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Member Name: jdtp12
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Question about Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady.
 Dec 14 2013, 07:35:34 PM
Disney waited on Julie Andrews to make Mary Poppins due to her pregnancy, correct? Is there any chance they would've waited again if she had done My Fair Lady, or was the movie needed to be made right then?

Also, just curious, was it publicly known that Audrey didn't do her own singing back when the movie first premiered? I thought I remember hearing about how Marni Nixon was sworn to secrecy at the time, but maybe I'm making things up. This topic really fascinates me, for some reason.

What musical should Meron and Zadan do next?
 Dec 7 2013, 12:35:55 AM
I honestly do think of the film version first. That was the version I saw first and most, so it's what is in my mind when I think of Oklahoma!
What musical should Meron and Zadan do next?
 Dec 7 2013, 12:02:11 AM
"and I think it would be a lot better to do a live television production of a musical that doesn't have a well-known film version."

See, I'm not sure if I'd agree with this or not. It's hard because people are quick to make comparisons, but at the same time I think the title needs to be very recognizable to draw an audience. And it seems like most large name musicals have well-known films.

What musical should Meron and Zadan do next?
 Dec 6 2013, 05:08:50 PM
I think Fiddler is definitely an option that sounds likely.

We hear about the Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway CAROUSEL every once and awhile. Could this be a potential way to finally make that happen?

Into the Woods Movie Cast
 Sep 27 2013, 11:54:38 PM
Ok, this is going to bug me. Looking at the picture of Meryl in hi-res, doesn't her face look photoshopped on? On her forehead, the top is very smooth and then the wrinkles seem to start from nowhere and create a line that makes it look like her face was photoshopped onto the rest. Anyone else notice this? I'm not trying to nitpick for the sake of nitpicking, just something that's bothering me after noticing it.
If/Then artwork
 Sep 11 2013, 12:00:54 AM
No one else going to point out that Idina seemingly has 6 fingers on her left hand? It looks like she has five visible, and none of them seem to be a thumb...
Into the Woods Movie Cast
 Jun 22 2013, 09:55:35 AM
I see a lot of people hoping for Sierra, and I'm all on board for her too. But has there been anything to suggest she's even on the radar for any roles? Just curious...
 May 23 2013, 05:40:38 PM
Was that lip-synced? Maybe it was just the video I watched, but it just all felt so canned.
Les Miserables DVD - Target Exclusive
 Mar 22 2013, 05:23:54 PM
I went to pick this up at Target today, and my store didn't have it. It still just had a coming soon poster. So I went and picked up the Blu-Ray at Walmart, and to my surprise it was discounted $6 at checkout. So despite not getting a ton of extras, it was still a great deal.
IPFW Theater
 Jan 21 2013, 08:02:09 PM
I have been to a few of their shows. I went to their production of FORUM last year, and I've been to both of their plays this last fall. From what I've experienced, their productions are very well done and well worth your time. The Oliver! production will be a little different because they are doing it in conjunction with the Fort Wayne Youth Theatre, I believe. But I would definitely recommend it!
Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
 Jan 20 2013, 11:47:27 AM
How do they predict the weekend totals so far in advance? Are audiences really that predictable?
Les Mis cast to perform at the Oscars
 Jan 17 2013, 11:25:29 PM
Would Hugh separately perform "Suddenly" since it's a nominated song anyways? I know they don't perform the nominated songs every year, but it's actually a decent category this year. I wouldn't think they'd miss the opportunity of having Adele perform.
DON't chat about Les Mis in this thread.
 Jan 8 2013, 02:03:11 PM
I stole a loaf of bread.
Anne Hathaway Owes Me $14
 Dec 31 2012, 10:48:33 AM
"She starts crying and ends crying. The whole song is thin voice and trembling lip."

Sure, she was in tears the whole time, but there was still progression in the song. She didn't sing the entire thing with the ferocity she sang lines like " different from this hell I'm living." She definitely built it up; it wasn't a one dynamic song, in my opinion.

Eric Fellner: 4 Hr. LES MIZ Film Extended Cut?
 Dec 30 2012, 01:29:42 PM
I'd be good with the three hour version too. It just seems like scenes like "Fantine's Arrest" and "Attack on the Rue Plumet" were so short and chopped up, they could've benefited from being in full.
Eric Fellner: 4 Hr. LES MIZ Film Extended Cut?
 Dec 30 2012, 12:57:48 PM
I honestly wouldn't even mind if they had an extended version on the DVD/Blu-Ray that just had their vocals and the piano track they sang to. It could be kind of interesting to hear the stripped down version. Of course, it'd still be preferable to hear it with the entire orchestra.
Les Mis set to be highest grossing movie musical of all time.
 Dec 26 2012, 04:15:52 PM
Maybe I'm a special case, but a lot of the Les Mis fan I know didn't see it on Christmas Day. A lot were waiting until today or this weekend. So while obviously this isn't a universal truth, I don't think everyone who was going to see it saw it yesterday by any means.
Is The NEXT TO NORMAL Movie Still Happening?
 Dec 21 2012, 02:02:23 PM
Yeah, I didn't think Amy Adams is terribly farfetched of an idea age-wise, since they are supposed to be a fairly young couple for having two kids. Adams is nearly forty already.
Is The NEXT TO NORMAL Movie Still Happening?
 Dec 21 2012, 11:28:27 AM
I do really like the idea of Amy Adams for Diana. And I've said it before, but I think James Marsden would make an awesome Dan.
IN THE HEIGHTS Will Return for One-Night Only Benefit in Washington Heights, February 11!
 Dec 11 2012, 01:03:26 AM
Would really like to see this if I lived closer. It'd be nice if it was professionally filmed in some capacity, but I really don't see much of a possibility for that happening.
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