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Theatre Books: Audio Format
 May 7 2014, 11:06:41 AM
I've got a long road trip ahead of me this week and love listening to audiobooks, but am having trouble finding theatre books that have been made into audiobooks. I've already listened to Patti LuPone's MEMOIR, A LITTLE BIT WICKED by Chenoweth and Seth Rudetsky's BROADWAY NIGHTS. I bought his second audiobook already, but it is only five hours, a small fraction of this drive. Does anyone else have any suggestions of theatre related books that are available in audio format?

PS: I've

Samuel Beckett
 Aug 31 2012, 02:28:44 PM
From everything I've read on PLAY, it is the confessions of a man who had an affair, his wife and his mistress. Even more intriguing is Beckett's 1965 short play COME AND GO. I've been reading and studying this summer and it is one of the most riveting things I've seen.

Most beautiful/perfect singing voices
 Jan 18 2012, 01:52:54 PM
Maureen McGovern.

A question about tech rehearsals for touring shows
 Dec 26 2011, 11:36:45 PM
"The cost to use a space that isn't in demand is considerable less."

"Most road houses have tight schedules with shows and other engagements coming in back to back."

I thought my answer was pretty simple. I guess complete sentences are considered complex.

A question about tech rehearsals for touring shows
 Dec 25 2011, 01:58:01 PM
From everything I have read or heard from tours, there are two main reasons why a lot of companies have technical rehearsals at a different theater before moving onto the first stop for a tour.

1) Most road houses have tight schedules with shows and other engagements coming in back to back. The cost to use a space that isn't in demand is considerable less. According to the Utica Broadways site, the space hasn't been used since the middle of November and isn't schedule for another s

If THE HELP was a play/musical...
 Dec 23 2011, 08:12:15 PM
Of course. And then all the toilets start flushing, filling the stage with water, which leads to ANOTHER dream sequence for Missus Walters, where she dreams she is in Biloxi surfing with Mr. Walters.
If THE HELP was a play/musical...
 Dec 23 2011, 05:38:57 PM
You forgot the patter song that Skeeter and Hilly have called "The Issues with the Issue" in which Skeeter lies about why she hasn't published the "Home Help Sanitation Initiative" in the current issue of the newsletter.

If THE HELP was a play/musical...
 Dec 23 2011, 12:14:31 PM
The score would be full of delights, including "Ode to Crisco", "Minnie Don't Burn No Chicken", "White Folks Like to Beat Their Own Child'n" and the eleven o'clock number when Skeeter decides to give the money to the maids, "Helping, the Help".
How should I have handled this, or what would you do?
 Jan 9 2011, 06:22:00 PM
I would of smiled and been glad to be a part of an activity that allowed him to be happy and that accepts him without judging.
Patti LuPone - 'I don't judge a part by its size...'
 Jan 8 2011, 01:57:35 PM
While she might have her own bad rap about somethings, I truly believe she approaches every role as an "artist". Now, with that being said, she doesn't accept every role...big or little.

Plus, looking at the film version, it would of been a challenge for Patti, or any one, not to say how bad it was.

I'm guessing Patti wanted to remember EVITA as it was on stage and not spoil it with a mediocre, lackluster film.

Your favourite orchestrations
 Jan 4 2011, 12:29:30 PM
This is a tough one...

I, too, love the original "Company" and the Original "Funny Thing...Forum". And though I think it is a little too chorded in parts, "Sweeney Todd" has some excellent passages.

I know I will probably be killed for saying this, but "Little Women" has some gorgeous scoring, especially in both of Marme's numbers.

And, Wildhorn's "Camille Claudel" and Brown's "Parade" both make my list.

Sad News & Prayers/Positive Thoughts for Robbie Maitner & Dave Gurland
 Dec 29 2010, 10:22:19 PM
While I did not know his partner, my thoughts are with Robbie in this difficult time.

And this thread is a great example of the connection this living community, we call theatre, has in each of our lives.

Patti LuPone Memoir
 Dec 28 2010, 10:15:20 PM

If you want a juicy, over the top, diva-licious inside view on some of the biggest Broadway hits (and flops), read it. Even though Patti has had her own rap in the theatre world, I really felt for her in the two chapters devoted to "Sunset Boulevard".

Evolution of WONDERLAND Artwork
 Nov 28 2010, 02:33:08 PM
I agree that the majority of his works should be tossed in the "Why even bother?" category, but CAMILLE CLAUDEL is a real beauty. I think what has helped him (and even Lloyd Webber) are EXCELLENT orchestrators.
Acting Lessons from Miss Catherine Zeta Jones
 Jun 14 2010, 01:04:05 AM
I thought she was just scanning the audience to see if Sondheim was in it. "Steve, are you there? It's me Catherine!".

I completely agree that this song does not work out when it is out of context. I think they just used it because general theatre audiences (not that any of you are) recognize that song as the torch song of the show.

And not to defend the ones with weapons, but she did perform it much better live and in the performance setting.

'Sweeney Todd' On TV
 Jun 6 2010, 09:30:49 PM
Sorry, I should have mentioned that I have checked all the DVD version I can find, and it isn't any of those.
"Sweeney Todd" On TV
 Jun 6 2010, 09:20:16 PM
I hate when people are lazy and just post random questions, but I am truly struggling to find something after months of searching and was hoping maybe someone on these forum could help.

In the early 2000s (I can't remember the exact year, but sometime before 2005), I watched a unique blend stage/concert version of "Sweeney Todd" on TrioTV. Trio, which I believe is now cancelled, aired it a couple times, but I can't seem to remember what company or group did this version. Does anyone

Ragtime question
 Jun 4 2010, 11:14:36 PM
"Ragtime" is based on a EL Doctrow novel by the same title. Doctrow didn't give the characters name in the novel either. Though there is no specific reason why, most literature scholars believe it because they were representing a group of people of the time period.
Where are you watching the Tonys?
 Jun 4 2010, 12:21:29 PM
Representing Louisville too, a group of friends and I always get together and have a "Tonys Dinner" and watch the awards. We try to come up with a Tony themed menu of the nominated shows and people. A few years passed included "Grey Garden Salads" and "Legally Blondies".
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