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Member Name: jordynmcanany
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 Nov 13 2018, 05:02:48 AM

I also just want to add, if getting an autograph at the end of the night encourages more young people to go to the theater then I personally am all for it. I do not agree with the entitlement, but that's something people grow out of usually. If it helps sells ticket, and keeps shows open, I'm all for it as long as people are being respectful.

In New York it's obviously different but here in Western PA theater is a dying art. Many schools have cut programs. We have one t

 Nov 13 2018, 04:51:17 AM

I truly do not understand why people get so upset about stage-dooring. It seems like some people are acting like it's just people randomly standing outside the theaters, but nowadays most theaters literally prepare barricades and arrange for it beforehand. Actors can choose whether or not they want to stage door or not. The actors themselves comes to the barricades/people. If they don't want to, and they simply want to go home, then they'll walk past or go out a different exit. Li

Question about Broadway Cares + Today Tix Lottery
 Nov 9 2018, 02:09:13 PM

So apologies for this shallow question, but I just am genuinely curious. Is there any sort of rhym or reason as to when Broadway shows collect for Broadway cares? Is it every night, or does each show have a certain night?

I only ask because I see that Sam and Anthony from CC came out in costume to collect a few nights ago, and I'd really like to get tickets for the show on a day when they might do so again. From my understanding, I thought that the collections were an every-night t

Cursed Child covers/understudies
 Sep 25 2018, 02:57:33 AM
No one knows the exact date. I’d try to come as early as possible in March, preferably before the 10th
Cursed Child covers/understudies
 Sep 24 2018, 11:27:58 PM

_john said: "He did point out, however, that you wouldn't want to miss Sam Clemmett as Albus or Anthony Boyle as Scorpius."

This, in my opinion, is largely due to the fact that there is so much content to go off of as Harry. So while Jamie Parker literally IS Harry Potter to me ever since seeing him, he wasn't the original Harry Potter.

Whereas in many ways Sam and Anthony are Albus and Scorpius. When playing Harry, everything is already there.

Cursed Child Melbourne News?
 Sep 24 2018, 07:05:32 AM

Pretty sure they're talking about the child/nest thing that's on the cover of the book. It's built into a big entrance in both nyc and London.

Cursed Child covers/understudies
 Sep 22 2018, 06:46:04 PM
Funny, was literally just talking about the prospect of an all American cast.

Wonder how he did o:
Can anyone report back?

Cursed Child Cast Changes
 Sep 22 2018, 02:15:47 PM

I think you should be safe in February, even more so if it's toward the beginning. I see no reason why they wouldn't fulfill a full one year contract, especially the younger cast as it's their first time on broadway. :) You'll have a blast!

Cursed Child Cast Changes
 Sep 22 2018, 06:01:13 AM

Hi all :) 

I saw an article today that stated Noma will be performing through May. Pretty sure they just messed up the dates (I feel as though it's collectively accepted their last day is most likely sometime in mid-March), but it's made me think a lot of what I hope to see in the new cast.

Was wondering what you guys are hoping for?

I sort of hope they keep a british principal cast, although I know this is probably unlikely. I thought, at first,

Harry Potter Tickets?
 Sep 22 2018, 05:40:47 AM

Pricing for this show is extremely weird. Not sure what is affordable to you, but there is 95$ (per part) tickets for most of the shows, as someone has already pointed out. I know even that may seem steep since you have to x2 (per person) but it's important to look at it as 95, not the full amount, because you are essentially seeing two full plays after all.

I have seen people manage to get 40$ tickets while lurking the ticket thread on here. This is pretty rare though. I feel as t

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Seating/Pricing Thread
 Sep 21 2018, 04:34:08 AM

I don't think there is necessarily a bad seat. Even with the overhang, there is about one tiny scene you'll miss because of it. To be fair, it is a cool part, but you'll be able to deduct what's going on. As for the balcony, I think some people complain about the railing, but I think if you get a booster seat you should be fine. If you have neck problems I probably wouldn't sit there.

What I do want to add - and this is just my personal opinion - is that I belie

Harry Potter
 Sep 18 2018, 01:12:02 AM

It depends on what you're looking to get out of the experience.


Personally, for me, I was a huge Harry Potter fan so I read the book immediately when it came out. I adored it, but I know a lot of people weren't huge fans. That said, I think it's definitely easier to read if you have a theatre background, which obviously everyone on here does. So I think most of the people who didn't enjoy it didn't know what to expect out of a script.

One downfa

Cursed Child Stage door Question
 Aug 29 2018, 02:36:54 AM

Ah, I hope they do part 1. I'll most likely still have time after part 2, but night 1 would be more convenient as I'd have my friend with me. I'm always unsure if pictures are appropriate or not when it comes to stage door, and it's never been a huge issue before because I usually just want an autograph and to exchange a few words anyway, but I'd really love a picture with this cast, especially the two boys!  They're all so charming! I feel like I'd be too shy to ask though, or be the only one? I feel like I don't see many fan pictures with them, but maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places. I definitely feel like CC have a more traditional "fan love" of the actors versus some other plays, where the actors are kind of secondary to the content itself (if that makes sense?). I didn't stage door last time I saw it, but even just watching it, everyone was so vocal. Which times a bit annoying. But I'm sure it feels nice for the actors, and I hope it means people are asking for pics so I can maybe have the confidence to as well haha. 

Very sad about about Jamie Parker. I definitely want his signature I saw the play a couple weeks ago and he was such a talent! I'm excited to see it up closer to see all his emotion.


edit: wanted to edit and add that I personally see no issue in asking for pics and 100% want pictures (even if I'm too shy to ask). I just know (in my very very limited stage dooring experiences), there was less people that asked for them than there were people who did. So I wasn't sure if it was the norm or not!

Cursed Child Stage door Question
 Aug 29 2018, 12:17:29 AM

Hi again, sorry for all the CC questions. I just want to make the most of my trip!

I was wondering if any of you had any experience with stage door as far as CC is concerned? I would love to see all the original cast, especially Sam and Anthony.

I know that on 2-show days they only do part two. But what about on one show days? Is it random which part, do they typically only do part two, or do they sometimes do both?

Just trying to plan, especially because I believe

Seeing faces in Cursed Child?
 Aug 26 2018, 12:29:43 AM

It wasn't really a money thing, as they ended up being around the same price technically. The c10 seats were cheaper but also this upcoming thurs/friday, and the person I usually stay with will be away. So I had to get a hotel, which kind of even its out with the 100$ more g1 seats. I still took it into consideration though, because it just felt weird paying more to be further back. I would've expected them to at least be equal (one close to the front, one center stage).

Harry Potter Tix Question
 Aug 26 2018, 12:25:56 AM

Ah, I definitely misread. I thought you meant you were going next week in hopes of attending the show next week. If you're getting tickets for feb, I would definitely just wait and get them at the box office.

Seeing faces in Cursed Child?
 Aug 25 2018, 11:29:08 PM

I guess it makes sense. Especially with cheaper tickets, they'll likely be able to resell them. The tickets I am looking at are all out of this timeframe though, so it's probably a good thing I took a moment to decide.

Harry Potter Tix Question
 Aug 25 2018, 11:27:38 PM

It's so frustrating how you can't choose. Honestly, the whole set up to get tickets is awful It made sense when they first were released I guess, that way people could kind of fish around for dates, but now they should just make them available on ticketmaster the normal way. I also hate how, whenever you release tickets, it's a whole process to get back to where you were. Especially if you were looking at further months.


One trick if you want to try and fish for tickets before box office - grab the tickets you keep getting on your phone and hold them in your cart while you search on your computer. That way it will be forced to give you new tickets. I kept getting this one seat really far to the left - like the absolute last seat to the left - so I did this and got a slightly further back row, that was more center stage. Of course, you're really limited to only two or three times (unless you have a million computers, but I reckon at this point ticketmaster would ban your ip. So id safely only use two or three). Still, at that point, I usually take it as there really isn't any better seats available. Sometimes ticketmaster won't give you the *best* available seat though, in my opinion. (Ex: I got f17..then went on my phone and got c10. This was literally today, so i doubt anyone was holding it randomly). 

The ticketmaster order line is pretty unhelpful, but I've never tried dealing with the box office themselves. Waiting til that close you run the risk of many of the good seats being sold out though - or perhaps your whole price range in general. While they do discount some of the seats (i believe) it's usually the most expensive, so I think it still ends up being 199. This is just hearsay on my part though, so I'm not sure!

Seeing faces in Cursed Child?
 Aug 25 2018, 11:13:54 PM

I had no clue you could return/exchange so many times! I feel like everytime I try to return something with TM, it's always an absolute nightmare. I wonder what the exact limitations are. Regardless, I'm glad you had a great time!


I ended up just getting the C tickets, as I want to be as close to the actors as possible and they were, after all, cheaper. Thank you for all your help and input :)



Seeing faces in Cursed Child?
 Aug 25 2018, 02:14:52 PM

Woops, I read your reply before you edited it. That makes me feel better! I was worried with it being not so centered I'd see a lot of back of heads. My seats were so far up the last time I saw it, it was hard to really judge what the orchestra section was like in person. Seeing the magic does kind of worry me. I'm hoping C is far enough to where it isn't /too/ bad. 

I feel like I'm way overthinking this decision, I just know I'll never be able to drop this amo

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