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Member Name: JRTO
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Billy Elliot encore - Bdwy & touring
 Apr 18 2011, 06:59:38 PM
There is a dance number in Toronto- I think you saw it during one of the shows that was stopped because of technical issues. If this happens they have to cut the encore so they don't go into union overtime...
Spidey's Recoupment
 Jan 18 2011, 04:56:36 PM
Oh, so why don't you tell us then... let me guess: $2 million? I said $100 and that's a JOKE. The point stands. Re-jigging and postponing the opening costs very little in the grand scheme of things. Doing so does not increase the budget by the cost of a full scale musical.
Spidey's Recoupment
 Jan 18 2011, 04:39:45 PM
That's fine. Pick on spelling mistakes. Because that's the only part of the post that doesn't make sense.

Spidey's Recoupment
 Jan 18 2011, 02:45:04 PM
Oh, and it had a 6 show week. If it had 8 performances this week, it could have grossed $1,677,784- which for the second week in a row, would have beaten Wicked.

Spidey's Recoupment
 Jan 18 2011, 02:37:26 PM
JacksonMaine: "Actually, I think what's ridiculous is to assume that a show can postpone for six weeks to continue doing work and only lose the box office money. If you've worked on Broadway shows (or even Off Broadway shows) you know that costs go up tremendously when you postpone an opening; from marketing to advertising to personnel to copying costs for the new music. To say that it was $65 million but no way can it be $70 million with a six week postponement of opening night seems naive." <
Spidey's Recoupment
 Jan 16 2011, 07:59:23 PM
It is utterly impossible for the show's budget to increase $15 million in 2 months (that's the entire cost to mount Wicked).

When they cancelled preview weeks, the only money lost was the revenue. Probably about 2 million. But the running costs comes out of the reserve already built into the budget. Most likely 2 months running costs. It doesn't increase the budget of the show by $2 million. or $4 million. or $15 million.

I'm sure it's still at $65 million. Other claims that

THE TOXIC AVENGER on Broadway soon?
 Dec 15 2010, 12:07:21 PM
there is one way to lower ticket prices: reduced wages for all unions, including equity. this is the biggest expenditure, not advertising (which is usually around 30%). the union rates are completely out of scale and make no economic sense and increase 3% a year. but good luck with that.
THE TOXIC AVENGER on Broadway soon?
 Dec 13 2010, 05:23:07 PM
"Why should someone pay more ($135) for a MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET with a cast of 6, a small orchestra - 2 pieces, one set, and no special effects that runs with much lower break-even."

To complain about a ticket price being too high because a show has low running costs is absolutely ridiculous. I'm sure with MDQ they're paying a crap load in royalties as well, so it's not even as low as you think.

That's like complaining about paying $12 to see a comedy that cost $20 million to

Spiderman Preview Thread!
 Nov 29 2010, 12:39:34 AM
Congrats New York, you now have your very own Lord of the Rings!

I'm surprised that that visually stunning mess of a show hasn't been brought up in any of the Spidey discussions- the parallels are uncanny, right down to Michael Cohl, the producer.

LOTR had delays, stoppages, million dollar a week nut and a horribly messy story for a completely simple plot and as soon as all the curious 'car crash' rubberneckers had seen the show it was out of Toronto faster than you could beli

re: Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 2/8
 Feb 9 2009, 03:49:31 PM
Dreamworks is not going to let it's first venture fail so easily. Even if it continues to loose money for months they will keep it propped up until the end of summer.
Jersey Boys Toronto Reviews (New Cast)
 Jan 22 2009, 11:22:44 AM
Revamped Jersey Boys shine even brighter

Jan 22, 2009 04:30 AM
Comments on this story (2)
Theatre Critic

Jersey Boys

4 stars(out of 4)

These Boys just keep getting better.

If, for some crazy reason, you still haven't caught up with the hit Dancap production of Jersey Boys at the Toronto Centre for the Arts, or if you'd been wondering if you should pay it a second visit, then wait no longer.

The new, largely Canadian cast that opened Tuesday night is a knockout: the best of the five companies I've seen across North America.

There's something exciting about watching a performer you've seen for a long time make that extra leap into stardom, and that's what happens to Jeff Madden in the role of Frankie Valli, the soaring, angel-voiced crooner who gave The Four Seasons their distinctive pop sound over 40 years ago. Madden has been a staple of the Shaw Festival for years, performing with polish and distinction, but who would have guessed that he had such a hard-edged, mean-streets, Jersey kind of guy lurking inside him?

Of all the Frankie Vallis that I've seen, he's the only one who doesn't seem a bit too nice and sentimental for the tough career choices his character has to make as the evening goes on.

Yeah, Madden may sing like one of the seraphim, but there's more than just a touch of Lucifer in his eyes. Watch the tightly coiled way he performs Sergio Trujillo's period-perfect choreography and you'll see a man waiting to break loose on many levels.

His singing voice is sweetly flawless, but that's no surprise from Madden. What will make you stand up and take notice is the wiseguy mantle he slips into as tightly as one of his designer Italian suits.

Madden's success, however, is not a solo one. Thankfully, Jeremy Kushnier is still around as Tommy DeVito and his work grows more richly detailed with each viewing.

With the merest lift of an eyebrow or snap of a finger, Kushnier knows how to convey the external disdain masking internal turmoil at the heart of his character. As always, one is grateful for the energy he brings to the top of the show, narrating it with such breakneck speed that there's no time to draw breath.

Kudos also to Michael Lomenda, who takes the potentially thankless part of Nick Masi and fills it with rich comedy and vividly felt anger.

His passionate outbursts about the pains of sharing a bathroom with the messy DeVito have never seemed funnier.

Lomenda is another one of those first-rate talents who hasn't really gotten the break he deserves. Let's hope this is it.

I was also a huge fan of Shawn Wright as the flamboyant record mogul Bob Crewe, because Wright managed to get all the humour out of the role without descending into cheap camp.

American Quinn VanAntwerp is a decent Bob Gaudio, but I frankly missed the quirky individuality that Andrew Rannells brought to the part when the show opened last summer.

Des McAnuff's direction remains Thunderbird-slick and Trujillo's choreography will make you want to get on your feet and join in with the dancing.

Tuneful, touching, terrific: this is the most entertaining show in town.

Jersey Boys stays in Toronto
 Oct 16 2008, 11:48:00 AM
From Today's Toronto Star:

Richard Ouzounian
theatre critic

It looks like those Jersey Boys are going to hang around town indefinitely.

The Dancap Productions presentation of the Tony Award-winning musical at the Toronto Centre for the Arts has proved so popular with local audiences since its opening on Aug. 24 that plans have been made to extend its visit.

Although most of the current cast will leave after the Dec. 6 performance, the Toronto Star has learned a new Canadian company will take over on Dec. 13, with hope of an indefinite run.

It's expected that Torontonians Des McAnuff (director) and Sergio Trujillo (choreographer) will assist in the transition.

Jeff Madden will play the leading role of Frankie Valli, the falsetto-voiced singer who gave the iconic '60s singing group The Four Seasons its distinctive sound.

Madden is just finishing his eighth consecutive season at the Shaw Festival, where he has played numerous roles in dramas as well as musicals, most notably Floyd Collins and Tristan.

He was originally slated to be the star of the Andrew Lloyd Webber/Ben Elton musical The Boys in the Photograph at the Manitoba Theatre Centre in the spring of 2009, but this new assignment may make that impossible.

Former Torontonian Jeremy Kushnier will remain to continue his critically praised performance as Tommy DeVito, the "bad boy" of the group, whose gambling debts nearly destroyed The Four Seasons at their peak.

Adrian Marchuk, recently free from the tour of Anne and Gilbert, will also join the company in a leading position, most likely as the alternate Frankie Valli.

re: Jersey Boys permanent-o in Toronto.
 Oct 16 2008, 11:37:47 AM
Your answer lies here:

Richard Ouzounian
theatre critic

It looks like those Jersey Boys are going to hang around town indefinitely.

The Dancap Productions presentation of the Tony Award-winning musical at the Toronto Centre for the Arts has proved so popular with local audiences since its opening on Aug. 24 that plans have been made to extend its visit.

Although most of the current cast will leave after the Dec. 6 performance, the Toronto Star has learned a new Canadian company will take over on Dec. 13, with hope of an indefinite run.

It's expected that Torontonians Des McAnuff (director) and Sergio Trujillo (choreographer) will assist in the transition.

Jeff Madden will play the leading role of Frankie Valli, the falsetto-voiced singer who gave the iconic '60s singing group The Four Seasons its distinctive sound.

Madden is just finishing his eighth consecutive season at the Shaw Festival, where he has played numerous roles in dramas as well as musicals, most notably Floyd Collins and Tristan.

He was originally slated to be the star of the Andrew Lloyd Webber/Ben Elton musical The Boys in the Photograph at the Manitoba Theatre Centre in the spring of 2009, but this new assignment may make that impossible.

Former Torontonian Jeremy Kushnier will remain to continue his critically praised performance as Tommy DeVito, the "bad boy" of the group, whose gambling debts nearly destroyed The Four Seasons at their peak.

Adrian Marchuk, recently free from the tour of Anne and Gilbert, will also join the company in a leading position, most likely as the alternate Frankie Valli.

re: The Predict Closings Game
 Oct 13 2008, 11:58:13 PM
As stated before, this was not intended to be negative. This is a business and we're analyzing it.

And you're taking someone's words very literally. Again. Dramatic.

And why would an educated person know that this would devolve into mud-throwing? It's an analysis. Plain and simple.

Just go away if you don't like the thread.

Anyone else have any thoughts about what shows won't be able to survive the economic problems we're having?

re: Jersey Boys permanent-o in Toronto?
 Oct 13 2008, 11:46:15 PM

Do you know how many people DON'T LIVE DOWNTOWN?

I mean, really. This is a long myth perpetuated by the media in Toronto.

The theatre is, for the majority of the audience, much easier to get to (and to park around) than ANY theatre downtown.

And the location affecting the BO? That's absolutely nuts!

Do you really think people are sitting at home going:
"Geeze, you know, my neighbour just told me how amazing Jersey Boys is, and I'd l

re: The Predict Closings Game
 Oct 13 2008, 11:40:05 PM
You're so dramatic.
re: The Predict Closings Game
 Oct 13 2008, 10:57:13 PM
Michael: Hilarious.

Robert: Your sarcasm is a breath of fresh air!

Adam: It's a fine line between profit and loss on broadway.

The intention isn't that it is a negative thread. But you will find a number of people freaked out about the current economic conditions in the country. Traveling to New York with the family and seeing Broadway shows will not be on people's lists this winter. I reckon that you will see a number of shows closing in the New Year. That is a fact t

re: The Predict Closings Game
 Oct 13 2008, 09:52:30 PM
It's fairly easy to modify an existing set. Much easier than creating a whole new one.
re: The Predict Closings Game
 Oct 13 2008, 08:07:11 PM
Here's the thing with Poppins- it's launching a National Tour in March.

With the economy the way it is, I bet that it will want to funnel all the remaining tourists to LK and LM, with one of them moving back into the New Amsterdam after Poppins leaves.

The broadway production will set up shop in Chicago- saving a huge amount of set up costs, and instead of having to recoup, will pretty much have profit from day one.

The road is much more risky-er than it use to be.

re: The Predict Closings Game
 Oct 13 2008, 06:13:29 PM
Wait and see how long they will run once they have to start paying running costs out of that 'pure profit' because they can't make their nut.

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