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Member Name: Sampatches
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IATSE and BLM...bueller....?
 Jan 26 2021, 05:56:24 PM

Islander_fan said: "By “head of theatre” do you mean house managers? I only ask because If thats the case the. Then thanks for the laugh."

They mean department heads/house positions, which are full time positions at the theatres/employed by the theatre owners instead of production contract ones which are employees of the show.

Anyway, the head of props at The Golden is a woman of color 

Moyoco Anno's Memoirs of Amorous Gentlemen Manga Inspires Broadway Musical
 Oct 20 2020, 07:29:17 PM


Just read about this. It’s apparently being adapted for stage by Rob Ashford. I’ve read a bit of the manga and I think it could make a for an interesting show! Looking forward to see who is doing the music.

Amandla Stenberg Cast in DEAR EVAN HANSEN Film
 Aug 22 2020, 01:49:39 AM

Alex Kulak2 said: "rattleNwoolypenguin said: "I'm just gonna pipe in here and say Dear Evan Hansen gives the one person of color a really one note character so if they expand her character in the film it will be for the better."

Neither the dialogue nor the published libretto mentions the race of any of the characters.

While that is true everyone was white or white passing in the original production at Arena in DC. Second S

Your Musical Theatre Comfort Songs?
 Aug 18 2020, 12:41:30 PM
Aida, Little Shop of Horrors and Spring Awakening (the albums collectively). They were the first shows I really got into back in college and are good pick me ups
Amandla Stenberg Cast in DEAR EVAN HANSEN Film
 Aug 17 2020, 06:54:43 PM
She’s basically more exposition than actual character so it’s nice that they’re giving her more to do in plot
Cringe moments in otherwise great shows
 Aug 15 2020, 11:30:06 AM

Jessie Mueller and Andy Karl’s yellow face makeup in Drood :|

BIPOC movement..Backstage IATSE local 1? Musicians 802? Stage managers? etc
 Aug 13 2020, 01:36:50 PM

They don’t have their numbers listed but my guess would be at least 2500-3000 members, as it encompasses lights, sound, video, scenery rigging and special effects.

I’m basing this higher number off of my own union, 764 having 1400 members and just being one department.

It’s not a good ratio.

Each theatre is going to have at least a house props, electrics and carpenter that is a full time staff member

BIPOC movement..Backstage IATSE local 1? Musicians 802? Stage managers? etc
 Aug 13 2020, 11:50:51 AM

Unless they took over for Stewart after he retired as head electrician Circle in the Square does not have any women or BIPOC in house positions.

BIPOC movement..Backstage IATSE local 1? Musicians 802? Stage managers? etc
 Aug 13 2020, 08:20:09 AM

Off of top of my head from the 12 theatres I’ve worked at only two have had women (and one was a WOC)  in full time Local 1 house positions. The Helen Hayes and The Golden.

A few shows I’ve done have had women on the crew under production contracts where the show itself hires them but they’re not the department heads (other than Local 764 - Wardrobe and Local 798 - HMU who don’t have permanent house positions like Local 1)

can broadway shows not renew actors contracts bc they shut down bc of the pandemic??
 Aug 10 2020, 09:38:02 PM

Isn’t it called a run of show contract? I’m not sure how common they are anymore. I first heard about it because of all the coverage over that one actor from Chicago who committed suicide had one and had been in the show since it opened 

Diana going to Netflix
 Aug 8 2020, 02:21:41 AM

uncageg said: "I have a good friend that works on the show that has heard nothing about this. They aren't even allowed inside the theater."

The wardrobe crew had a work call a few weeks ago. I’m not sure if it’s related to this or was a one off however

Plays or musicals with scenes at New Year's?
 Jul 26 2020, 08:19:23 PM
Burn This (the final scene takes place on NYE)
Will COVID End The Broadway Chorus?
 Jul 22 2020, 08:57:23 PM

itsjustmejonhotmailcom said: "Broadway won't open with social distancing restrictions. In the audience and on the other side of the proscenium. Andyou can have a show with a cast of 4 with a weekly nut of $600k and a show with a cast of 24 with a nut of $400k. In case thatwasn't clear, the answer is "no.""

I’m curious why you think it won’t? The IATSE guidelines report specifically have social distancing measures in place for ba

IATSE Releases COVID Safety Guidelines For Broadway Return
 Jul 22 2020, 07:54:42 PM

Perhaps, I was just referring to what was outlined in the wardrobe section of the guidelines. If anything I could see them putting up plexi glass partitions between stations 

IATSE Releases COVID Safety Guidelines For Broadway Return
 Jul 22 2020, 07:13:36 PM

It’s going to be interesting to see how most of these theatres are going to deal with the dressing room stations needing to be 6 feet apart. The ensemble rooms tend to have 8-12 people packed into them and some spaces are packed to the brim and have no more space to shuffle that many people around. Same

with the recommendation of dressers no longer being allowed to be “floaters” and just dress a core few, that might require more jobs 

I have a idea of a musical based on the anime Beastars
 Jul 22 2020, 03:12:19 PM
Well it has one in Japan already so there’s some groundwork done

One Short Day Quick Change
 Jul 17 2020, 07:02:02 PM

Watching this video the two ladies are probably stripping as soon as they are out of the sight lines and most likely have two dressers and a hair person each to put on the wigs and hats. Dresses are usually some of the easiest costumes to change into, they’re typically puddled on the floor and the actor steps into them, the dresser (or dressers depending on how fast the change is) pull the costume up and fastens it and BOOM, pretty much done.

Which shows will Covid-19 end?
 Jul 12 2020, 03:51:18 AM

disneybroadwayfan22 said: "Looks like Mean Girls could be next

The doors  got vandalized about a month or so ago and some of the posters were torn off, maybe they just took them all down and repainted so the theatre doesn’t look decrepit?

Behind the Scenes Broadway Jobs
 Jul 11 2020, 02:21:38 PM
I’m a dresser. It’s really nerve wracking not knowing when we’re going to be going back to work. The first month kind of felt like a recharge because it was my longest break in about 3 years but now I’m just antsy and miss my job. I’ve been trying to stay busy by doing little things around my house and getting back into drawing. A lot of my fellow wardrobe people have started making masks and hospital scrubs to donate
When is promotional or B-roll footage of shows filmed?
 Jul 10 2020, 02:46:10 AM

It’s a very long day and can almost feel like doing two shows. The musical I was working on most recently split production photos and b-roll up over two days, about a week or so before opening night. And right before a 5 show weekend because they were evil wink

 Here’s basically what my day looked like:

11am - Wardrobe called for costume prep
12:30 - Actors called, 1 hour to get into costumes/hmu.
1:30-4:45 - Actors onstage for the shot list. Run numbers and stage scenes as needed multiple times 
4:45 - Actors out of costume/hmu
5 - Dinner break until evening show call at 6pm

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