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Member Name: KristiAnn85
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Anthony Movie Marathon
 Jul 8 2005, 05:08:07 PM
I decided we needed a new subject...if it offends, you can change it back...

Now, about this marathon business...I know my mom won't let me go to Cali, but I live in kansas, so anyone around this area is welcome to come here for a marathon. I'm not allowed to rent movies, it might be kinda boring if no one brings Anthony movies OTHER THAN A Beautiful is so sad...

I'll be interested to see how the marathons go in the various parts of the, who tr

We miss you Anthony!
 Jul 5 2005, 03:07:00 AM
HAHAHAHA...from trailers to book...hilarious!

I've seen Bewitched 3 times...not because it was that good, but because other people wanted to see it, and "I cain't say no." The first time was the week before it came out, with no Rent trailer. The next 2 times were with the Rent trailer. There was much crying/sobbing/screaming/hitting of the thighs involved. HAHAHAHA

We miss you Anthony!
 Jul 5 2005, 02:48:42 AM
HAHAHA...I know the feeling.

Ok, now something Anthony related, for Reals...i saw the RENT trailer for the 500th time...ok, it was the 4th, but the 2nd time on the big screen, and I was just thinking that I really like Anthony. I really think he's HOTT, and...yeah...and then, there are so many parts of that trailer where I was trying to figure out what part of the movie it when Wilson takes off the wig...and...that's all....MAN, my rambling HAS to stop...sorry folks

We miss you Anthony!
 Jul 5 2005, 02:30:41 AM
I love that Anthony is missing all of this. I'm sure he'd be chuckling at the idea of girls falling out of bed. I know it makes me laugh...
That's all...I'm a little loopy!

re: Two songs I wrote for musicals
 Jul 5 2005, 02:18:53 AM
Wow...very good. I'm curious about the musicals now...
Nicely done.

re: Who is your favorite orginal cast member of RENT?
 Jul 1 2005, 02:47:30 AM
My vote goes to Anthony with Jesse a close second.
We miss you Anthony!
 Jul 1 2005, 02:35:44 AM
I just thought of a bunch of things I wanted to say...and then they left.

So I'll go off the cuff...incendiary wit, your little quote thing is the epitome of me! I thought that was interesting.
I'm all for standing in a circle singing La Vie Boheme...although someone else will have to hold the lighter, as I cannot be trusted with fire...
It's amazing how much this show is finding its way into my everyday life. I'd always "claimed" to be a RENThead, and then...I came here, an

re: Kristin Cheno in Bewitched --- Variety liked her!
 Jun 24 2005, 01:30:34 PM
Bewitched is a feel good movie. It's not spectacular, by any stretch of the imagination. i agree that Kristin did NOT have enough to. I also agree that a lot of storylines were unfinished. Kristin was a true delight to watch. And I think I prefer Nicole in the ditzier roles...the less she tries to be "dramatic" the better she does, in my opinion. To get back to my point, Kristin Chenoweth was great fun to watch, and truly stole every scene she was in.
We miss you Anthony!
 Jun 15 2005, 03:58:34 AM
wow...the icons are amazing on here. Everyone has something a la RENT...
I have to say, I do miss Anthony posting. I joined BWW just to find out about the movie, and then I didn't even think I liked Anthony. And now...ahhh, the love of Anthony is so great...yes, well, that's another story, isn't it?
Coming back to my point...which was...I'm totally pumped for the movie (yes, I know, who isn't, right?) and after reading the Blog, and the things that the cast has said, I think it will b

re: Favorite Norbert Leo Butz Musical
 May 31 2005, 02:33:54 AM
LAST 5 YEARS!!!!!! "if I didn't believe in you..." AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
re: Why is Wicked not performing on B'Way in July?
 May 29 2005, 05:14:30 PM
I did a search, and it only gave me Chicago and Hollywood dates. It said there were no performances in the area. And then when I just went, I get tons of info. Stupid internet. Never very helpful. Thanks guys, for putting up with my now ignorant post...*sheepish grin*

I did a search for tickets, and it's not sold out...just really bad seats left...

Again, thanks.

Why is Wicked not performing on B'Way in July?
 May 29 2005, 05:08:25 PM
Does anybody know? My family and I are planning a trip, and we want to see Wicked, but ticketmaster says it's not performing...

I'm just curious.

re: GODSPELL...which recording should I get ????
 Apr 29 2005, 09:56:51 PM
I second the 2000 off-broadway. I recently vocal directed this show at my church, and we used the movie recording as our guide (director's choice, not mine). It was ok, but the kids didn't get into it as much, cause the recording was not so enthusiastic. I haven't heard the 2001 vote is the 2000 off broadway...

re: Constantine Maroulis of American Idol -- Gone!
 Apr 28 2005, 01:00:10 AM
I'm shocked and appalled!!!!!! Do people think the judges are just...THERE??? I'm pretty sure that Scott was WAY worse than Constantine...granted, I think last night was his worst performance, but...SCOTT has had MANY a HORRIBLE performance, so...why wasn't he gone 5 years ago???

Seriously, folks...(and I know I'm preaching to the choir) the judges are not on the show just to hear themselves talk. They are there to guide your ears, so to speak. Scott Savol should NOT be as far as he

re: Parade
 Apr 21 2005, 04:19:04 PM
That's who the other one is by?
So there ARE 2????

 Apr 20 2005, 12:11:08 AM
Am I mistaken, or are there two different musicals named Parade? I know there's one by JRB, but isn't there a different one?
re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 9 American Idol
 Apr 14 2005, 01:53:21 AM
I agree!
re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 9 American Idol
 Apr 13 2005, 11:01:17 PM
I agree on Scott. Somethings just need to die...and his stint on AI is one of them. I was so hoping that day would be today, but I guess not.
Constantine surprised me last night. That song holds some happy memories for me, and I was waiting for him ti butcher it. Not so.

re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 9 American Idol
 Apr 7 2005, 02:06:15 AM
I totally agree. And what was with everyone choosing the SLOW songs? I told some of friends that the people watching last night, if not familiar with Broadway, will that that all Broadway is is slow songs. I wish they could have done more modern stuff, but at the same time...I don't know if I could have handled a pop version of Popular or For Good.
It would have been nice to see Constantine do Rent, but did you notice that Constantine was the only one (i may be mistaken) who did a song fr

 Apr 4 2005, 01:02:48 AM
I'm in for anything! Sign me up, whatever happens. I have no job, but I'll get money somehow, short of robbing a bank.
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