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Member Name: neocomposer
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Gender: Female
Occupation: Stage Door Marshal

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re: Benji of 'think you can dance' gets broadway offers...
 Aug 17 2006, 07:43:22 PM
Yes. Please put Benji in every possible role. He's a performer of performers, and something that the stage has been missing for a while.
Sorry, my computer wont type into the message box. See sweeney, not drowsy.
 Aug 17 2006, 07:38:12 PM
Sweeney is closing. Just Go see it. But I'm a drowsy fan.
Embarrassing Theatre Moment
 Aug 17 2006, 07:34:01 PM
This could be something you've done on stage or in the audience of a show...because I just have to tell this story. I can't hold it in.

This past fall I won lottery at DRS, and this was very soon after the lotto policy became box I was in the stage right box seat. I put my playbill on the ledge, and what do you know, my playbill falls off. That was slightly embarrassing. What was really embarrassing was the fact that it landed on top of a man's head like a tent. So I ca

re: Am I The Only One Who LIKES Anything Goes?
 Aug 17 2006, 07:24:39 PM
I think Drowsy sort of touches on the "turn off your brain shows", and explains why we can still love them in the postmodern world. While I don't prefer to turn off my brain, I believe that Cole Porter was a genius.
re: Age?
 Aug 17 2006, 07:13:02 PM
Generally no one under 4 can attend.
re: What Do Broadway Folks Do To 'Fill the Cup?'
 Aug 17 2006, 07:06:32 PM
Go see a few shows. If they are terrible, I feel better about myself. If they are wonderful, I feel inspired.

And then walk my dog. Or swing on a swing at the park. That helps a lot.

re: Hilarious Comments Overheard By Tourists and Audience Members
 Jun 17 2006, 07:28:13 PM
I sat next to two older women one of the times I saw Little Women and Sutton was out.

Woman 1: Sutton Foster is out today?
Woman 2: Oh its ok. She's brand new and she can't sing.
Woman 1: Yeah I heard she just yells.

That was hard not to correct.

re: Making for cool NY trip
 Jun 4 2006, 12:08:12 AM
Parks are fun. You can find a list of them at

Go to Little Italy.

Go to a burough that you've never been to. I'm assuming you haven't explored them all. If nothing else utilize the MTA's services and get off in a borough you've never visited, take a picture, and then go somewhere else.

I'm really just thinking of free things to do...because thats how I think. Fun things for free are a huge bonus. And NYC offers a lot of them

re: Sherie Rene in Landscape of the Body!
 May 16 2006, 02:53:54 PM
Sherie IS an amazing person and performer. I will continue to shamelessly promote Landscape until it closes in a few weeks, although it remains sold out. And I love Time Warner for benefitting the production so that the tickets could be $15, though I've never actually paid to see it. Thank God for good theatre, Michael Grief, and Sherie's voice.

re: Chenoweth & DeVito?
 May 8 2006, 12:31:15 PM
For one thing, they are both aesthetically it's quite pleasing. Also, she's quite a comedic actress and of course Mr. DeVito is nothing but funny. So, what better combination for a Holiday movie? It may not make money, but it may be one of those holiday movies that play December on TBS for weeks at a time.
re: Tarzan on Good Morning America!
 May 8 2006, 12:21:02 PM
Thanks! I really haven't paid any attention to this show...besides it's gigantic presence in the Richard Rogers. I may give in and go if the GMA performance is stellar. Sometimes I accidently get so snobby about all of the Disney stuff...but who am I to say for sure without seeing it...

re: The Producers...
 May 8 2006, 12:16:48 PM
The Producers WAS a breath of fresh air, Matthew Broderick and Nathan Lane were involved, and EVERYONE wanted to see it. I don't think it deserved the sweep of Tony's, but compared to the shows it was up with, it deserved a good amount of the attention it got.
re: What's in YOUR iPod?
 May 8 2006, 12:12:12 PM
I've got mostly cast recordings on my ipod. But for working out, I refuse to listen to music. It makes me hate the music. HOWEVER...if I happen to be free dancing I do like music from really anything from most shows works for that!
re: It's Official!
 Apr 23 2006, 02:01:14 AM
Ok so this is kind of embarrassing for me, because I'm extremely anti movie to stage...simply for the lack of creativity. But this, my friends, this sounds beautiful. I may even pay to see it!
re: Saw Drowsy Chaperone Last night AND.....
 Apr 21 2006, 01:03:15 PM
double post

re: Saw Drowsy Chaperone Last night AND.....
 Apr 21 2006, 01:03:14 PM
There were mostly locals when I saw it 2 weeks ago. Granted it was a matinee, so it was mostly local older folks. Not really abnormal.
re: Can a show be your favorite if you have not seen it?
 Apr 21 2006, 01:01:13 PM
I think so. I've never been a person to have favorites of anything, but I think the powers that be are fine with people never seeing their favorite show

Now, now ourtime992...the people who say you can't have a favorite without seeing it are simply stating their opinions. I don't think they are necessarily pompous. They just happen to think differently than you and I. It WAS a question, and they DID answer it as they felt best.

re: Idina Menzel to Star in London WICKED
 Apr 21 2006, 12:53:26 PM
This is just about the smartest move they could have made. And I'm really happy for Idina, because crossing the Atlantic is bold, and will be an amazing experience for her. Plus, her voice should be fine as she is only in the run for a limited engagement.

I admit it would be brilliant to see Idina fly again.

re: BWW Contest: Win Tix to Opening Night of The Wedding Singer! (enter her
 Apr 20 2006, 05:12:28 PM
Definition: YUP= Young+Urban+Professional. Basically describing the young,upperclass, GIGANTIC cel phone toting,men (and often women) of the 80's.
Sentence: Did you see Michael on the way to the golf course yesterday in his red Beemer? What a yuppie!

re: RENT - How long do you give it?
 Apr 12 2006, 01:38:31 PM
Speaking of Rent...I really like the cast right now. Go sometimes soon!
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