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Member Name: Jazzmyne
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re: BWW Announces Winners of 'GIVE US YOUR VOICE' Disney's THE LITTLE MERMA
 Dec 9 2007, 08:56:51 PM
I really wish people could just get OVER this! It's over and done with.. do I think everything was done perfectly?.. NO.. but I think they handled this the best they could considering the type of competition it was. Everyone who lost is most likely dissapointed. I know I was.. but you just be happy for those who did win and MOVE ON!

I'm sure BWW has learned something about running contests of this nature, and I would think that thier system will only get better for future contests..

re: BWW Announces Winners of 'GIVE US YOUR VOICE' Disney's THE LITTLE MERMA
 Dec 8 2007, 03:27:13 PM
I would just like to extend my congratulations to both of the winners!! WTG you guys, and I hope you enjoy your prizes.. keep on singing and dreaming!

As to the contest itself.. sure, I was dissapointed, as many may have been... but we went into this contest knowing that it would be a contest of a popular vote.. I knew my chances in that regard were VERY low, but I did it anyway for fun and because it's what I love to do. It does us no good to fret over what we felt was unfair now that

re: Enter BWW's 'Give Us Your Voice' - THE LITTLE MERMAID Contest
 Nov 20 2007, 03:12:38 PM
aww.. thanks so much Jesus! Your support definitely means so much to me, as i'm sure it does to those other talented ladies. No matter what happens in this, i'm truly grateful for your kindness!


re: So how does one add the Little Mermaid banner to their Facebook or MySp
 Nov 20 2007, 03:07:34 PM
use this code:

(a href="")(img src="www.linktothebanner.gif")(/a)

only use <> in place of ()

Hope that helps and best of luck to you!

re: Enter BWW's 'Give Us Your Voice' - THE LITTLE MERMAID Contest
 Nov 20 2007, 11:53:01 AM
Craig.. they may not indicate that yet, but I believe that is because this contest is only a day and a half old. As time goes by and there are more visitors who are coming in to vote, it becomes more of a factor. The rush for the first couple of days is going to be people who contestants themselves have asked to come in and vote. As more annonymous voters come trickling in, I think the first page thing does become a factor. It can't help but become a factor, as I don't know anyone who would
re: Enter BWW's 'Give Us Your Voice' - THE LITTLE MERMAID Contest
 Nov 20 2007, 11:26:17 AM
That's just how contests like this work, unfortunately. I haven't learned my lesson to stop entering them because I am such a stupid optomistic dreamer lol. Unless this is so well advertised that there are hundreds of thousands/millions of hits/viewers/voters that have NOTHING to do with the contestants, this type of voting never works right. And even with that, they should have either random entries appear for the people coming to vote or rotate the entries so that they all get a chance to b
re: Enter BWW's 'Give Us Your Voice' - THE LITTLE MERMAID Contest
 Nov 19 2007, 10:27:10 PM
*signs up to be the first member of the LMCLA* lol Can I be the historian?? **Yells right back.. "losers RULE"**
re: Enter BWW's 'Give Us Your Voice' - THE LITTLE MERMAID Contest
 Nov 19 2007, 10:14:36 PM
Oh.. and thanks so much DJ! I just saw what you wrote.. you did a wonderful job on yours as well.. (and I was singing along btw haha) :)

I guess that's what really matters.. It just feels good to know that people think you worthy or at least that you did a good job at what you love. As much as I'd love to win, getting that vote of confidence means so much and can definitely help make up for the fact that i'm going to lose HORRIBLY lol.


re: Enter BWW's 'Give Us Your Voice' - THE LITTLE MERMAID Contest
 Nov 19 2007, 10:10:24 PM
EIGHT HUNDRED? Oh my LORD!! lol. yeah.. that does seem a little fishy. I hadn't realized anyone had gotten that high already! And even with myspace and campaigning, I honestly don't see how someone could get that many in one day. I was in a contest where I busted by butt trying to keep up with people getting crazy amounts of votes.. I was making fliers, sending out emails (and had friends sending out emails to hundreds of people they knew making a chain), advetising on all of the many web pl
re: Enter BWW's 'Give Us Your Voice' - THE LITTLE MERMAID Contest
 Nov 19 2007, 09:33:19 PM
Craig.. do you happen to know if this audit will be able to tell if people are using anonnymous proxy servers masking their ip to vote multiple times? I've seen people get away with this so many times in the past that i'm not sure if there even IS a way to detect that. I love your quote by the way.. Willy Wonka was a favorite of mine growing up! *goes off to listen to "Pure Imagination" and dream away* lol
re: Enter BWW's 'Give Us Your Voice' - THE LITTLE MERMAID Contest
 Nov 19 2007, 08:47:11 PM
I think I know how people can get so many votes so quickly. I'm not saying everyone who has a lot of votes has gotten them this way.. perhaps they are that blessed and just have that many people to vote for them, but I've been in a lot of contests like this and there are always people who try to get around the system. I think these vote based contests go by your IP address. If that is the case, all someone has to do is use annonymous proxy servers and they can vote all they want ad nauseum by
re: Enter BWW's 'Give Us Your Voice' - THE LITTLE MERMAID Contest
 Nov 19 2007, 03:33:03 PM
yay.. glad to see the voting is underway! I was confused there for a moment as to what was going on. I don't hold out much hope for myself, as I don't have many people to tell about this, but this should be fun anyhow. Best of luck everyone.. lotta talented and deserving people in this!


re: Enter BWW's 'Give Us Your Voice' - THE LITTLE MERMAID Contest
 Nov 17 2007, 03:59:42 PM
oh gosh.. that one IS clever! I love it.. very creative change of the lyrics haha! And.. wow! Thanks so much Jonny.. that means the world to me.. especially with so many great entries! :) I appreciate the kindness and support!
re: Enter BWW's 'Give Us Your Voice' - THE LITTLE MERMAID Contest
 Nov 16 2007, 01:42:07 PM
WOW.. Bindy is absolutely fantastic!! I only wish she would have done a live version so we could see her singing it rather than the cartoon.
re: Enter BWW's 'Give Us Your Voice' - THE LITTLE MERMAID Contest
 Nov 16 2007, 12:28:14 PM
continued rambling to commence in .. 3 ... 2 ... 1...

That's why I wish they would always have VERY clear and strict rules in contests like this.. In all honesty, there are going to be people who don't like that I used a nice mic and some reverb and who think we should just be singing to the camera with no frills.. Everyone is going to have their preferences as to what "should" be the method of entering something like this.

That's why another contest I entered on Youtube was ve

re: Enter BWW's 'Give Us Your Voice' - THE LITTLE MERMAID Contest
 Nov 16 2007, 12:15:41 PM
I took it to mean the same thing as you Romancegirl.. I haven't had a chance to go through all of the vids yet, to see what kinds of things people might be posting that would go against this thinking.. I assume that they would want a live clip of you singing the song as if you were in concert/on stage performing it. If you just put pictures up than I suppose that could mean you are just playing a recording of yourself that you were able to make perfect in a studio with punching in and multiple
re: Enter BWW's 'Give Us Your Voice' - THE LITTLE MERMAID Contest
 Nov 15 2007, 12:46:39 PM
Steph.. I just listened to your entry.. I concur with romancegirl.. beautifully done!
re: Enter BWW's 'Give Us Your Voice' - THE LITTLE MERMAID Contest
 Nov 15 2007, 12:38:30 PM
"Part of Your World" does seem to be the song of choice lol.. Hopefully people won't get too sick of hearing it when the voting starts! I need to go listen to everyone.. I haven't heard everybody yet, but from what i've already listened to, there are some great entries in this thing.. lotta talent out there!


re: Enter BWW's 'Give Us Your Voice' - THE LITTLE MERMAID Contest
 Nov 15 2007, 12:12:43 AM
I choose to try and get as proffessional of a sound as I can. You'll rarely hear any artists singing live without just a touch of verb and a decent mic.. I sound just the same without it except it's just less of a "finished product" sound. All reverb does (when used properly and not in excess) is to warm the vocals and help them "sit" into the music better so they don't stick out so much.. A good mic doesn't make you sound better, but makes you sound like YOU by picking up all the colors and n
re: Enter BWW's 'Give Us Your Voice' - THE LITTLE MERMAID Contest
 Nov 14 2007, 11:52:08 PM
Quote sh-k-boom2: "its sounds like elisha is lip synching..."

I assure you that I am not! As bway stated, I do have a decent mic, and a soundcard capable of producing reverb. If you check out my youtube profile, I have done songs with the camera's internal mic and no effects (like "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again") as well as response videos where I turned off the soundcard effects and sang without the music to a couple of my videos ("Home" from Beauty and the Beast and "Think of M

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