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Member Name: herstarcuffedjeans
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Asking for free playbills on Instagram
 Apr 16 2019, 11:44:26 AM

Honestly, I would be okay with it if this person just messaged me asking for a playbill. I could tell them no, and then if they found me in a location tag again they would see that I'd already said no. What I think is the problem here is that this user is just blindly commenting on everything that's in the tag. It's just way too much.

And as someone who collects playbills and sees a lot of shows, I can at least understand what this person is asking for. It's go

Asking for free playbills on Instagram
 Apr 15 2019, 01:26:50 PM

Yesterday I took my little sister to see a show and she loved it. She was vibrating with excitement the entire day; and I took some cute pictures of her at various posters, holding her playbill, and at the stagedoor to share with our family and friends.

I have a personal Instagram account which I use entirely to share experiences in my life (it is NOT a playbill or fan account) and I posted the pictures there. I tagged the location of the theater because that's

Alice By Heart Tickets - $35 Second Row Orch
 Mar 7 2019, 06:49:17 PM

I'm not available but I hate that my first thought was "I WONDER IF I COULD TAKE THESE." Gosh, I love this show. Someone should take advantage of this offer.

One pair of Harry Potter orchestra Tix for sale, $40/ticket, Wed Jan 30
 Jan 29 2019, 02:42:01 PM

I am interested in this! Are these still available?

SELLING: Cursed Child on Jan. 23
 Dec 27 2018, 12:03:00 PM

I'm interested! Messaging now :)

 Dec 26 2018, 01:56:22 PM

Scoot3 said: "I had a similar experience recently buying TKAMB Linctix. I called telecharge and they ran the transaction over the phone. They said my card was denied because of fraud prevention even though the transaction went through every time I attempted to buy the tickets. The charges disappeared within 24 hours but the whole thing was odd."

That was the outcome of my conversation also! Apparently my name had several linctix accounts attached to it (and too my cr

Your Theatre Year In Review 2018
 Dec 24 2018, 10:18:12 AM

How many shows have you seen this year? 48.
Show you liked/loved the most? Mean Girls, Once on this Island, The Prom.
Show you liked least/hated most? SpongeBob, Pretty Woman, Anastasia.
Show that surprised you the most (good or bad)? I did not expect to like Mean Girls as much as I did, and I definitely did not expect to be in love with the underst

 Dec 24 2018, 09:23:41 AM

I tried to buy tickets this morning and I received this warning: "We’re sorry. Your credit card was not approved, and we were unable to complete your purchase. Please try again using a different credit card, or call 212-239-6210 to report the problem."

This felt odd to me because I knew I had an available balance but I thought maybe I'd entered in the number incorrectly so I tried again. I received the same warning.

So I put away my Visa card and I

The prom rush
 Nov 27 2018, 11:53:24 AM

I rushed on November 18th. The box office opened at 12 pm and I arrived there a little before 11:30 pm. I ended up being about 15th in line and by noon there were 30 or so people in total. I didn't stay to see if everyone got tickets but I was able to claim two tickets for the back side orchestra.

Signed Kazino Great Comet Program for Sale!
 Nov 23 2018, 05:10:06 PM
Bump! It's currently listed at just $117. For a signed program that's definitely a steal! Unsigned they seem to be going for around $100.
Signed Kazino Great Comet Program for Sale!
 Nov 20 2018, 01:14:48 PM

Please check out my listing here :)

Thanks in advance!

Cursed Child 11/21 Tickets for Sale - SOLD
 Nov 19 2018, 10:29:10 PM

I have two tickets for both parts of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child on November 21st that I would like to sell. The first part is at 2 pm and the second part is at 7:30 pm. Unfortunately my Thanksgiving plans have changed and I will no longer be able to visit the city on this date. 

Seats are Balcony D3 and D5.

I spent $200 on them ($160Â

Mean girls understudies?
 Nov 14 2018, 06:10:50 PM

Nikhil said he will be playing Kevin all week except for Sunday night. I'm assuming that means Cheech will be coming back for the Sunday evening performance, but who knows? Maybe they'll put Chris on.

The Official TDF Thread
 Oct 24 2018, 11:15:14 AM

dphibbs94 said: "Has anyone else experienced a lag in orders appearing in their "Order History"? I just purchased a ticket and received a confirmation number, but it isn't listed in my order history."

I had the same issue with my ticket for last night, but I can confirm that my tickets were at the box office when I got there. It just seems like that part of the website doesn't work.

The Official TDF Thread
 Oct 22 2018, 12:32:31 PM

American Son 10/24/2018 was added!

The Official TDF Thread
 Oct 20 2018, 02:08:05 PM

I purchased tickets for "The Prom" on Tuesday. My card was charged and I received an email confirmation. When I log on to TDF today, however, I see that in my order history there are "No orders found for future performances." Is this common? Should I be concerned? I tried calling them so I could confirm that I indeed had tickets, but their phone line doesn't open until 10 on Monday.

Tee Boyich going on anytime soon?
 Oct 15 2018, 01:08:04 PM

I agree that it shouldn't matter who is on for what part. Everybody in this company - and everybody in any Broadway company, honestly - is fantastic, and I personally would never be disappointed to see an understudy. But just because that's how it should be doesn't mean that's how it is.

The fact of the matter is that there is a genuine concern that announcing when principals are out could affect ticket sales. These are a few of the sentiments

Mean Girls Fan Day Performance
 Oct 9 2018, 09:17:05 AM

Thank you bwayrose7! Now that I think about it, I don't think I ever got on the actual Urban Dictionary, but rather the preview on Google. Good at technology I am not

I do agree that the word "stan" has this connotation of stalkerish behavior , but I also see people use it quite casually and not about fandoms or "stars" necessarily. I guess that's where my confusion comes from, because I'm in a few friend groups where we sta

Mean Girls Fan Day Performance
 Oct 6 2018, 01:40:11 PM

So I think ClumsyDude15 covered pretty much everything that happened at the Fan Day performance. It was truly an experience I'm not going to forget, and I'm glad I was able to share it with everybody who was there. I don't think I've ever seen such an enthused audience or group of performers, and I'm almost hesitant to ever see Mean Girls again...that's how much I enjoyed the show.

On the topic of stans though, I would like to say that I consider my

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