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Profile for YouWantitWhen????

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Member Name: YouWantitWhen????
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Gender: Female
Location: LA
Occupation: Undercover in Corporate America.

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re: best/most powerful finales of a show
 Mar 29 2017, 02:51:51 PM

I also agree with the ending in Hamilton - and knowing that the orphanage exists today and has benefited from its mention in the final number makes you realize how powerful the experience is, and how connected our past, present and future really are.      

re: best/most powerful finales of a show
 Mar 29 2017, 02:31:11 PM

I would also add that the recent revival of The Color Purple with Erivo's "I'm Here" was gobsmackingly amazing.  But the first thing that came to mind was the ending the Cabaret revival.  Visually that has stayed with me and still causes a visceral reaction when I think about it.  

Amelie at the Ahmanson
 Dec 12 2016, 01:19:31 AM

I saw it tonight and thought it was a sweet trifle of a show - but left me a bit "meh'. I had no real issues with the performers, but think there is not a "wow" song sung by Amelie.   I really think a duet song by both Nico and Amelie better explaining who they are before we get to the ending we all know is coming might be helpful.  

I though the sets and stages were fine.

I saw the movie so long ago I don't really remember it, and I thought Soo

Amelie at the Ahmanson
 Dec 5 2016, 01:27:51 AM

I'm seeing it next Sunday night, and so looking forward to it!  Thanks for the review.

Grumpy Cat in CATS
 Sep 29 2016, 02:48:57 PM

I am really hoping that it is is something like what Oak2 described - because for goodness sakes, this is a cat not a freaking prop. 

 Sep 25 2016, 02:57:31 PM

Love the album so far -  especially Small World, Cake, Extraordinary and Nothin in This World.

 Sep 23 2016, 09:58:46 AM

I like what I have heard so far, but will be listening to the whole thing today. 

Censorship on the BWW Boards
 May 16 2016, 01:17:13 PM

You know - I think what people who do not understand why PJ, Namo and others were so upset was because this site helped create its own community of interesting and diverse people who all loved theater. For me at least, this place, though virtual, helped me connect both virtually and in the real world with interesting, thoughtful, crazy and brilliant men and women who added much more than their knowledge of theater to my life.  The way that the entire board was dismissed by Murin ini

Big stars who disappeared
 May 14 2016, 11:06:23 AM

Davis has also been involved in a lot of non-entertainment projects - including some gender equality/bias efforts in entertainment programming, to trying to qualify for the US archery team about 15 years go, I believe she has also started a film festival.  She is also a member of Mensa.  I think she will be in the film adaption Marjorie Prime.  

Chenzel reunite
 May 6 2016, 10:18:28 PM

I really hope the find some way to incorporate these two into the movie - maybe they can sing this during the closing credits.   

Chenzel reunite
 May 6 2016, 08:12:09 PM

I loved this.  There is still magic when those two women sing together.

Report Abuse Links opinion thread
 Mar 13 2016, 08:52:10 PM

Rob, thank you!

Report Abuse Links opinion thread
 Mar 12 2016, 05:57:05 PM

His comment shows a lack of understanding that people actual go to shows based upon feedback provided on this board. I only went to see Bridges when I was in NY a few years ago because of the wonderful word of mouth on this board.  Similarly, when I was in NY in December, I snagged a ticket to The Color Purple prior to its opening based upon similarly glowing comments.

I get calling for more civility on the boards, which is always a challenge, but advocating that they be eradi

Report Abuse Links opinion thread
 Mar 12 2016, 01:17:03 PM

This whole reaction, over reaction, and clutching at pearls just made me think ... oh deer.


Hamilton at the Grammy Awards
 Feb 15 2016, 09:48:47 PM

It did seem a bit slow.  But, like others, I think they could have picked a better song for those not familiar with the show. Maybe this was one way to showcase the entire cast (with the exception of Groff).


Act Of God - Los Angeles
 Feb 11 2016, 11:05:46 AM

Hmmm - maybe I will pick up a ticket.  Thanks.

Grease Live! Official Thread
 Feb 6 2016, 12:58:31 AM

Most of the exterior scenes from the HS were shot at Venice High, but the Carnival scene was actually shot about 20 miles away at John Marshall HS in Los Feliz.  You can see the Griffith Park Observatory in the background.  Other SoCal HS were used for interior shots.

Grease Live! Official Thread
 Feb 1 2016, 03:09:57 PM

I generally enjoyed it, and thought it was an amazing technical feat.  But, performance wise, I was bored with both Carly Rae Jepson  and Boys 2 Men.  I thought the new song was pretty awful, along with Beauty School Dropout.  And, like someone else said, they were seemingly doing impresssions of actors from the movie.  

Hough surprised me in a good way, and though he looked too old, Tveit was fine doing his Travolta impersonation.  I thought Hudgens r

 Jan 27 2016, 09:50:59 PM

I saw the original on tour, and found it a bit meandering and boring - serviceable...  I was lucky enough to catch the revival when I was in NY last month, and was astonished.  It was the most unexpected evening of musical joy that I can recall.  I also saw Hamilton, which I excepted to love, but the Color Purple caught me by surprise (I saw it the day before it opened). I am so looking forward to getting the cast recording.

Last Minute Trip to NYC - need recs
 Dec 24 2015, 10:52:22 AM

Add "The Color Purple" to the list.

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