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Profile for Adescalzo14

Member Name: Adescalzo14
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Rent New York Theatre Workshop
 Jan 27 2020, 12:08:22 AM
Hello so i just played mimi in rent and my friend who played mark showed me this video. It was a song called Do a Little Business from Rent when it was in workshop. Than i found an entire playlist of all the songs they used. I tried to dig up dirt on it. And i cant find anything. Almost all the songs are changed or cut in that version. And listening to it know there is a very Erie tone. My question is...does anyone know anything about the cut songs changed songs or even cut characters? Like in t
Who sings the higher harmonie in If Momma was married.
 Jul 29 2019, 02:07:58 PM
this is probably a stupid question but in whatever sheet music i look up they dont specify who sings the higher harmony. im pretty sure its june. but who sings it?
Teen Agnst Musical Theatre Songs
 Mar 9 2019, 05:02:43 PM
Hello. So I got chosen to be apart of my theatres cabaret and the theme is Teen Angst. I can only think of Mama Who Bore Me-Spring Awakening Whispering-Spring Awakening Still Hurting-The Last Five Years and Carrie-Carrie the musical. I need more ideas. If you know any-i sing alto mezzo-soprano and soprano. MUST BE SANG BY A FEMALE! Thank you so much for the help!
Head Over Heels Closing Night Via Rush
 Jan 1 2019, 02:28:53 PM
Do you think it would be possible for my dad to use my id to get the tickets? We dont live in the city, but my dad works there so he could go and get the tickets if that was possible. But do I have to be the one to purchase the tickets?
Head Over Heels Closing Night Via Rush
 Jan 1 2019, 01:22:43 AM

Hello, I am a high school student and my sister and I would really like to see head over heels closing night, but the tickets were so expensive. We live an hour away from the city FYI. I was wondering if you think it would be too risky to go closing night? Thanks!

The prom rush
 Oct 23 2018, 04:37:11 PM
So The Prom rush policy came out today and honestly I’m so happy about it! $40 is a steal!! But I was wondering how you guys think the lines would be? I’m going December 1st and I’m going to rush it’s just idk when I should get there. Does anyone maybe have a guesstimate? Thanks!
HEAD OVER HEELS TodayTix Rush Thread
 Oct 23 2018, 04:25:26 PM
So 2 weeks ago my mom my sister and I all did the rush. Obviously since you can only do two tickets per phone we had to do two separate transactions. We did it at the same time btw. We expected to not be seated together, but we all ended up getting front row. It was my second time seeing the show and it was amazing. Taylor Iman Jones actually remembered me from the first time I saw the show which was cool. Anyway my sister and I went up the mezz and balcony before the show since I only do lotter
Mean girls rush
 Oct 14 2018, 12:36:59 PM
So there is probably a thread for this but I can’t find it. Anyway does anyone know how the mean girls rush is? If I were to rush on Saturday in 2 weeks. How crazy would it be? And what time do you think I should get there. Thanks!
Broadway Rush For People that dont live in the city
 Oct 7 2018, 10:08:32 PM
So I live on Long Island, which is a one hour train ride from NYC. I was wondering, do you think I could still do rush? I mean it’s a hr train ride and it would probably be really early but I still want to do it, since broadway is so expensive. What do you guys think? Edvice would help so much!
Jessica Voisk Fanmail
 Sep 8 2018, 06:52:31 PM
I want to send Jessica voisk a letter and get a playbill back. Has anyone sent and received fanmail from Jessica. Please let me know.
Majestic Theater Stage Door Address
 Aug 31 2018, 10:03:33 PM

So I am sending a letter to the stage manager of phantom of the opera to get a playbill signed. Does anyone know the address?


Sending a letter to phantom stage manger and Ben Crawford
 Aug 31 2018, 05:09:36 PM

Hello so i really want a full cast signed playbill for phantom of the opera, but I also want to send Ben Crawford a letter and get one back. Can I just put 2 letters in my envelope one for Ben and one for the cast? and would I get a letter from him back?

Sending Fanmail and getting back playbills.
 Aug 29 2018, 09:39:07 PM

Hello. So I've been reading and watching videos about how to send fan mail and getting something back and I'm so confused. Like I want a playbill back signed by them but am I supposed to give them an envelope to put it in and how would I put that in a tiny white envelope. It would be so helpful if someone could explain this to me as if I was a 10 year old? (I'm not 10 btw)

Bringing kids to broadway Flea
 Aug 28 2018, 02:18:46 PM

So when I asked my dad if he and I could go to Broadway flea he said sure. And of course, he told my mother that we would be in attendance because that's what you do when you are leaving town to go to NY. So then my mom that an idea that the whole family would go. By the way, I'm the only one that's really into Broadway. And I am a twin. We are both 14 and I have a brother who is 9. My brother hates shopping my mom hates crowded places and my sister hates me lol. No, she

Can you take videos during curtain call
 Aug 26 2018, 07:25:01 PM

I am seeing the last performance of SpongeBob next month and I see on Instagram people taking videos of curtain call and I want to do the same to remember it since I am in love with the show. I am sitting in the orchestra for the show so I don't know If I can. I wanted to for HOH but chicken out because their curtain call involves a big number. So what do you think?

Head Over Heels?
 Aug 25 2018, 12:15:28 PM

So I just won Head Over Heels for broadway Roulette and I was wondering what you think of it. Also, do you know how much pins and key chains are for them? I think I might get a pin if it's like $5.So my questions are what did you think of it and how much are pins? 

Broadway Roulette experiences
 Aug 24 2018, 02:35:47 PM

IS there any new experiences im seeing one tm

Broadway Roulette
 Aug 24 2018, 01:31:52 PM

Hello, I am doing broadway roulette tm and I was wondering if anyone else has done it and what show you won. Thanks!

Phantom of the Opera SRO/Rush
 Aug 23 2018, 10:38:19 AM

Hello, I am thinking of rushing phantom of the opera next week. What time should I get to the rush line? I was wondering because I know the show isn't very popular anymore.

Broadway Vlogs
 Aug 23 2018, 07:45:48 AM

I have a youtube channel @alyssa descalzo. And I want to post vlogs for when I go and see a show because I love watching them. I was wondering do other people find them interesting? If not I won't do them, but I would like your feedback on if you think they're interesting or fun to watch.

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