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Member Name: mediakilled
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re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
 Jul 10 2007, 05:21:07 PM
don;t buy the physical CD. download it on itunes or something. THat would be very GREEN of us if we did it that way.
It's bad for the enviornment...not to mention the gas we're wasting and oils on trucks being used to ship those cd's.

(and im not happy about John Travolta at ALL)
ill. ill.
but i DO want to say how I love all of the new orchestrations.
THe music and lyrics are AMAZING..
they always were and they transcend time..

but John Travolta is the we

re: Tarzan to Close
 Jun 23 2007, 10:19:25 PM


it shouldve never opened.

yahooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bring it! bring it!

re: Michael Riedels's picks & pans
 Jun 1 2007, 07:03:56 PM
anyone else for public flogging?
The stakes are burning. it's nice in here.
stones, get bigger ones. go, throw more.
take a stab!. geez louise. ouch .meow. sizzle.

re: Michael Riedels's picks & pans
 Jun 1 2007, 08:27:08 AM
wicked fan...There's LOTS of things that aren't good,..and last.
ANd I'm not talking broadway shows. But there's plenty of those too.

re: Michael Riedels's picks & pans
 Jun 1 2007, 08:23:58 AM
Yeah Yankee, true.
But Taboo was not the worst thing ever either. It had potential to grow, it had potential to change. The show was not frozen and he was the main reason people started buzzing bad about it from the start.
And in retrospect, there are far worse shows out there that didn't need to survive based on those reasons alone.
Taboo was begining to build an audience and it defenitely had an amazing score.
What it lacked in book and direction was made up for in costume

re: Michael Riedels's picks & pans
 Jun 1 2007, 08:11:15 AM
Yeah, you're very right, BUT, when you have people reading to see his 'picks and pans' does influence readers to a degree. The general public will not think 'Oh, he's a gossip columnist'..they'll just say,'That guy from 'the post' hated that show. And anyone who has the power of words to be transmitted across the board, nationally and worldwide, has a responsibility. He doesn't call himself a critic. But he is to an extent. And he has ruined the likes of many shows because he has influenc
re: Michael Riedels's picks & pans
 Jun 1 2007, 08:01:07 AM
F$#K Michael Riedel.
He's only a critic. A vulture.
Like all critics, they make money out of destroying creation and the valuable efforts people are making to keep theatre alive.
Go see a show and judge it for yourself and love it for yourself and experience for yourself.
NEVER listen to a comment from these repressed so-called 'critics' or better yet, 'theatre gossip columnists' (haha, that's a cowardly title) who probably couldn't make it in theatre themselves, so they had

re: Passing Strange or In the Heights? -- Xanadu?
 May 31 2007, 11:46:17 PM
xanadu all the way. but i recommend seeing the film. you have to see it to appreciate its campy badness. the film is horrible. but that's the point. the musical makes fun of how bad it is depicting lines and pointing out scenes that made no sense. so MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!
 May 31 2007, 01:03:51 AM
for a sixth grader, to see Beauty and the Beast, absolutely have no taste!!.
yeah that's right, you heard me.

(I am just kidding of course) It is great that you were introduced to theatre at such a young age, gypsychontellelace2. Keep coming back to Broadway shows!

re: Rosie's next show?
 May 30 2007, 07:54:36 AM
no. please not les miz. that means i would have to go see it AGAIN! urgh.
damn you cameron! damn you to hell!

re: Xanadu RUSH Tix???
 May 30 2007, 07:42:15 AM
I was so excited, i thought 'xanadu rush' was a new kind of popper.

love xanadu too. the show, that is.

re: Fields of Gold (aka, So You Thought The Jukebox Was Dead)
 May 30 2007, 07:38:29 AM
juxebox musicals are alive and kicking.
your xanadu ass!

Review your Theater 101 - please !
 May 30 2007, 07:36:45 AM
Yeah but are the sock puppets made of leg warmers or just regular tube socks?
re: I Miss 'The Wedding Singer'
 May 28 2007, 07:35:44 PM
thanks songanddance man.
isn't it faboo?

re: Chicago-the Movie Musical on NBC now 5/26 8-11
 May 26 2007, 11:39:59 PM
they DID blur the spread eagle.
oh god, and they didn;t show Madonna's crucifixion during her concert.
jesus. nbc.
yet they can show all the sex they want all day on the soaps.

re: I Miss 'The Wedding Singer'
 May 26 2007, 11:38:14 PM
i miss taboo.
i miss the 80's.
i guess i gotta find my xanadu.

re: 3-25 XANADU! anyone up for...
 May 26 2007, 08:10:09 PM
IM DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that would be a great idea...
i can get a decent 'supply'..


 May 26 2007, 08:09:24 PM

big time.

i thought it was great silly mindless fun.

people with alot of *** up their arses..must have a problem with it.

it is what it is.
what could you expect? its a stage version of a bad movie!!

i think thats the whole point!

i WILL GO AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and again!!!!!!

i hope the naysayers find their XANADU!!!!!


re: Religious Actors
 Mar 8 2007, 01:25:23 AM
an actor ACTS. that is his/her job. it has nothing to do with religion or anything else . you are depicting ways of life. not living one. I once knew someone who didn't take a role because it went against her religious beliefs. that was ridiculous. A TRUE actor TRANSFORMS and becomes other roles and should be open to anything and everything. That is how you learn and grow as a performer..and you should leave religion and personal beliefs aside.
re: to anyone who loves LIZA MINNELLI
 Mar 3 2007, 11:34:26 PM
This is fun. It's like watching paint dry.
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