

FANtomFollies said: "MsPiety&Rectitude said: "(Relevant detail: I took a low dose of shrooms which likely heightened my senses and aided my spiral.) "

So you are a completely unreliable witness. Got it.


Just sharing my experience :)

THE WHO’S TOMMY Broadway Previews
 Mar 10 2024, 02:10:48 PM

I saw this last night... well, I saw the first half hour of it last night. What I saw was seriously amazing, so impressive, but SO RELENTLESSLY LOUD that I had a panic attack and had to leave mid-Act 1. It wasn't even about my ears hurting (which they did), but I could feel the sound in my entire body - it never lets up. (Relevant detail: I took a low dose of shrooms which likely heightened my senses and aided my spiral.) As I said, it was visually and dramatically so impressive,&nbs

Williamstown Theatre Festival Summer 2024: new David Ives play + solo pieces and an art installation
 Mar 9 2024, 03:28:59 PM


Best new musical of the season
 Jan 18 2024, 03:31:11 PM

Most excited for Lempicka. It’s the only one I’ve seen a previous iteration of, loved it in La Jolla.

LEMPICKA announcement teased for next week
 Jan 5 2024, 01:11:35 PM

gibsons2 said: "Best original score or bust. This song is just one of many phenomenal songs in this musical. No other upcoming new production can even compare."

Agreed! I saw this in both Williamstown (2018) and La Jolla (2022), and find the score to be exhilarating, beautiful, unique, dramatic, modern, emotional, dynamic. Not to mention, huge changes were made between those two productions, so I am very excited to see what kind of changes have been made since La Jol

Ragtime at Signature in DC
 Dec 16 2023, 04:40:32 PM

Totally agree. The cast was exceptional, the directing was moving and efficient, the orchestra was soaring. I've never fully loved Ragtime because it seems to often get bogged down in some less exciting/emotional scenes and storylines, but this production kept me engaged across the board. I think Ragtime only really works (for me) when every single cast member is giving an excellent performance (including the historical figures, who are often dull but in this production were very alive an

Broadway Backwards 2023
 Mar 17 2023, 12:36:24 PM

ggersten said: "Videos are starting - thank you BWW for linking the Corbin Bleu!

This is almost identical to the performance Aaron Tveit gave at Bway Backwards just a couple of years ago. What a strange choice.



Kennedy Center’s SPIDER WOMAN Cancelled
 Feb 24 2023, 02:58:44 PM
Valentina3 said: "EDSOSLO858 said: "ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "Re: Tuesday Announcement — KenCen’s new show? Or of a Bway revival of Spider Woman?"

The Tuesday announcement will be the replacement show at KenCen, to run from May 12-21.

Make it a Grey Gardens revival or bust.

No but seriously, what are we going to get? Somebody leak it please.

Carmen in Grey Gardens is the o

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