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Member Name: peijenna
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So will Daddy Warbucks be a name?
 May 26 2012, 01:35:45 PM
Kelsey Grammar ?
Question Re: My Favorite Broadway
 Mar 22 2012, 05:25:18 PM
I was just watching a youtube video: My Favorite Broadway: Leading Ladies. Just wondering if these concerts are done every year?
FYI How to Succeed up on TDF
 Jan 22 2012, 10:49:11 AM
Just wanted to let people know that How to Succeed... has been added to TDF for $41 starting on Tuesday Jan. 24th
Do Critics Like Any Shows?
 Dec 11 2011, 09:24:23 PM
Well that does make sense. I booked in War Horse, Private Lives, Wicked (4th time) and Anything Goes (3rd time). Any suggestions. I can squeeze in one more.
i also just hate hearing about shows closing...sad for all involved.

Do Critics Like Any Shows?
 Dec 11 2011, 09:18:25 PM
It seems to me that reviews are mixed to negative for a lot of shows lately. I am from Canada and make 5 trips a year to the city and watch in awe of the amazing talent on Broadway. I do not claim to have any knowledge of what makes a great show. I just know what I enjoy and I judge for myself; but reviews constantly seem to be negative. Its a they like anything? And should people put much stock into reviews?
Seminar Rush?
 Oct 14 2011, 07:28:31 PM
Anyone know if Seminar will do a student or general rush?
Hugh Jackman discounts?
 Oct 8 2011, 05:42:19 PM
I hear they are doing standing room.
Question re: FOLLIES rush
 Oct 5 2011, 07:58:38 PM
I am coming into the city October 30th and would like to see Follies. Anyone know how student rush has been lately? Seat locations ?

Hugh Jackman Tickets
 Sep 27 2011, 07:37:35 PM
Just wondering if anyone knows why they have not released the tickets for Hugh Jackman's show from Dec 25-Jan 1?
Broadway and the Holidays
 Aug 30 2011, 02:37:14 PM
Dec 29-jan 1st...
Broadway and the Holidays
 Aug 30 2011, 01:57:29 PM
Are there ever any discounts to the Radio City Spectacular? TKTS, TDF, etc?
What is rush like around the holidays?

I just bought tickets to wicked, a linctix for War Horse, I would like to see Close up Space, Private Lives, Godspell, Mountaintop, Bonnie and Clyde and Follies.
My friend really wants to see Phantom- are the 26.50 seats really horrible?
any idea about discounts or rush for any of the shows ive mentioned?
Thanks for your help.

Rush Advice
 Aug 19 2011, 09:35:40 AM
I was wondering about the Follies Rush too. Anyone know how that is going. I am not arriving into the city until about 1 in the afternoon on a Saturday. would I have a shot at Follies?or would I be better waiting til Sunday?

Also wanted to rush How to Succeed on Sunday. I have done it before on a Sunday by showing up at 930am. What is the rush like lately?

Rush/Student Rush Mamma Mia and others
 Aug 17 2011, 10:25:15 PM
Hi everyone
I am taking my friend on her first trip to New York City and she really wants to see Mamma Mia. Just wondering if anyone has tried their rush on Mondays or just in general.
Wondering what rush has been like for Follies and How to Succeed as well. I did How to Succeed back during easter weekened- showed up on sunday at 930 and had no problem getting a ticket. Would that be a good time to show up for either show on a sunday (How to or Follies).

Trip in November...Help!
 Jul 27 2011, 08:45:11 PM
Anything Goes, Wicked, How to Succeed, Sister Act, or Catch Me if You Can.
20 shows, 13 days, $550!
 Jul 27 2011, 08:39:25 PM
I have to say that all the shows were fantastic. I am not one to think that I know anything about theatre, I just enjoy it and think that broadway has such a talented bunch of individuals. I am constantly amazed. So take my reviews as they are, just a personal opinion of a person who just enjoys theater.

1) Mary Poppins- a pleasant surprise. Fun effects. Student Rushed it on a Wednesday at about 1230. Great seat *mezz

2) Master Class- Volunteer usher. I bought this book called the cheap bastards guide to new york city. I know that Manhattan theatre does volunteer ushering. Check out their website for details. Easy job. I was amazed by the transformation of Tyne Daly. Im not going to lie and say I know anything about Maria Callas, but I still enjoyed the acting and content. Very well done.

3) Cirque Du Soliel- TDF orchestra seating. Fantastic show. Great first experience with a cirque show. very intriguing and fascinating to watch.

4) Rock of Ages- Did the friday matinee and showed up shortly after 10 and got a seat in the second or third row- a bit off to the side but i did not feel i really missed anything.

5) Anything Goes (one of my favorites)This was the second time I saw this show and I showed up at 745 am to rush it. I was second in line and had a great seat in the balcony. I prefer being above the stage and back for this show because of the great cast dance numbers. I would highly recommend this show. It seems like what Broadway should be.

6) Jerusalem- This board is all a buzz about this show and how they think it is overrated. I have to say that I loved the show and I had a front row seat with a last minute rush *12ish for a matinee. I could smell the grass on the stage and had water splashed on me. I loved it all. I think the cast is brilliant and while confused at times, I think this show is well worth a visit.

7) Hair- I had front row mezz tickets with tdf. Very talented group of people. I did not love the show, but I have to say it was a fun evening and a great cast.

8. Rent- I have never seen rent on broadway. Only the live dvd. I really like Idina Menzel and think that whoever was going to fill her shoes would have a tough job. I have to say that Ashford was fantastic, funny and unique. I really enjoyed her Maureen. I thought the show was great. I volunteer ushered* new world stages has opportunities- check out their site.

9) Billy Elliot- I was off to the side in the orchastra and the ladies beside me obviously didnt speak english and things were being translated for them. That was annoying and I actually shushed them. Show was great. I really enjoyed the whole experience. Totally worth it.

10) Blue Man Group- pure fun. I had a great orchastra seat and I have to say it was well worth the 29 dollar student rush. Just a fun different type of experience. The crowd was so into it. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

11) Memphis- I had no interest in seeing this, but at about 1pm on a weds afternoon I thought why not. I have to say, this show was fantastic. I was in the front of the theatre on the extreme right. But you can still get the idea of what is going on. Music was great. Understudies in the lead role, but a fantastic show.

12) All New People- The board is not giving this show the love i think it deserves. I sat front row with student rush and I laughed the entire time. I think it was hilarious. A great cast!

13) Book of Mormon- 6 hours standing room, 27 dollar ticket. It was amazing- hilarious and outrageous. I was pleased to be part of it all. I still catch myself singing the songs.

14) Baby its You- Another show that gets no love on here- I did a friday matinee. am rush. Sat in the balcony/mezz. I was fascinated by Beth Leavel. She was fabulous. Overall I enjoyed the experience and was glad I went. The cast is truly talented. Plot wise- i didnt love it, but i did enjoy it. Plus Shirley, an original shirelle sang at the end of the show. So that was a unique twist to the afternoon.

15) Avenue Q- Volunteer ushering- context new world stages- This was a fun and funny show. I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. I had not had it on my list because I couldnt get my head around the puppet aspect. So much fun and such a talented cast.

16) Spiderman- I really enjoyed it. The flying was exciting to watch. I rushed and sat in the last row of the orchastra- missed a few things, but nothing major. I thought the songs were memorable as well.

17) Sister Act- Absolutely loved this show. It is a must. I loved the song "fabulous" and Patina Miller is a star.

1Death Takes a Holiday- Did hiptix. Not going to lie. I did not love this show. But the crowd of people around me were enthralled. I dont know what it was..Maybe show 18 of 20 and I was tired?

19) Catch me If You Can- did the actors fund performance. LOVED LOVED LOVED IT. It was so much fun. Sat mid orchestra center. Perfect seat. Cast was so energetic and fun.

20) The Addams Family.- I was not sure I would like this show because i was never a fan of the addams family concept. But my goal was 20 shows and it was a monday night that I had left. So I went and I really enjoyed it. I think it was funny. I sat in the second last row in the mezz and it was not even that bad of a seat. The place was packed and I think the whole cast was great. Especially the girl playing Wednesday. A fun show for sure.

Read more:

20 shows, 13 days, $550!
 Jul 27 2011, 02:42:45 PM
I spent the last two weeks in New York and I got to see 20 shows! That was my goal. I saw the following for $550 bucks! I did a variety of rush, volunteer ushering and tdf ticketing. Broadway can really be affordable if you don't mind waiting in lines on a daily basis. I am just so happy that programs like this exist so I could see so many fantastic shows!

1) Mary Poppins
2) Master Class
3) Cirque Du Soliel
4) Rock of Ages
5) Anything Goes (one of my favorites)
6) Jerusalem
7) Hair
9) Billy Elliot
10) Blue Man Group
11) Memphis
12) All New People
13) Book of Mormon
14) Baby its You
15) Avenue Q
16) Spiderman
17) Sister Act
1 Death Takes a Holiday
19) Catch me If You Can
20) The Addams Family.

BOOK OF MORMON Standing Room (Wednesday)
 Jul 27 2011, 02:36:32 PM
I went last Thursday and I arrived at 12:15 and I was 8th in line. The people ahead of me were there as early as 730 am. I had standing room spot 109 which was dead center! Most people ahead of me were only getting 1 ticket. The girl in line ahead of me was there at 8am and I arrived at 1215, so I really think you would be ok getting there at noon. The show was at 7pm so it was 6 hours but it was not really that bad. The show was phenomenal! Def worth the wait.
All New People - Any word yet?
 Jul 20 2011, 11:25:49 PM
I really enjoyed the show! I saw it last night and thought it was funny and creative. The house was full and the audience really responded to it I think all of the actors gave great performances and I would recommend it.
I did student rush and arrived 1 hr before the show and paid 20 bucks for a front row seat...
Personally, I would check it out. I may go back again to see it!

Student Rush
 Apr 30 2011, 04:39:10 PM
Student Rush Question. My student ID was issued in 2008. Will I run into any problems getting tickets at box offices for rush? There is no expiry date on it. Just wondering if I should get it reissued with a new date or if my current one is fine.
First Preview Jerusalem?
 Apr 2 2011, 11:47:11 AM
Did anyone try the Rush this morning?
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