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Profile for blm2323

Member Name: blm2323
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Broadway pay mínimums for 7 vs 8 weekly performances
 Jun 27 2023, 01:02:47 PM

Thank you! Makes sense - especially the bargaining piece. 

Broadway pay mínimums for 7 vs 8 weekly performances
 Jun 26 2023, 11:52:54 PM

I know there is a Broadway weekly minimum salary. Does the amount change depending on if the show does 8 or 7 shows a week? For example, do the actors in Sweeney Todd  have a lower weekly minimum since they only do 7 shows? 

It came up in a discussion tonight with a friend and I couldn’t find a definitive answer with a quick google search.  I figured I’d take it to the many experts on AEA contracts that are here on the board!

Sutton Foster out of The Music Man this week?
 Jul 3 2022, 03:09:47 PM

Thank you for all the helpful responses. I didn’t realize Sutton was not officially over the title. I’ll see what we can do!

Sutton Foster out of The Music Man this week?
 Jul 3 2022, 12:37:11 AM

Well, I’m cursed. Our tickets we purchased in January 2020 eventually ended up on June 21 - the day before Hugh returned. We switched them to July 5th - the day before Sutton returns. 

Like others have said, I love understudies and think they are extremely talented. However, I’m not going to pay Hugh/Sutton prices for an understudy. 

All of that to ask: can I exchange tickets again? Can I do it online/phone so I don’t have to t

Between the Lines
 Jun 29 2022, 07:55:09 PM

We saw the 4th preview of this on Tuesday night.  We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and were impressed by the understudy for Delilah, Aubrey. Vicki Lewis, mask and all, was hilarious and a standout.

We came into the show knowing nothing about the book - I had received the code and thought. "Why not?" The story was clever, easy to follow, and touching.

As others have mentioned, there were some lighting issues - especially with the spots on Aubrey. 

We tho

Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 6/12/22
 Jun 14 2022, 03:49:05 PM

MemorableUserName said: "VotePeron said: "Take Me Out grossing $717k in the smallest house on Broadway, very impressive."

That's what you happens when you charge $300 for every orchestra seat, even the last row wheelchair seats, and $200 for the last row of the mezz.

In April I bought  my orchestra aisle seat J 2 for $150  for the June 7 performance.  


The 75th Annual TONY Awards!
 Jun 13 2022, 01:06:48 AM

I thought Ariana’s singing was superb, even though I didn’t like the actual numbers. Hoping she brings her vocals back to Broadway some day soon. 

The 75th Annual TONY Awards!
 Jun 12 2022, 09:38:07 PM

Wow. Bernadette sounded beautiful.

“We See You White American Theater” Publishes Demands
 Jul 9 2020, 04:28:02 AM

JBroadway - 

I understand your graphic but, unfortunately, the majority of the demands are ridiculous, and eye-roll-inducing. Many of those demands are not looking for equity - they come across as wanting to be the tall person AND standing on two boxes (which I hope all of us can see would be wrong for any group to do).

I would call on someone like LMM (only because he signed the letter - not because he should be “expected” to lead a movement

The Book (or Lack there of) in a Sung Through Musical
 Jul 8 2020, 02:54:36 AM

dramamama611 said: "The "book" of a musical refers to the story line and structure, regardless of whether there is spoken dialogue."

I learned this from watching Smash when Kyle won the Tony for Best Book for Hit List haha

The Great “Bright” Way
 Jun 26 2020, 03:43:51 AM
Good grief. Is it too much to ask people to research and educate themselves before protesting about something? Cancel culture at its finest.

Don’t get me wrong - I’ll support informed and well thought out protests any day. This issue is not one of them.

MUSIC MAN Seems To Have Been Rescheduled For April 2021
 Jun 24 2020, 04:52:44 PM
I can’t even get on the website. Keeps saying url can’t be found. Tried it on three different computers.
Vanity Fair on Broadway's Reopening - "Not Until There's a F***cking Vaccine"
 May 22 2020, 08:32:40 PM

joevitus said: "I think "wait until there's a vaccine" is an intelligent position--not that VF's headline posed it intelligently--but it's anyone's guess what people will actually do, and thus what Broadway can actually risk."

There may NEVER be a vaccine. We have many viruses without them. 

I hope they don’t wait for one. A greater grasp on what we’re dealing with and go from there? Yes. 

Best Broadway song ever?
 May 19 2020, 08:36:12 PM

Best Song from A Mega-Flop: Children of the Wind

Best Overall: Rose’s Turn


I LOVE that you put a song from Rags on here! It’s one of my favorite scores. 

And agreed - Rose’s Turn hand’s down. 

What’s the last show you saw on Broadway before its closing?
 Mar 16 2020, 05:26:25 AM
Unfortunately, Girl From the North Country on the last night it played. Not a fan.

However, we did see Hamilton on Tuesday night which was outstanding. Loved the current cast (Monroe was better as Jefferson).

Tixs to Woolf and Molly Brown (off bway of course) were cancelled.

Non-Smoking Contract for Actors
 Jul 23 2019, 12:49:03 AM
Yes, she can do what she wants but I’m perplexed by people younger than 60 who smoke. With all that information out there? Mostly it infuriates me because it increases health care costs.

That said - I thought she was delightful in BJ. And that’s all that matters to me as a paying ticket holder.

Somebody took a flash photo of Audra and Michael's nude scene today
 Jul 22 2019, 03:33:06 PM
I’ve seen a lot of shows this summer and it actually seems to me audience behavior has been better. I am not one to be afraid to tell someone to put away their phone. Out of 25+ shows I only had to do it once (always nicely the first time :) )

Oklahoma’s preshow and second act announcementis are the best. Blunt and to the point. Saw it twice and not a phone to be seen.

Now, the candy wrappers....ugh.

Ryan Murphy To Develop Film Adaptation Of THE PROM For Netflix
 Jun 26 2019, 07:04:09 PM

gypsy101 said: "gleek4114 said: "From stage musicals yes, but I’m sure a nice check from Netflix could’ve made him appear in one on screen."

the fact that he never appeared in a movie musical... is so sad

blm2323 said: “I’m just tired of Streep being in EVERY musical adaption. Is it purely to green light these projects?

this is her 3rd musical adaptation. Mamma Mia, Into the Woods and now The Prom. that’s not every single one.

Three adaptions out of how many the past 8-10 years? Pretty high percentage. 

Don’t get me wrong, I think she’s an excellent actress. I just have not enjoyed her in her musicals. (Cue GeorgeandDot)

Ryan Murphy To Develop Film Adaptation Of THE PROM For Netflix
 Jun 25 2019, 11:17:40 PM
I’m just tired of Streep being in EVERY musical adaption. Is it purely to green light these projects?
Hadestown's commercial future
 Jun 24 2019, 11:54:21 AM

SisterGeorge said: "The biggest hurdle Iface with "Hadestown" is that the music I've sampled here and there just hasn't appealed to me.

I would give it a shot, if you can. Just my opinion, but there have been other shows where I didn’t like the music until I actually saw the show and realized it fit perfectly. This doesn’t mean that I suddenly start listening  to the cast album. (One example being Hamilton - loved the music in t

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