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Member Name: Lamc16
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Gender: Female
Location: New York, NY

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re: Moments in Shows that Made You Cry When You First Saw It
 Aug 11 2009, 04:06:12 PM
the crescendo during "I Still Believe" in Miss Saigon; and the final moments (actually the entire third act) of "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"
re: Favorite TONY acceptance speeches
 Aug 11 2009, 03:49:09 PM
Bill Irwin. Beautiful, humble, and *succinct.*
Anybody go into Next to Normal not wanting to see it and then...
 Aug 10 2009, 01:49:33 PM
come out loving it?? I'm going to see it this weekend and I'm not completely enthusiastic but my friend really wants to go. I really want to WANT to see it, believe me, but I'm just not quite there. I guess I'm basically ambivalent. Am I crazy?
re: Seats at the Hirschfield
 Apr 13 2009, 03:11:38 PM
I'd go with orchestra as well. The view is great and the cast runs all up and down the entire aisle the whole show.
re: What happened to Gavin in last night's (April 12) Hair performance?
 Apr 13 2009, 11:53:32 AM
I saw the show Saturday night. He played the first act and then the production manager came out at the end of intermission and said that she felt he wasn't well enough to continue. I thought Gavin seemed a bit lackluster in the energy dept (compared to Will), but after she said he was sick, it made sense. I'm glad I got tickets to take my brother next month. I'm looking forward to seeing him play the entire show.
re: NYTimes: Audience Member Throws Tantrum at REASONS TO BE PRETTY
 Apr 6 2009, 02:44:53 PM
I agree. I think the guy acted on his own volition. It doesn't seem, in any way, to be a publicity stunt. The show doesn't need it. It received glowing reviews and word-of-mouth by now must be very strong.
re: NYTimes: Audience Member Throws Tantrum at REASONS TO BE PRETTY
 Apr 6 2009, 12:38:26 PM
Just because he's being charged, doesn't mean he didn't PLAN on going into the performance and yelling out to Ireland at that exact moment. I'm just sayin... the guy at The Graduate planned to disrupt the performance he went to. The producers of that show did not choose to press charges, however.
re: NYTimes: Audience Member Throws Tantrum at REASONS TO BE PRETTY
 Apr 6 2009, 12:13:16 PM
I was at Saturday evening's performance and my friend I just assumed it was part of the performance. The actors didn't seem interrupted by it, they just kept playing the scene. I honestly thought that since Steph's character is talking to the 'people in the food court' (or, the audience) that the guy who yelled "B*tch!" out was an angered 'mall patron.' It just seemed too staged and not real at all. But now that I'm reading this, I can't help but wonder if somebody put this guy up to it. Od
re: Kidman and Eckhart Cast in Rabbit Hole Movie
 Apr 3 2009, 02:15:35 PM
I completely agree, Borstalboy. Her face hasn't moved in years. It's distracting! I used to find her a pretty good actress (ie: To Die For, My Life, a couple others) but lately I can't watch anything with her in it without thinking 'that's Nicole Kidman phoning in the same boring performance.'
re: Kidman and Eckhart Cast in Rabbit Hole Movie
 Apr 3 2009, 01:02:34 PM
Ugh. I'm sorry, but she is just so blah.
re: Stamos, Gershon, Houdyshell, Irwin Will Put on a Happy Face in Broadway
 Apr 2 2009, 01:51:02 PM
I'm most excited about Bill Irwin. He's terrific.
re: Best Unrequited Love Songs
 Mar 30 2009, 11:12:23 PM
I Still Believe - Miss Saigon
I Dreamed a Dream - Les Mis

re: EXIT THE KING Reviews
 Mar 26 2009, 09:20:48 PM
Play Esq., I saw Brantley at Tuesday night's performance.
re: EXIT THE KING Reviews
 Mar 26 2009, 03:23:12 PM
Brantley will gush over Rush, for sure. Saw him the other night a few rows behind me, looked downright giddy when Beringer descended into the audience.
 Mar 25 2009, 03:34:09 PM
saw this last night. what an interesting experience. it's definitely going to stay with me for a few days. it goes without saying that i loved Rush in every way. his performance was majestic, truly. i was astounded by his physicality - every muscle, every pore was invested in this performance. Sarandon was good, but (as stated previously) she didn't really get to do much, besides sit and seethe, until the finale. but when her moment came i was pleasantly surprised. though i didn't really
Sarah Paulson on Letterman
 Mar 24 2009, 05:19:09 PM
Anybody see this? Her impression of Kathleen Turner is pretty good, but her Holly Hunter is uncanny!

re: Hathaway Cast as Garland in Stage and Screen Planned 'GET HAPPY'
 Mar 24 2009, 01:12:26 PM
isn't she about 5 feet taller than Garland was? lol
re: HAIR Review
 Mar 24 2009, 12:30:45 PM
Great, thanks sgv and defy!
re: HAIR Review
 Mar 24 2009, 11:11:44 AM
any opinions on how the view is from the back of the orchestra? does the overhang of the mezz obstruct viewing?
re: Tragedy Strikes as Natasha Richardson Passes Away at 45
 Mar 18 2009, 09:49:59 PM
I feel sick over this.

God bless her.

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