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re: Grease Chat
 Jan 7 2007, 09:43:59 PM
did anyone else think they saw Juliana Ashley Hansen from the millie tour on the preview for the new york auditions? i could have sworn it was her!
re: Sutton Foster's Wedding
 Sep 13 2006, 09:52:37 PM
I'm pretty sure Sutton mentioned that she wasn't Jewish on Seth's Chatterbox. She was talking about how she used to do shows at the JCC even though she wasn't Jewish

anyways.. WHO CARES. im so excited for them!

re: Hilarious Comments Overheard By Tourists and Audience Members
 Jun 16 2006, 01:06:47 AM

i go there when im bored in class all the time. they are not exactly all broadway related but still hilarious

re: Bway songs that sound blantantly like other songs!
 May 22 2006, 10:06:08 PM
umm whenever I try to sing "The Speed Test" from Millie I end up somehow singing "Modern Major General" from Pirates of Penzance hahaha
re: All Shook Up tour!!!
 Apr 2 2006, 04:46:28 PM
AH im really anxious for the casting to be anounced!
re: Get Jen Cody Out of The Chorus!
 Mar 29 2006, 08:18:29 PM
she played bonnie in Anything Goes
re: Get Jen Cody Out of The Chorus!
 Feb 28 2006, 10:11:36 PM
I saw her in a production of Anything Goes last year in Houston starring Dee Hoty and Matt Cavenaugh and Jen DEFINATELY stole the show. Even the Houston papers said so haha. i love her!
re: matt cavenaugh
 Jan 4 2006, 03:42:47 PM
After "Millie" he was in a Houston TUTS production of "Anything Goes" along with Jen Cody and Dee Hoty
re: 2000 off-broadway cast recording of Godspell...
 Jan 2 2006, 02:07:21 PM
Chad Kimball's "We Beseech Thee" is AWESOME! I love that song
re: Cats in Houston
 Dec 14 2005, 08:39:18 PM
I loved Austin Miller as Rum Tum Tugger. I thought "Macavity" was the best number in the show. 2 balloons popped during "Memory" it was kind of funny but distracting at the same time lol
re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
 Dec 13 2005, 04:29:26 PM
ah why isnt anyone else excited about CHRISTIAN BORLE?!?!
re: CATS in Houson
 Dec 7 2005, 07:31:02 PM
How was Austin Miller as Rum Tum Tugger? I love him!
re: Name The Show This Cut Song Came From
 Dec 3 2005, 02:28:51 PM
k i have two. "Stumbling" and "Making Good"?
re: Mooing in theaters
 Nov 23 2005, 03:30:32 PM
Most people in the theatre mooed when i went. It was NOT a big deal at all.
re: Rent attendance anecdotes
 Nov 23 2005, 03:28:32 PM
I went to the first showing of it in Houston at 10 am this morning. haha about 50 people were there.. all the hardcore Rent fans. When the music first started everyone gasped and cheered. There was a lot of clapping going on after some of the numbers. There was definately some mooing! It was fun and not annoying at all b/c EVERYONE did it. So no one was getting mad at anyone. My friends and I stayed till the end when everyone had left and sang a long to "Seasons of Love" while the credits were g
re: Who is the next Clara in Piazza?
 Nov 21 2005, 08:28:00 PM
haha this is so random. I saw her in Anything Goes with Jen Cody, Dee Hoty, and Matt Cavenaugh at TUTS less than a year ago. She was just in the ensemble and now she is starring on Broadway! That is really awsome!
re: Anyone Feel Like Proof Reading Spanish? (It's a pseudo RENT review!)
 Nov 19 2005, 09:28:14 PM
in the 3rd line change "llamado" to "llamada" since "pelicula" is feminine. Same with SIDA so change the "el" to "la". In the 4rth sentence of the second paragraph take out the "se llama" before Daphne Rubin-Vega b/c it makes the sentence sound really awkward. Change "nominado" to "nominadA" since Rosario is a girl lol. "caracter" does not translate into english as "character", the word for "character" is "personaje". Add an "s" to "muchisimo" in the second to last sentence since "aspectos" is p
re: Is the Wicked tour worth it or should I wait?
 Nov 16 2005, 11:10:13 PM
The tour is definately worth it.
re: Don't you hate... (RENT related)
 Nov 16 2005, 12:18:29 AM
Its just weird to me that at this time last year there was ONE person i could freak out with over Rent. There was ONE person i could sing every word to "La Vie Boheme" with and now.. theres like 10. I mean its really cool but its not the same.
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