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Member Name: wonderland
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re: John Doyle to Do the Instrument Thing AGAIN--This Time to MERRILY!
 Jun 11 2007, 06:49:27 PM
Artistically, John Doyle should probably stop (I loved Company, but I can't imagine this same formula work ad infinitum). Selfishly, bring it on. Requiring actors to be instrumentalists brings down the talent pool and ups my chances to get cast.

Leaves to practice vocals and piano for "Our Time"

re: The OFFICIAL S.A. Didn't Deserve Thread
 Jun 11 2007, 02:52:35 AM
Right? What is the innovation? Am I really just not getting it? What speaks so highly to today's teens- I mean, ****, I'm 24- am I just too old for this?
re: What A Shock
 Jun 11 2007, 02:38:23 AM
Raul Esparza will be nominated at least 6 or 7 more times in his career, if he acts for 20 more years. DHP will probably never be nommed again. Does that make it fair? Of course not, but it's the same reason Kate Winslet hasn't won an Oscar yet, because everyone knows eventually they will put forth the kind of performance that is impossible not to recognize. That said Esparza's Bobby was life-changing, and I'm not the kind of person to throw that term around; it made me re-realize why I'm in
re: The OFFICIAL S.A. Didn't Deserve Thread
 Jun 11 2007, 02:28:43 AM
For what it's worth, I've never liked the show. To call it a brand new concept and style must really piss off Galt McDermot, who did the same thing in the late 60's- use a thin plot to string together some "controversial" songs about teenage sex, throw some gratuitous nudity in, and hope that no one would speak up and say the emperor has no clothes. There was nothing new on Broadway this year; there hasn't been since Urinetown, and even that had throwbacks. Spring Awakening will run for anoth
re: BEST Best Musical
 Nov 7 2005, 09:47:57 PM
Sorry... Sunday in the Park with George
re: Worst Worst Musical
 Nov 7 2005, 09:45:21 PM
Stoop on Orchard Street... wow, have to agree there, my mind had completely blocked that show. And one of my close friends was in it.
re: BEST Best Musical
 Nov 7 2005, 09:13:27 PM
But... wasn't the question "what is the best musical to win best musical?" Chicago's fine and all, but I'm pretty sure it lost to some show about dancers.

I'm going with Cabaret, personally. I think it's one of the only musicals (alongside Company and SITPWG) to fully explore the power of the genre.

re: Tenor, Soprano and Baritone musical theater trios?
 Nov 7 2005, 09:07:32 PM
My first reaction is "Now/Later/Soon" from Little Night Music... if you have 3 very trained singers.
re: Taye Diggs?
 Jul 7 2005, 11:58:49 AM
I liked Diggs in Wild Party, but the role seems to have been tailored to his particular strengths and weaknesses.
re: Anyone Love Revival Recordings, but Hate the Originals???
 Jul 7 2005, 05:24:38 AM
The voices in the 2001 Tour of Godspell are fine, even superior, it's those damn techno arrangements.
re: Shows That Will NEVER Be Done By High Schools
 Jul 7 2005, 05:11:29 AM
Why on earth would a high school, even if it had the talent and the community that would love the material, do Company? It's about 30-something's and their grief in relationships, why hand that material to high schoolers?

Then again, I think of all the aging stars who did Grease... maybe it's retribution

re: Useless info I thought I'd share...
 Jul 7 2005, 05:05:10 AM
If I recall correctly. My fault... I hate people who speak in Internet "code" and I've become one. :)
re: Sara Ramirez WILL play a black woman!(because she can)
 Jul 7 2005, 04:55:27 AM
Or God, Mickey Rooney a Chinese man. Or Alfred Molina a Russian Jew.
re: Useless info I thought I'd share...
 Jul 7 2005, 04:53:58 AM
There was no lawsuit, but one was threatened if changes weren't made, IIRC.
re: Yesterday's Flops - Today's Hits?
 Jul 7 2005, 04:52:54 AM
What exactly did I do wrong in my response, oh great one?

And... maybe you should reread the original post. It specifically said "this is not about revivals." The question is, in the parallel universe where these shows did not debut in the years they actually debuted, but instead debuted in what in our universe is called 2005, which would hit and which would miss.

Ugh, there's one in every community.

re: Lord of The Rings Musical
 Jul 7 2005, 04:15:50 AM
This production is kind of like the apocalypse. You hear about it, but you don't really believe it could ever happen.

And then it does. And it's very very bad.

re: what do you call...
 Jul 7 2005, 04:02:23 AM
what are wicked lovers[?]

Teenage girls?

Couldn't resist.

re: Yesterday's Flops - Today's Hits?
 Jul 7 2005, 03:59:19 AM
Honestly, I would say a lot from the past would bomb today- Broadway is commercialized and caters to a specific audience now, and it's not the specific audience it used to cater to. The Sondheim trifold (Company, Follies, ALNM) would bomb, as would everything L&L wrote except maybe (MAYBE) My Fair Lady. Loesser would stand a fighting chance, because people would see his shows as pastiche along the lines of TMM. Ironically, if Carrie opened today, it would probably be seen as a contender- it's wr
re: What do you think of movies to musicals as a whole?
 Jul 7 2005, 03:49:56 AM
As always it depends on whether the show is well-adapted (ALNM, Nine) or poorly-adapted, hoping to make money solely based on its title (I won't name names here.)
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