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Member Name: Starcarolina
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J-Hud's tribute to Houston on Grammy's
 Feb 14 2012, 06:35:44 PM
Jennifer is so overrated and shoved down everyones throats with those weight loss commercials. Left the house 2 seconds into her singing it.

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How sad that you insert a negative comment about Jennifer Hudson on this thread and I think most people diagree about her being over-rated. I think she is improving each time I hear wonderful gift for singing. Go shove some carbs down your throat and then the commercials want have room to be showed in there...

J-Hud's tribute to Houston on Grammy's
 Feb 13 2012, 12:57:35 AM
Jennifer did a wonderful job under the circumstances. She gets better and better. This producer/arranger should redo her commercials for Weight Watchers...
I Think That I'm In Love With Colin Donnell
 Feb 11 2012, 04:39:52 PM
Tell him at the stage door that every time you hear him sing or simply see him that it makes you tingle "down there" OR that you turned down Nick Adams when he asked you to be his Valentine and you're saving that special designation for him on Valentine's Day. He'll know you are available. You know as well as I do that "you've gotta have a gimmick" if you're gonna get a man...
 Feb 8 2012, 04:00:34 AM
Please clarify something for me: Did Blanche and Stella own Belle Reve or did they just work there a little while?
 Feb 7 2012, 09:22:49 PM
After reading some of the critiques of this show on this thread, all I can say is that I am glad that I was not in your biology class when you had to dissect that frog...
 Feb 7 2012, 03:15:52 AM

Posted On:2/7/12 at 01:09

I tend to "lurk" because i so WHOLEHEARTEDLY disagree with the vast majority of what you people discuss as fact (when in reality, you have almost no idea of the truth behind your hypothesis). That being said, this is one of the worst pieces of garbage on television or in any medium. I know for a fact where this script is headed and it is a MESS. But, you all bought it, hook line and, here we go...

 Feb 7 2012, 03:02:31 AM
I never really liked living vicariously or ever thought I would need to, but SMASH will make it a genuine pleasure. I like everything about it! The last segment with the song, "Let Me Be Your Star" was excellent and gave me chills. I am not one bit ashamed to say how much I liked it and every cliche', stereotypical character, schmaltzy bit and glittery costume that was a part of the first episode.

Have you ever seen a show and cannot remember any of it?
 Feb 2 2012, 04:53:55 AM
Torch Song Trilogy
Same Time Next Year
Butterflies Are Free
42nd Street
Show Boat (Kennedy Center with Cloris Leachman)
Titanic (Washington,DC)
Victor/Victoria (Remember Michael Nouri's weak singing and Julie
Andrews perspiring a great deal from 3rd row)
Naked Boys Singing (December 2001 after going to the 9/11 site
that kind of preoccupied my thoughts) Annie Get Your Gun (which I was in for 8 weeks in regional theater

Less than a week until CARRIE comes back to NYC
 Feb 1 2012, 03:42:33 AM
Why don't they use a double for the scene with the blood? With fantastic , special lighting, and the transition/switch back to the real Carrie with a dress that is pre-stained red (the wet look, you know) would work and let the body double stand in a plastic swimming pool-like thing that could be masked by the prom decorations. Heck, I'd would rather see red silly string pouring from the ceiling and cover her up...then we would get a blood AND guts effect (LOL!)...I want blood...Why I saw a yo
Raven-Symon? to Replace Patina Miller in SISTER ACT
 Jan 31 2012, 09:30:31 PM
Patina is from my home state of South Carolina and attended the SC Governor's School for the Arts. I remember hearing about her and saw some clips of her performing there. I thought OK, she's fine and I hope she can develop into a good performer. I had no idea she had received a full scholarship to Carnegie Mellon and received a BFA in MT. From the clips I have seen from SISTER ACT, I thought she was giving a wide open take on the role. Even the schtick and frenzy, I attributed to lack of pro
Worst Fake Signed Playbill I have ever seen
 Jan 28 2012, 08:13:02 PM
That Scripto does not quite blur the individual characteristics of each person's signature...
Dorothy Collins before FOLLIES
 Jan 28 2012, 07:46:25 PM
I vaguely remembered Dorothy Collins from TV, but after seeing her in FOLLIES (the first month of its run), I'll never forgot her. Her big song, "Losing MY Mind", is indelibly imprinted on my brain. It was unforgettable. At times her vulnerability reminded me of the moment a deer is caught in the headlights. Of course, she didn't scamper off to the left or right, but the conflict within her was just so subtly disturbing (in a good, dramatic way). She sang so effortlessly and the mood created wa
Randy Jackson bashes musicals and showtunes...
 Jan 26 2012, 07:53:47 PM
Randy Jackson is simply not relevant...
Nick Jonas in Rehearsal for HOW TO SUCCEED...
 Jan 22 2012, 07:37:14 PM
Nick Jonas sounds good and looks great in that clip. I neither want anyone to fail nor do I dwell on past less than stellar performances. There are such things in the world I live in as redemption and forgiveness, in addition to optimism and goodwill...and my name is not Pollyanna.
Is the Theater World Really That Ruthless?
 Jan 21 2012, 08:52:18 PM
Is the Theater World Really That Ruthless?
Posted On:1/21/12 at 11:22
By pitfever:
"Oh, I thought the title of this thread was referring to some people on this message board. If that's the case, yes."

LOL! This sentiment is exactly what I thought of when I read the OP! It is sad when some of the posters here show just how ruthless, snotty and hateful people in and around theater can be. Watch your back, hone your skills, confront the competition with self-confidence, liste

SIDE SHOW revival?
 Jan 14 2012, 06:46:39 PM
I loved SIDE SHOW! Would love to see a revival...
Defying Gravity...Is That All?
 Jan 14 2012, 03:29:33 AM
We all are resentful of something I guess. Are you from Kentucky?
Defying Gravity...Is That All?
 Jan 14 2012, 01:18:37 AM
She feels....wicked!

On A Clear Day closing on 2/19?
 Jan 11 2012, 10:24:32 PM
Really? That's not his natural hair? I am more horrified by the pallor of his skin. He doesn't look well.
 Jan 11 2012, 12:12:56 AM
I like Marin Mazzie and Michael Ball singing "Losing My Mind" (YouTube clips) and in both of these clips I find it ironic that Bernadette Peters can be seen on stage in the background watching these two performers. And a very maudlin song cut from ALADDIN, "Proud of Your Boy," as performed by Clay Aiken is very good. The guy CAN sing.

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