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Member Name: ermengarde
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Acting Class Scenes PLEASE HELP
 Mar 1 2018, 02:11:10 PM

I suggest going to your local library and picking up a stack of plays, looking through the character descriptions to find ones that match, then flipping through the play to find scenes.


 Mar 1 2018, 12:32:03 PM

Yeah, you know what, you're right Matt, why should we care about characters!? Let's just be cynical and accept whatever they feed us as not mattering. Let's spend hundreds of dollars on stuff we don't even care about. Media literacy is overrated.

You really seem to have no high regard for either the original Phantom or this musical, but keep coming back to make fun of people for... actually caring about stuff. That's kind of sad.

 Feb 28 2018, 03:36:40 PM

There's a reason this show is not still running in London (and why it took all this time to even reach the US). It's not the group of maybe 5,000 people worldwide (which is a generous estimate. I'm not counting everybody who like the show, only the people who dedicate a significant amount of time to it) who are dedicated Phantom fans. If Phantom fans really had the power to influence things, things would be a lot different casting wise.

The LND reviews have harped

Laura Osnes - Why not Anastasia?
 Feb 24 2018, 03:39:20 PM

Well by Equity Rules they have to hold open auditions every so often even if they're not needing any. And I would not be surprised if some of the current understudies will get to be the lead on tour so they're looking for new understudies.

Laura Osnes - Why not Anastasia?
 Feb 24 2018, 03:16:06 PM

Laura will never replace at this point in her career unless it was a role she really wanted. I'm sure she's been approached for Wicked, for example. Especially not a role she was rejected from in the first place.

I personally think Christy is more unique in terms of appearance and acting. More spunky than Laura who is more refined.

I don't see Christy leaving any time soon, she loves the role. Unless she got another title role offer on Broadway, or left to open a Wes

Love Never Dies. Australian or West End?
 Feb 20 2018, 04:55:09 PM

Little known to many on here, there's actually a third version- a production in Denmark using the Australian libretto translated into Danish. Still pretty awful but pretty to look at... like every production of LND.

With all the callbacks to the original Phantom... why don't they just do the original Phantom? ALW has had many flops in his life, but he usually just moves on. Why is he still beating this dead horse? He's never going to make the changes necessary to make this a hit, so what's the point?

Jokes, lines, or songs that dont sit right anymore
 Feb 18 2018, 10:05:39 PM

The lyrics of The Point of No Return in Phantom are incredibly disturbing

 Feb 18 2018, 05:56:53 PM

I would say most Phantom fans who were around pre-LND either dislike or hate Love Never Dies. Maybe some teenagers on Instagram who think Bronson Norris Murphy is sexy and think The Phantom and Christine are so perfect together. Obviously the show has some fans but why would you respect ALW when he trashes Phantom Phans at every turn and insulted a fan with breast cancer who had seen his show over 100 times. 

 Feb 18 2018, 04:23:33 PM

Well, Anastasia seems to be doing pretty well... It seems the tour is either coming to an end or transferring to Broadway... no new stops have been announced. I can see this selling okay if they market it with Phantom although with pretty consistent bad reviews for the actual text I doubt it would last very long (or at least very long compared to Phantom). 

And I agree it's almost like watching The Room. The whole Christine's death sequence is so effing laughable but it

Dale Kristien?
 Feb 17 2018, 08:13:31 PM

Never liked Dale as Christine although I hear she was Michael Crawford's favorite. What great high notes but pretty bad low notes. Also very stiff acting and weird diction. Also disliked what she said in interviews about the characters.

She got to keep her wedding dress when she left. Always hoped we'd get some good pictures.

Is "Love Never Dies" worth seeing?
 Feb 16 2018, 10:17:35 PM

Based on the DVD and being a long time Phantom fan, it's only fun if you're playing a drinking game or if you can ignore the gaping plot holes, trite lyrics, and frankly terrible libretto.

Toni Braxton
 Feb 3 2018, 04:46:49 PM

I thought it was double bad with both Barbour and Toni Braxton when I saw it. Disney sure regrets hiring him, huh?

A Change in Me makes no sense and slows the show down. 

Major Corporation heavily involved with development/run of a show? A la Ford with ragtime
 Feb 2 2018, 10:47:39 PM

Disney with all their shows of course!

Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
 Feb 2 2018, 01:02:51 PM

And in Vegas they also had a stuntman doing the drop so it looked more realistic. When I saw Phantom with my mother in the 90s she didn't know if the dummy was supposed to be real within the context of the show. Doesn't help that the audience might have forgotten who he was. I've seen a couple performances where some ballerinas have ad libbed "BUQUET!"One thing that really bothers me about Broadway is that they don't model the wedding dress doll on the actual actress anymore. It's super creepy to see the Phantom throwing around a likeness of the actual actress. And of course the ensemble member playing her in the music of the night wears a generic mask.

Look at that! Super creepy! First picture is from The Phantom of the Opera, the First Year Backstage (a must read for hardcore Phantom fans, lots of cool pictures taken by Steve Barton's dresser in London). Second picture of course shows Rebecca Luker in her Broadway debut (with Sarah Brightman on the floor).

Has the Phantom of the Opera's set been replaced/refurbished?
 Feb 1 2018, 04:27:59 PM

Yes and we all know what a masterwork that film was

Happy 97th Birthday to Carol Channing!
 Jan 31 2018, 06:25:03 PM

Happy Birthday Carol!!! Hope the Dolly tour will come close to her so she can see it!

 Jan 29 2018, 02:23:12 PM

By nobodies I meant they're not a selling point. Very few people are going to see this show because of the cast members. Should have said "unknowns." 

And I literally was a swing and understudy in a large scale production. Doesn't make me a name, if I told you who I was it wouldn't ring a bell unless you were familiar with this show. I claim the title "nobody" for myself. Shouldn't force it on others.

Well I think my time in this thr

 Jan 29 2018, 01:59:43 PM

So is the cast so good that this is a "can't miss" even if I hate the plot? Is it worth seeing in Minneapolis? Should I see Rachel (who I loved as Carlotta) or Meghan? 

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