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Profile for oxdreaminxo

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Member Name: oxdreaminxo
Contact User: You must be logged in to contact BWW members.
Gender: Female
Location: NJ
Occupation: Student & Stage Manager
Profile: A most ingenious paradox.

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 Jan 31 2008, 12:54:11 AM
While I mostly disagree with Oliver's post, everyone is entitled to their own opinions :]

And this: "10. I hate this movie because Johnny Depp's hair looks [expletive deleted] ridiculous. He looks like the late notorious effeminate homosexual Quentin Crisp in drag as the Bride of Frankenstein, or possibly like the lead singer in a punk band. And how exactly does he maintain that hairstyle at sea?" made me laugh really hard. I happen to like the hair, but I do agree with y

I Know It's Been Reviewed Several Times But... (A Chorus Line)
 Jan 31 2008, 12:47:23 AM
Haven't posted on BWW in a long time and figured a review would be a good place to jump back in. I was fortunate to see A Chorus Line this past Saturday, and it made me remember why I love doing (and seeing) shows (but more about that later).

First of all, the show itself is amazing. I purchased the Cast Recording when it came out as a friend of mine thought I'd enjoy it and I was, as most theatre kids are, familiar with the plot, so I gave it a shot. Even listening to the CD gave me th

re: The Official TONY Random Comments Thread.
 Jun 10 2007, 10:18:01 PM
I hate LB *runs and hides*.

It makes no sense about who performs and who doesn't. but at least Jersey Boys is good (even though that performance kinda wasn't that good, heh).

re: The Official TONY Random Comments Thread.
 Jun 10 2007, 09:42:37 PM
Aber- to each his own. I hold some unpopular opinions as well :]

And yes, Raul was nominated for Best Leading Actor in a Musical.

re: The Official TONY Random Comments Thread.
 Jun 10 2007, 09:39:53 PM
I made my dad take a break from the Soprano's to watch Raul and he enjoyed his performance. My dad hates theatre and everything to do with it o.0;
re: The Official TONY Random Comments Thread.
 Jun 10 2007, 09:36:41 PM
balletandbroadway: I couln't agree with you more. I would see Company over anything though *innocent*.
re: The Official TONY Random Comments Thread.
 Jun 10 2007, 09:34:33 PM
This is my favourite song from Company- I may or may not have cried *dreamy sigh* I love Raul. This is my favourite show and I was so fourtunate to see it a couple months back.
re: The Official TONY Random Comments Thread.
 Jun 10 2007, 09:32:47 PM
ljay- Neither 'changed Broadway'. They just attracted a ****load of people. I love both but there are other, better things.
re: The Official TONY Random Comments Thread.
 Jun 10 2007, 09:30:52 PM
I completely adore SA but John Doyle should've taken it, in my humble opinion.
re: The Official TONY Random Comments Thread.
 Jun 10 2007, 09:29:08 PM
So I saw Pirate Queen a couple weeks ago and it was awful. But the dancing and costumes were AMAZING. Actually, the talent was superb. The only thing I hated was the book/score xD. The commerical that just passed makes it look worth seeing- if you like pretty costumes and Stephanie J. Block and good dancing... then go, hee.
re: The Official TONY Random Comments Thread.
 Jun 10 2007, 09:24:14 PM
Random Comment #1: Who else loved Idina Menzel's dress?
Random Comment #2: That random falling chandelier made my day that much better.
Random Comment #3: I cannot wait until Company performs!

re: If you could go back in time...
 Nov 29 2006, 02:05:20 PM
OBC "Crazy for You" would make my life.
"A Chorus Line"
"Gypsy" with Merman and Angela Lansbury
Joel Grey in "Cabaret" (I think I would die of happiness)
"The Last Five Years"
OBC "Into the Woods"

Honestly though, seeing anything past five-ten years ago would make my life. =]

re: What show are you currently obsessed with?
 Nov 24 2006, 10:51:33 AM
The Wedding Singer ('cos I'm seeing it soon =])
High Fidelity (Mind you, I have never heard any music from the show but I have to see it).

re: Who have you gotten stuff back from?
 Sep 4 2006, 08:31:12 PM
Thank you so much, bwayondabrain. :)
re: Who have you gotten stuff back from?
 Sep 4 2006, 10:18:09 AM
I've never actually written to someone, although I think it could be fun. If anyone knows where to write to Anthony Rapp it'd be much appreciated. I want to thank him for his book, and tell him how awesome it was. My mom suffered from the same thing his mom had and I want to thank him for writing it. I'm afraid it wouldn't reach him though. Hmmm...
re: Books to Musicals, what do you guys think?
 Jun 28 2006, 10:16:38 AM
Dancing albino monk...*cracks up laughing*. Poor Silas!

I do admit though, I loved Sideways Stories from Wayside School in the third grade. It rocked. I think The Perks of Being a Wallflower was an excellant novel and I think it could, ifdirected properly, be turned into a play.

re: 2000 off-broadway cast recording of Godspell...
 Jan 2 2006, 07:34:27 AM
I love it. I purchased it after my high school did the show (they did the 2000 revival but my director added some jokes in). I don't know about loving Bless the Lord. It ticks me off, to be frank. I HATE the random operatic/high pitched voice whoever sings it...Shoshanna Bean, I want to say for some reason? I really don't like it. But I like it better than the original, which I had downloaded prior to purchasing the revival, because it didn't have the prolouge. I <3 the prolouge.
 Jan 1 2006, 09:27:43 PM

I've seen both (wow guys, what's the point in applying if you haven't seen both movies? -_-') and I enjoyed both of them a lot. I am planning on purchasing them when they come out on DVD so I can watch them over and over again. Rent had it flaws, but it had a 'movie spark' for me. The Producers had a small one, but my preferance was Rent. Loved both though, so picking is hard.

re: How hard is living while being a performer?
 Dec 16 2005, 07:53:01 AM
I agree with jimmirae. Personally I want to be a Production Stage Manager on Broadway. Or even Off-Broadway. Anywhere working in NYC is fine. I hope that's the same salary though, hehe. $1422 a week would be amazing. I work on the weekends and I don't think I make that in a year.
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