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Member Name: jam__18
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Music Man Rush Line.
 Jan 13 2023, 12:41:13 PM

Broadway Flash said: "What time have people been lining up? Where have the seats been?"

I rushed on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Tuesday we got out there at 6:05 and were about 22/23 people back? They ran out of rush tickets two people in front of us, so we rushed again on Wednesday, getting out there around 5:10ish. The line grew much quicker Wednesday- it was already around the block by 7 and by 9:45 it was almost to the marquee on 7th. We were probably 20th in

Music Man Rush Line.
 Aug 26 2022, 12:13:00 PM

I rushed Wednesday, 8/24. I got in line at 6 am and was 9th and 10th in line (my friend and I waited together but only got two tickets overall). The line grew pretty steadily throughout the morning and was around the corner by 8:30 probably? We got awesome tickets for the evening show- orchestra right row N, full view. I had rushed back in January and received partial view, so I was very excited to be able to see the entire stage!

Which Digital Lotteries Have You Won Since Broadway Has Been Back ?
 Feb 9 2022, 03:01:25 PM

I won the lottery (well, after I got off of standby) for Six for the Saturday Matinee- we got box seats.

Six Rush or Lottery News
 Feb 7 2022, 09:19:12 AM

I won the lottery for the matinee on Saturday 2/5. Our seats were located in Left Box C 1-2. It was an awesome view- we just couldn't see the drummer.

Company Rush Tickets?
 Feb 7 2022, 09:16:23 AM

I got a rush ticket for my mom on Saturday 2/5. We got to the box office around 2:30 and was offered partial view (I think it was $49?) or full view for $59 or orchestra for more- maybe $79 but I can't remember the exact price. We went with the full view $59 and she was in the balcony over to the right. She said she was against the wall and had a great view.

2022 Rush?
 Feb 7 2022, 09:11:18 AM

Lumiere2 said: "Has anyone tried for a rush ticket in 2022 yet? What are the prices/availability/demand/seats looking like these days?


I rushed on Saturday 2/5 for the evening show. I got to the box office at 2:20 and was able to get a ticket for the last row of the orchestra for $69- an awesome seat. The last row is raised a little higher than the rest of the orchestra so there were no heads in my way or anything. There were two seats still open in my r

Music Man Rush Line.
 Feb 7 2022, 09:07:40 AM

I rushed yesterday (Sunday, 2/6) and got in line around 8:30. I was 7th in line (until about 11:30 when two additional women joined the 2nd person in line). The line didn't grow behind us until 9:30-10- 10 would've been a perfect time to get in line for a 12pm opening. We got partial view tickets in Orchestra Row B on the very end on the left side of the stage. We just couldn't see the left side of the stage or anything in the very back of the stage, but most of the show is front

Music Man Rush Line.
 Feb 5 2022, 06:00:33 PM

i got in line at 8:20 am today (2/5) and they were out of the 8pm rush tickets and almost out of matinee when there were probably 10-15 people still in front of me. I want to try again tomorrow- but it’s a Sunday and the box office doesn’t open until 12pm. Does anyone have a recommended time we should get out there? Will people still be out there at 6/7am? Or will it be later since it’s a later opening?

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