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Member Name: BWayBabe
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Tonya Pinkins' Open Letter to Jesse Green
 Nov 14 2022, 12:41:27 PM

I like Tonya. She does good work and has been a theater actor for years. But I hope she realizes two things can be true at once. And in this case, the two truths are:

1. There needs to be more diversity in theater criticism especially when examining works by people of color.

2. Robert O'Hara completely butchered this production of A Raisin in The Sun. Anyone who knows the play, regardless of their background, will have something to say about his odd choices. Jesse is not alo

 Oct 13 2022, 09:54:59 AM

I can't believe I'm even writing this, but this production left much to be desired. Anyone who saw the production at The Signature Theater years ago with Chuck Cooper, Brandon Dirden, and Roslyn Ruff would agree. That production should have transferred. I was so excited to see this play again but mostly thought it never got off the ground. John David Washington was one note the whole night and sadly Danielle seemed terribly miscast. Michael Potts, April Matthis, and Ray Fischer were e

COMPANY To Close On July 31, 2022
 Jun 21 2022, 08:27:03 PM

This may be shocking to the general public but anyone with common sense in regard to finances/ anyone who has seen Broadway prior to 2020 can see that Broadway is struggling right now.

Mostly, because of COVID and COVID policies agreed upon. 

A STRANGE LOOP On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread
 Jun 6 2022, 07:44:32 AM

I am one of the people who thinks Usher was at its best with LARRY OWENS. Larry Owens is an actor and comedian, not just a musical theater singer. I thought his Usher was very special. I think it's IRONIC that the creative team went out of their way to replace Larry (even rerecord the cast album) because of rumored disagreements and labeling him a diva.  Only for them to hire Spivey who can't do 8 shows a week? But then everyone on these boards is so forgiving of him because he&#

Will the TONY AWARDS Acknowledge Understudies and Swings this year?
 Jun 3 2022, 09:41:44 AM

I wonder if there will be any homage paid to the work of Understudies and Swings at the Tonys this year. Honestly, I have seen a lot of shows this season because I was incredibly excited for Broadway to be back after the shutdown. There hasn't been a single show that I have seen that didn't have an understudy performing I assume because of COVID. I've witnessed some incredible performances from Standbys and Understudies this season even when I was expecting the star of the show to

Patti LuPone argues with anti-masker at Company talkback
 May 13 2022, 11:58:08 AM

SLAP ASIDE this was definitely a Will Smith "KEEP MY WIFE'S NAME OUT OF YOUR F***ing MOUTH" kind of moment. The giveaway was Katrina and Nikki's reactions... very similar to Lupita's.

I can't name a single actor of color who can speak like this and be celebrated for it. Many would never work in this town again. This however has become Patti's brand.  This is unfortunate because this gets more press than her work as of late.

I get that COVID is

75th Annual Tony Nominations
 May 9 2022, 10:15:45 AM

Mare Winningham may very well upset this category.


Sharon D Clarke was not better than Tonya Pinkins who WAS ROBBED for the TONY. And Sharon is a black brit. Her accent was off for a southern black woman.


75th Annual Tony Nominations
 May 9 2022, 10:07:59 AM

I am baffled by both COMPANY and POTUS BEST SCENIC Tony Noms.


BOTH shows set's were robust and pretty but also detrimental to the pacing of the shows.

In Company watching the set move in and out slowly was cool to the eye but did not match the pace of Sondheim's rhythm. You can workshop and rehearse a musical for months and then find out the set is ruining the pace of the show in Tech.


The same is true for POTUS. A big set and evolving

 May 9 2022, 09:40:57 AM

The only women that were robbed are Nikki Renee Daniels and Britney Coleman who were FAR BETTER in the role as understudies than Katrina... Bobbie made the most sense being a black woman.



75th Annual Tony Nominations
 May 9 2022, 09:37:14 AM




Many Broadway Theaters To Drop Vaccine Mandate
 Apr 24 2022, 08:51:42 PM

Forgive me if this perspective has been shared but should be considered:



This is what no one speaks on. If you work in any part of the Broadway community you have to get tested multiple times a week. Sometimes a PCR every single day. Outside of having a Q-Tip scrapping your tender mucus membranes, you also have to worry about testing positive. This means missing work for 10 days. This also means you basically can n

A STRANGE LOOP On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread
 Apr 19 2022, 10:21:30 AM

I really like Michael R Jackson's sense of humor and there are a few songs from this show that I remember that are funny. Especially Tyler Perry Writes Real Life and Inner White Girl

However, I will say it was Larry Owens performance that did it for me. And he is missed in this remount. Not to say Jaquel isn't good I just feel like Larry's comedic/improv chops and presence is missed. And whatever the reason was for his exit the show is missing HIM.

Also, I feel like

GIRL FROM THE NORTH COUNTRY closing January 23; hopes to reopen at different Shubert house in the spring
 Mar 25 2022, 10:28:20 AM

Tell me you're a producer/affiliated on another show and are a hater WITHOUT telling me you're a producer/affiliated with another show. People on this board can be so miserable. LOL

2022 Tony Awards Predictions
 Mar 22 2022, 07:10:41 PM

Six has marketed itself like a commercial machine. It has like 5 different casts performing at once and you can watch any of their performances on Youtube. Very similar to each different cast. Allthough the performances in the cast are great, that takes away from it feeling special/original enough to honor any one actress as an individual. IMO

2022 Tony Awards Predictions
 Mar 22 2022, 07:27:15 AM

The only people who should get Tony recognition this year are the Understudies and Swings who had to go on for all the leading actors you all listed with barely any rehearsal, and sometimes for 10-12 days at a time when people repeatedly got COVID. And sometimes 3 different leading roles in a week.

I saw so many great performances by understudies this season that it really got me questioning why Tony's only recognize some people and not others. And sometimes the understudy is b

Hooray For James Earl Jones But When Are Theatre’s Named For Amazing Women Going To Be A Thing?
 Mar 2 2022, 10:54:28 AM

My thoughts are:


Whenever any black people get any kind of recognition white women will always step in and say but that's not fair. WE SHOULD HAVE BEEN FIRST. Because we are such an oppressed minority. Entitlement much? -_-


Let Mr. James Earl Jones get his flowers while he is still alive.






GIRL FROM THE NORTH COUNTRY closing January 23; hopes to reopen at different Shubert house in the spring
 Feb 26 2022, 09:01:58 AM

Broadhurst... possibly The Schoenfeld?

Staying at the Belasco sounds cheaper than moving. Very strange. I loved this show. Thought Mare Winningham was amazing to watch.

 Feb 20 2022, 08:29:53 PM

Saw this production after reading reviews on here. Here are my thoughts:

I will start by saying the piece has so much potential to be great. It really does. This is why I am taking the time to write my thoughts in hopes that someone will actually read them.

Contrary to views expressed here, I actually thought Black Thought was one of the highlights of the show as his character was reserved and mysterious and his facility with language was exceptional. His character felt more in

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