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Member Name: sydney23
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re: Tale of Two Cities PBS Tonight
 Nov 30 2009, 02:00:30 AM
in the immortal words of Howard Stern's father - don't be a moron.
re: 42nd - 47th Streets & B'way To Be Closed Permanently To Car Traffic
 Feb 26 2009, 10:05:52 PM
more power to you TheaterBaby! the one good thing about this stupid plan is that after you push the cockeyed tourists out of the way if you happen to knock any of them down you'll have a wide open Broadway on which to escape from them with no worries of being struck and killed by some stupid out of town driver in their SUV.
re: 42nd - 47th Streets & B'way To Be Closed Permanently To Car Traffic
 Feb 26 2009, 10:02:56 PM
Hey Charleston,

What are you - my mother? And where do you get off shouting at me? Try peddling your parental plan ahead motif elsewhere. Where were you with the contraception when I needed it? Now I've got octuplets crowding the damn sidewalk in their octapram. Luckily my illegal au pair handles the kids while i'm rushing down Broadway in my taxi to make it to the theater in time.

are you at all familiar with the concept of "tongue in cheek"?

re: 42nd - 47th Streets & B'way To Be Closed Permanently To Car Traffic
 Feb 26 2009, 02:09:50 PM
this is stupid. i already walk in the street whenever i feel like it. i don't need Bloomberg giving me permission. now he's going to encourage all the stupid tourists, who already don't know how to walk on a sidewalk, to spill their corn fed cluelessness into the street. and how the hell am i supposed to get to the theater in my last minute cab when i'm running late as usual? bloomberg should be impeached! or at least forced to sit through The Little Mermaid at least once a week.
re: Musicals on wars
 Nov 30 2008, 01:15:33 PM
>>and now we can finally add A Tale of Two Cities :) <<

I don't think that was a show/musical :)

Lotte, don't be a doofus!

re: Tale Of Two Cities is a must see
 Oct 20 2008, 03:10:53 PM

Glad you ended up liking the show but I've got to ask about your comment about the Little Lucie character. In what way was the character "exactly as Dickens wrote her"? I don't even recall the kid having but a few lines of dialogue in the book - and they were at the end when her father was condemned to die. And I assume the possible "castle in the cloud" moment you were anticipating was the scene in the first act between Carton and her?

re: NY Trip Help
 Oct 9 2008, 09:28:46 PM
"A Tale of Two Cities" always has student rush and shouldn't be a problem. James Barbour and rest of the cast are fantastic.
re: Tale of Two Cities Matinee Stage Door
 Oct 9 2008, 09:25:35 PM
Mostly everybody comes out between shows and JB always comes out.
re: Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 10/5
 Oct 6 2008, 06:28:42 PM
But compared to other musicals, new and old, they are not advertising a lot. They are not spending anywhere near the money other shows are spending.
re: Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 10/5
 Oct 6 2008, 04:29:55 PM
"Tale" is only down a tad and still did better numbers than several estabished "hit" musicals. Considering they are not advertising a lot and have to rely on word of mouth to sell the show (which ordinarily takes months to really begin to yield results) I'd say they are doing fine.
re: A Tale of Two Cities 10/4 @ 8 review POSSIBLE SPOILER WITHIN
 Oct 6 2008, 12:29:43 AM
At the end of the act the soldiers come to arrest Gaspard, the father of the child who was killed. Gaspard's the one who killed the Marquis. Defarge stands up for his friend and won't let the soldiers take Gaspard. Then some of the soldiers turn and join the peasants and one soldier up in the tower shoots Defarge to try to stop the uprising. Once the revolution starts (second act) all bets are off and the peasants are in control - so presumably Gaspard is no longer a "wanted" man - in fact h
re: Tale of Two Cities Playbill
 Aug 20 2008, 05:51:53 AM
you would have preferred what as less "boring" cover art? dancing guillotines or peasants in hot pants?
re: Barbour, Lazar, Edelmann to star in TALE OF TWO CITIES
 Jul 1 2008, 03:02:07 PM
i don't really know michael's directing background, just heard he's assisting warren carlyle.

i really can't imagine you not liking the show if you loved the book - honestly. i haven't run into a single fan of the book who's seen the show and didn't like it.

re: Barbour, Lazar, Edelmann to star in TALE OF TWO CITIES
 Jul 1 2008, 11:04:27 AM
Note to NY_Broadway 2
they won't ruin it...
and your avatar is their assistant director!

re: The Orignal Writing Team for Little Women was Replaced Right?
 Mar 4 2008, 01:11:02 PM
BBBoy's explanation is the story I know as well. The original team's replacement was thought to be more political and opportunistic rather than a reflection of that team's failure. I know a lot of people who preferred the original to the resulting Broadway version.
re: Nederlander Renovation
 Feb 21 2008, 01:53:31 PM
it has a pit.
re: Sister Act Musical?
 Feb 20 2008, 06:31:24 PM
yeah - you're right about the multiple threads - i had no idea and picked the wrong one to ask my question to! sorry!
re: Sister Act Musical?
 Feb 20 2008, 06:27:29 PM
does anybody know why London? there will be appropriate theaters available in NY in the fall. And London has much less healthy economics right now than Broadway. And isn't "Sister Act" more American than British - sensibility wise? (i've never seen the movie so i'm taking a shot in the dark here.)
re: Gypsy Set Being Loaded In
 Feb 17 2008, 05:23:12 PM
i happen to like your scarf, Clumsy - and your pictures. Thanks.
re: Marquis Theatre: Future Venue for Two Cities?
 Dec 21 2007, 10:57:23 PM
Michael Grandage directed a wonderful revival of GRAND HOTEL at London's Donmar Warehouse a few years ago. It was extremely minimal (as befits the Donmar) and concentrated on the material (which holds up beautifully) and the performances which were mostly as good as the original Bway cast. I honestly can't remember anything about the set except it was a thrust stage and small space so it's very intimate.

Grandage also directed the even more wonderful revival of GUYS AND DOLLS that p

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