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Member Name: AnthVoice2010
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Lola Ciccone (Madonna's daughter) sings....and it ain't bad folks...
 Dec 15 2013, 09:33:08 AM
News Story on Lola...................
Lola Ciccone (Madonna's daughter) sings....and it ain't bad folks...
 Dec 14 2013, 08:30:55 AM
High School production of Grease and more vocal weight size and color at 17 than her Mother ever had.......

NYTimes story on Petition that wants Met Gala dedicated to gay rights- Bart Sher statement
 Aug 22 2013, 12:25:34 PM
Forget the Met, I want to see the petition formed by fourth rate cabaret critics with stalking tendencies and delusions of grandeur so intense that their own friends laugh at him...

That would put Putin in his place...

Funny Girl - Boston Tryout
 Jul 7 2013, 03:44:18 PM
This is amazing...listen to what Bacall says at the end....this was taped an hour after opening night.
Funny Girl - Boston Tryout
 Jul 7 2013, 01:23:49 PM
Barbra missed very little of her 800+ performances...(I think the number is under 10).


Did she sleep walk through some performances?

Did she show up most nights 10-15 minutes before curtain - giving everyone heart palpitations?

Did she willfully cut songs, scenes, anything, to get her out of there as quickly as possible? (the show some nights ran 15 minutes shorter than the established run time)

Did she give notes to cast and crew about anything

Funny Girl - Boston Tryout
 Jul 7 2013, 07:05:14 AM
The thing about the tie...

I remember reading that a tie can only happen if the two nominees are within 3-5 votes of each other - not one.

The idea being that the chance for human error in counting and processing had to be accounted for...

Thus - if anyone came within 3-5 votes, it could/would be considered a tie.

The thing the Academy has always maintained is this was an exact tie....

What also must be taken into account is Hollywood already disliked

Funny Girl - Boston Tryout
 Jul 6 2013, 10:35:18 PM
When the film was released...

Newsweek's review simply wrote:

"Streisand, in her film debut, delivers the greatest musical comedy performance ever filmed"..

Think about that sentence for a second...the enormity of it..

Kelly Clarkson on Broadway
 Jul 5 2013, 09:21:30 AM
She's a total bore on stage (concert tour - The Beacon - 200...maybe with a script and strong direction but there is zero charisma on stage...

Should we throw her into the potential Fanny Brice pool (just to make the pool even more ludicrous).??

Midler doesn't think she has 8 shows a week in her...
 Jul 3 2013, 10:21:49 AM
Bette does have a history of complaining...

The woman certainly had a work ethic but like most people who become movie stars...anything OTHER THAN film work seems like a huge pain in the ass...

Look at Streisand, Brando, Andrews ....Once you catch the film making bug - killing yourself every night for 3 hours for 6 to 9 months doesn't seem worth it...

What did the cast of Rags do in an effort to stop the rapid closing on Broadway in 1986?
 Jul 2 2013, 12:48:40 PM
She had tuberculouis at a very early age and the theory was that due to the lungs being affected, she never really supported the voice in the way she should have. She was a complicated person and it litearlly took a team to physically get her on to a stage due to horrific stage fright. She cancelled more often then she would perform…


Ask anyone around at the Met about the infamous ‘Sour Angelicas” she did…(1988, I think).She only made it to three performances but tales o

Midler doesn't think she has 8 shows a week in her...
 Jul 2 2013, 12:17:55 PM
Something tells me that the only way MAME would be viable for Bette is as a series of concerts with orchestra - maybe 6 nights at Avery Fisher or Carnegie....with the NY Phil...

She'd probably say yes in a second to that..

But 8 shows a week singing and dancing - it's not gonna happen.

What did the cast of Rags do in an effort to stop the rapid closing on Broadway in 1986?
 Jul 1 2013, 08:19:46 PM
Theresa Stratas - one of a kind...who leaves the world of opera for a year to help Mother Theresa with the lepers...only Stratas...

This was an artist the likes of which we have never encountered before or since....

If you think opera has nothing to do with Stratas break your heart in fifty million pieces...

What did the cast of Rags do in an effort to stop the rapid closing on Broadway in 1986?
 Jul 1 2013, 04:38:50 PM
The cast marched into Times Square (led by Goddess, Theresa Stratas)(along with a large number of theatre attendees) and had some sort of rally...I believe in protest of the power of bad reviews yet the loving audience reaction the show was getting...

They wanted people to give them a chance...

It was unheard of for the time.

Possibly Controversial Idea: Lady Gaga as Fanny Brice?
 Jul 1 2013, 12:04:38 PM
Unlike Lea whom Barbra called "pleasant"...Barbra called Gaga "..the real deal"...

The question would have to be why?

Why Gaga, who is still at the very beginning of what should be a long career, would WANT to play the hardest female musical comedy role ever written - eight shows a week - for what could be as long as a year.

A role that will forever remain in a shadow as long as there’s a way to play a movie or a CD.

Her salary would probably be compar

Cameron Diaz officially Miss Hannigan in new film !!
 Jun 27 2013, 03:09:16 PM
Diaz took her part in "Charlies Angels" and turned it into comedic delight....

Then gave a really creepy performance in "Vanilla Sky"...

Theres range there and talent...She's not Bette Davis but then who is?

Cameron Diaz officially Miss Hannigan in new film !!
 Jun 27 2013, 11:17:09 AM
I think, it's fair to assume, that the movie going public will be able to understand that this will be a MOVIE starring MOVIE STARS who are ACTING in a MOVIE..I think we can trust they will understand that the nice Cameron Diaz is only acting and that a villian is a villian...

I don't give the average audience member that much credit or praise for taste and sophistication ...........but God almighty I don't think they really believe that Henry Cavill flies....

Lea being considered for Streisand's biopic!!
 Jun 27 2013, 11:10:29 AM
OK Jordan, spill...You sound like you have good dirt...
Lea being considered for Streisand's biopic!!
 Jun 27 2013, 09:22:14 AM
I’m not sure if I get the Lea Michelle hate as well..

I get the part that she’s a pain in the ass and difficult to work with in the extreme, however. She can sing, she can act and she can dance – all extremely well. She’s obviously very gifted –.....she’s not a Paris Hilton or a Kim Kardashian.

Evita is a hard role for any actress. However Evita gets moments where she is off stage, moments where other people sing with her, she gets some down time.

Again, the character

Cameron Diaz officially Miss Hannigan in new film !!
 Jun 27 2013, 08:10:07 AM
Ok - Now there's a reason to see this..

In my opinion, Diaz is the Carole Lombard of her generation.

This is a chance to push her talent a little farther without having to play Medea..or Hedda Gabler..


Lea being considered for Streisand's biopic!!
 Jun 26 2013, 01:59:45 PM
She would fight against a movie being made...

The role of Fanny Brice is (and I include "Evita" in this equation) the single hardest musical comedy role ever written for a woman.

“Funny Girl” rises and falls solely on its leading lady. It matters little if the Nick is good or hell, even present. It matters little what the rest of the cast do or don’t do. A Fanny Brice is needed on stage almost 90 percent of the show.

The score was written for Streisand, that includes S

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