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re: Musicals for H.S
 Feb 28 2005, 03:09:41 PM
Please. Don't do Joseph. It is a show with absolutely no potential.

On a happier note, West Side Story works, but only if you have a well rounded music department (good actors, singers, dancers, and a good pit).

Carousel, Forum, Aida?, 42nd Street, Anything Goes also work

re: Kristin Chenowith 'As I Am'
 Feb 22 2005, 07:44:40 PM
On the contrary, I think you overlooked the two conditional statements that proceed the conclusion. I think what the person meant was that if someone is Christian, and if he/she puts God first in his/her life, then that person will be successful. The person didn't say that to be successful, someone has to be Christian. The person didn't make any conclusion as to whether or not non-Christians will be successful.

Then again, you could just be being sarcastic, and I don't get it. Lol.

re: People who could ACTUALLY act their ways out of paper bags and how they'd do it
 Feb 6 2005, 08:50:28 PM
re: Boring Roles...
 Feb 4 2005, 08:35:51 PM
Anybody not Joseph, the Narrator, or the Pharoah in JATATD...especially the Angel.
 Feb 3 2005, 05:25:26 PM
I know for costumes, they rent them out to other shows. My HS did Forum, and when they rented the costumes, Pseudolus' had "N.L." written on the tag, and other costumes had the actors' initials all over the tags.
re: The Orchestra Appreciation Thread
 Jan 30 2005, 07:31:08 PM
Let's hear it for the pit people! Yay!

You don't realize how many people they can stick in a small area until you do pit orchestra. And about the overture, yeah, I've noticed that it's written, but it's always cut to shave time off of the total time of the musical. What a shame.

re: Mistakes on cast recordings...
 Jan 29 2005, 09:17:11 PM
Yeah, about "Popular"...I just listened to it again. If you keep listening, it does that sound again after the next two lines. The keyboard's on the strings mode.
re: Mistakes on cast recordings...
 Jan 29 2005, 08:53:46 PM
About the thing in "Popular". It IS NOT a cell phone. I think it's an actual instrument meant to do that. I think it's the keyboardist. I've heard a keyboard make that sound before, so I really think it's the keyboard. Or it could be a synthesizer? or not... In any case, it's def. not a cell phone.
re: Misheard Lyrics
 Jan 28 2005, 01:38:08 PM
On the Joseph CD with Donny Osmond, on the song "The Brothers Come to Egypt" there's a section where I thought they were saying "Gobble, Gobble...Gobble, Gobble...". But in reality, they're singing "Grovel, Grovel...Grovel, Grovel..."
re: Forbidden Broadway... Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
 Jan 26 2005, 09:22:10 PM
re: Breaking News: Kristin Chenowith returning to Wicked
 Jan 26 2005, 07:59:55 PM
Uh, I think there's something on her website that says she's not coming back for a while.
re: Worst show you've seen
 Jan 20 2005, 09:29:29 PM
Please don't kill me, but...Les Mis. I need my dialogue. I can't have characters singing their way through their lines on the same two notes over and over again.

Oh, and to be seen...Joseph. The tunes are catchy, but do they really fit together to make a musical? Not really.

re: Best Opening Numbers
 Jan 20 2005, 09:16:34 PM
"Comedy Tonight" from Forum
West Side Story Prologue
Candide Overture (Fine, it's not really an opening number, but it's a great piece!)
"Wilkommen" from Caberet

re: Good plays to read...
 Jan 17 2005, 08:52:17 PM
Shaw's Man and Superman
LaBute's The Shape of Things...very good play, although it doesn't work out too well on film.

Ibsen's A Doll's House is good, too, though I've had bad experiences with it. I somehow spent two pages writing about it on my midterm essay when it wasn't a choice to write about...yeah, didn't do too well on that.

re: Mistakes on cast recordings...
 Jan 16 2005, 09:41:44 PM
I think one of the violins forgets to cut off on the Wicked CR (Defying Gravity. Right before the last line of the duet part).

Oh, and on the Canadian CR of Joseph, is it just me or are there weird sounds like some girl constantly going "ouh?" about 3:48 into the song?

re: Video Tribute to Idina Menzel
 Jan 16 2005, 09:11:31 PM
Wow. Uhm... Doesn't it take a while to make videos that long? I mean, compiling the pictures, putting in the background music, doing the animation, etc., etc., etc. Call it a work of love. I'm glad that Idina has gathered such a strong fan base, I guess...
re: Mess ups!!
 Jan 14 2005, 10:28:06 PM
King and I. Uncle Tom's Cabin scene. They had this elaborate choreography, and the rivers were these sheets that the dance co. would make waves out of. Then, when that was over, one person would let go of the sheet, and the other person would drag it offstage. They did it so close to the edge of the stage on opening night that the sheet fell into the pit and on top of the woodwinds. The person didn't know, so she kept dragging the sheet off the stage. So, basically, the winds got stuck in
re: 2005 High School Musicals Across the USA
 Jan 14 2005, 10:14:46 PM
Joseph. The casting's weird as ever. We think the director's on crack.
re: Orchestra
 Jan 13 2005, 10:57:28 PM
I think so. But once again, I might be wrong. Yeah, I'm not a very self assured person.
re: Orchestra
 Jan 13 2005, 10:46:15 PM
I don't know if this works on Bway as well, but I know when an orch needs ringers, the conductor has networkings that lead him to a freelance musician who plays the instrument he needs. Then the musician is contracted to play for the concert that he is needed for.

So no, I don't think there are auditions. I think it's all on networking.

But who knows? I might be wrong. Please correct me if I am.

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