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Member Name: jenniewie2
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Dressing up for shows
 Jul 6 2011, 09:23:37 PM
Ohhhhhh. Ok. That makes a lot more sense then.
Dressing up for shows
 Jul 6 2011, 08:44:34 PM
When I saw Jerusalem, there were three or four grown women who had made exact replicas of the bright orange "Farewell Lee?" shirts that John Gallagher Jr. wears in the show. They also sat front row center. It was weird.
How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying Stage Door
 Jul 2 2011, 04:07:21 PM
When I went to see it, I asked one of the security guys before the show how it was. He told me unless I really, really, REALLY wanted to, not to bother. I guess it really is that bad...
Besides Hugh Jackman and Paul Bettany who else would you cast in Les Mis the movie?
 Jul 2 2011, 12:11:19 AM
lol @lizzie

How much do you want to bet Lea Michele will be Eponine? I could also see them go for Anne Hathaway as Cosette or Fantine...I just hope they throw in a few real musical theater people in there in addition to whatever star power they decide they need. I swear, if they put in that Jonas Brother I will be livid. He looked like a not very talented high school actor next to all the greats at the anniversary concert.

What I don't get about People seeing BoM multiple times
 Jul 1 2011, 11:45:26 PM
Lizzie- I definitely understand where you're coming from. Walking out of the show, one of my first thoughts was "I have to see that again" :) If I didn't live across the country, I would definitely be at lotteries and such.
Book of Mormon - Get the Hype
 Jul 1 2011, 11:13:47 PM
I totally understand how after listening to the cd someone would be nervous that the show would just rely on the dirty jokes and the shock value of some moments to carry the show. And if the show had done that, I think it would deserve the bad rep that some are giving it due its profanity. However, the show really doesn't rely on it at all. Even numbers like Hasa Diga Eeboway or ones that have shocking costumes like Joseph Smith American Moses are all there to serve the plot. When leaving the sh
What I don't get about People seeing BoM multiple times
 Jul 1 2011, 11:12:58 PM
It's extremely unfair, but I doubt there's anything to be done about it. What sort of pissed me off when I saw it was all the people who were late to the show, who didn't clap/enjoy themselves, and there were a TON of people who would walk in and out of the theater while the show was going on. There was a woman in front of me texting for a bit. I just thought of all the people who would kill to see the show, some of whom have the money for the tickets but can't go till 2012 or those who can't af
Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON
 Jun 30 2011, 11:45:57 PM
It's really hard to choose, but I would have to narrow it down to Turn it Off, Spooky Mormon Hell Dream or Baptize Me.
Book of Mormon - Get the Hype
 Jun 30 2011, 11:27:38 PM
I saw the show last night after listening to the CD nonstop since it came out, and it completely blew me away. Totally lived up to the hype. At the stagedoor (which was one of the best I've ever visited) a women walking by (I think she had possibly just seen Chicago) stood near those of us who were right in front of the door and said things like "just because they say f*ck a lot doesn't make it a good show" and if we wanted to see something good, we should try a show that doesn't resort to "chea
re: Best Stage Door Experiences
 Jun 11 2011, 04:28:12 AM
Bernadette Peters was incredible when I saw ALNM. There were a ton of people there, and I was super star struck when she came out. I asked her in what I'm sure was a very quiet, shaky, voice for a picture, and she gestured for me to wait. After signing everyone's there, she remembered that I wanted a picture. My friend went to take it of us, and then couldn't figure out how the camera worked. Rather than leaving, Bernadette offered suggestions on how to get the camera to work, stood with me whil
Catch Me Changes from Seattle
 Jun 11 2011, 01:55:16 AM
Sorry if there's already a thread about this. Anyone know it Catch Me is significantly different from when it was running in Seattle? I saw it a couple times when it was there and would be interested in seeing it again in NY if it was pretty different, but if it's basically the same I'd rather see something totally new. I liked it a lot in Seattle, but have a feeling that if given the chance, I should probably go see something else that will be available at TKTS.
BOOK OF MORMON download @ Amazon 1.99 till midnight
 Jun 11 2011, 01:49:14 AM
*raises hand* but I listened to the whole thing several times through the NPR media player before actually buying it, so I guess that counts for something.
How to Succeed Stage Door
 Jun 10 2011, 11:19:58 PM
Thanks everyone, sounds like I should just skip it. I would never leave before their curtain call (they just performed for me, I can stand there and clap for them) and I doubt I would have the patience or the time to wait behind all the people who got there first. The same thing happened when I saw A Little Night Music with Bernadette, the entire front line of people hadn't seen the show. Fortunately, it was my birthday that night and that and the fact that I came all the way from Oregon caused
How to Succeed Stage Door
 Jun 10 2011, 05:27:35 PM
I'm going to see How to Succeed in a few weeks with a large group of my family, none of whom will want to wait around at the stage door. I'd love to go, but can't if the wait is too long. Anyone know how long it takes, or if it's super crazy because of Daniel Radcliffe? Thanks.
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