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Member Name: MovieInMyMind2
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 Oct 12 2017, 09:35:15 PM

I wanted so badly to love The Band's Visit. I went to NYC for 11 days and saw a lot of musicals and plays, as I usually do. This is one that I was honestly looking forward to so much.

I love movies like this. I've seen The Band's Visit years ago, and loved it. When I heard that they were making a musical version, I knew I just had to see it.

It honestly lacked the magic that it had on screen, in my opinion. 

The songs, besides 'Omar Sharif

Lover Never Dies Tour
 Sep 28 2017, 01:38:25 PM

Phantom of London said: "MovieInMyMind2 said: "I just checked the tour dates for the LND tour and their prices vary significantly. This is of no surprise to me. I am in an area where there are three major cities within driving distance from me, so, I frequent 3 venues regularly. The venue where I live ALWAYS has Broadway shows for about $70-80 for front orchestra which is where I like to sit. Since I'm so close to two other venues, if I ever love a show so much that I ju

Musicals or Plays with infidelity
 Sep 17 2017, 04:22:23 PM

Malka2 said: "Finding Neverland

Miss Saigon

How is Miss Saigon on the list?

The only thing I can think of is that Chris kissed Kim in the very end.

But if you know the circumstances, it's easy to understand why he did that in the moment.

Plus, considering he and Kim were never really married, he wasn't being unfaithful to her by moving on with Ellen. 

Selling two tickets to frozen
 Sep 15 2017, 03:20:42 PM

mailhandler777 said: "bobsbroadwayburgers said: "If you can't pay for it. Pass it on to your friends and family. Cuz this price is not being lowered."

Like anyones friends or family would pay that much. My tickets are near those in the same section and I paid $87.50. You are a tool.

I think he's just a troll, not a tool.

At least I hope he's just a troll.

If he's being serious, then... I have no wor

Zachary Levi
 Sep 15 2017, 03:08:25 PM

I saw She Loves Me from front row center and it was epic to see him and the rest of the cast from so up close. If they ever make a Tangled musical, they need to cast him and Donna Murphy (obviously) in their original roles! 

Evita white washing controversy?
 Sep 14 2017, 01:17:03 PM

This is the REAL Eva Peron. Look at her. Stop referring to her as a "POC"
Ethnicity / culture has nothing to do with skin tone.
Spain has white people, for example. Lots of countries have white people. White and American = not the same thing. White + European = not the same thing. Not all Europeans are white, some are POC. Not all Americans are white, some are POC.
Likewise, just because someone is from a different country and is of a different ethnicity, it doesn't mean that they can't be white.
There is a controversy about them whitewashing Evita, a white woman? 
As I argued before, they cast a black man to play Aaron Burr, WHO WAS ALSO A REAL PERSON. A real white person. Yet, in Hamilton, they had an African-American play Aaron Burr, who was a real person, and was white.
And when that happens, people go... YAY! DIVERSITY!
But how dare they cast a white actress to play Eva Peron, who was white in real life, right?
How dare they. 

Front Row Flowers?
 Sep 12 2017, 02:23:48 PM

Yes, please avoid sitting there with flowers on the front row for the entirety of the show. I have terrible allergies to flowers and some of the people around you or even the performers on stage might, too. If you want to give someone flowers, do it at the stage door or order them online and put in the address / name of the theatre and the actor's name. They'll get them that way. 

Aladdin - Live Action Remake
 Sep 7 2017, 05:52:44 PM

For those arguing that "Double standards only exist because the playing field isn't level and white people get more roles, therefore, the double standards will stop existing when the playing field is leveled" - anyone who thinks this is LITERALLY saying that they support the very actions and the discrimination that they themselves are standing up against. If you truly feel that way, then, you are not fighting for a positive change. You think that you are supporting a good c

Aladdin - Live Action Remake
 Sep 7 2017, 04:28:30 PM

Hey, if everyone made an issue about casting choices, people wouldn't shut up. Ever. 

Why not go even broader than just race? I am a Ukrainian-Russian person. Do you know how many times I see them cast Americans to play Russian roles in TV shows and movies who BUTCHER the Russian language SO badly that I absolutely cringe when hearing it? Russia being the biggest country in the world, I think: "Could they not find native speakers to do this?!" - And it's eve

Aladdin - Live Action Remake
 Sep 7 2017, 06:11:21 AM

Guys, guys. Also, let's not forget that Aladdin is set in a fictional place. While it is loosely based off of 1001 Arabian Nights, Agrabah is fictional. Better yet, the palace of Agrabah looks like it was heavily inspired by the Taj Mahal, which happens to actually be located in Agra, India.

For cultural correctness, they could get an Arab or Indian person to play the role, but, the fact still remains that this is a fairytale based in a fictional place. We don't have m

Worst National Tour
 Sep 6 2017, 03:48:04 PM

johannabarker said: "The current Phantom tour is atrocious. Done merely because they didn't want to pay royalties to the original creative team anymore beyond Maria Bjornson's costumes (which have been horribly butchered, decorations stripped off from existing costumes) and to prop up Love Never Dies.Masquerade is bland and I've seen high school productions better than that. Both leading men are jerks and Christine is incredibly passive. The only good performances are in spite of the directing."

Christine is passive in the current tour? She literally slaps Raoul because she wants him to shut up, and, during PONR, she kicks the Phantom's hand off her leg every time he tries to touch her. Not to mention, she does this bizarre move where she walks up to the edge of the roof, almost as if she's going to jump right before All I Ask of You.

Masquerade isn't bland - it actually looks like a masquerade ballroom, now. The set for the masquerade is probably my favorite in the whole production. In reality, if one were to throw a masquerade ball, the majority of the dancing wouldn't be done on one giant staircase like in the Broadway production. In that regard, I do feel that the masquerade scene on Broadway is dated. A giant staircase with dummies can only go so far to convey the grandeur of a masquerade ballroom. Could the tour have made the ballroom more grand and with better quality sets? Sure.

But it looks more like a masquerade ball than the Broadway version, even if it is a bit stripped down. It is a tour and it was very expensive to travel with an ensemble big enough to fill up a giant staircase.


In my opinion, the Broadway masquerade scene is dated. There needs to be more than just a giant staircase that everyone is singing and dancing on. And likewise, the tour's masquerade scene, while lavish in its own way, could benefit from more quality props to make the sets (not just the masquerade scene) look more rich and vibrant.

In many ways, the Broadway production's sets look dated. And also, in many ways, the tours sets look cheap and flimsy. I feel that if they somehow revamped the Broadway version to have the grandeur of the Australian Love Never Dies production, then it'd be a completely different story.

Also, the Phantom has always been a jerk. He stalks and murders people, remember? He's murdered several people... in both productions.

Trust me, I don't like the Phantom tour 100% but I also don't love the Broadway version 100%

I think they are both flawed. The tour did introduce set pieces I liked. The rooftop, for example, actually looked like a rooftop. The graveyard actually looked more like a graveyard. Masquerade looked like an actual ballroom and not just a giant staircase anymore. I do prefer the Broadway version, though. I just wish it got a bit of an upgrade and re-design. I feel like we've been seeing the same production of it since the 1980s and a change is due. Neither are perfect, in my opinion. Tour could use with higher quality sets and props and better stage blocking, DEFINITELY better stage blocking, but... Broadway could use a revamp, IMHO. 

Coming from a die-hard phan of 15 years who has seen the new tour 5 times, the old US tour 3 times, and the Broadway production 10 times. Just my two cents. 

Aladdin - Live Action Remake
 Sep 6 2017, 06:48:30 AM

Itonlytakesajourney said: "^^ what?? Why is there a white man playing a presumably white character in Aladdin? Which takes place in the Middle East? We had a chance to have an all-poc cast here and Disney blew it (I don't mean to sound like our dear and beloved Cynthia Erivo here, but seriously this isn't needed)."

They cast a black man to play Kristoff in the new Frozen musical even though Kristoff was originally white in the movie and Arendelle is based hea

Second-acting but paying?
 Sep 5 2017, 03:27:09 PM

Dude, if I ever did this, I think I'd have nightmares about it for weeks - if not months.

It just seems so... wrong.

It's like watching the first half of a movie that you've never seen, stopping it, and then watching the second half of a movie that you've never seen.

Wondering about what I missed would haunt me. For real, I'd have nightmares about it. No joke.

Why not just try to go to a matinee  and evening performance and

Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 9/3/17
 Sep 5 2017, 03:07:03 PM

You have no idea how happy I am that this week's numbers are nowhere near as abysmal as the past week's ones were... 

Last week, everything was in the red and nearly every show took a hit. 

Good to see that this week looks much, much better.

books turned into musicals
 Sep 5 2017, 12:44:17 PM

TheGingerBreadMan said: "MovieInMyMind2 said:Okay so, I know that the title specifically asks what books should be turned into musicals, but, I'm going to throw one out there that I think would make a great play. The Giver byLois Lowry. It would be interesting to see how they can make the scenes look monochromatic using the lighting / clothing / makeup to make people appear black & white during a portion of the play.

A stage adaptation of The Giveralready exists.

Woah, cool. I didn't know. Still, this has never graced a Broadway stage and it would be fascinating. Plus, it'd be interesting to see someone else's staging and direction (not that there's anything wrong with Eric Coble's - I looked up some photos of his Giver and they look amazing)

Show Help 11/30/17-12/3/17
 Sep 5 2017, 12:27:41 PM

Miss Saigon is the best production I've ever seen, but, I am biased because I've been in love with the score for 15 years or so. This production in particular is the best they've ever done. 

However, if you're unsure, they filmed this same exact production professionally and released it on DVD / Blu-Ray in the UK. I know Amazon sells it. I have read some reviews on there that said it works with multiple region DVD players.

So, on the plus side,

Come From Away limited view seats
 Sep 5 2017, 07:38:18 AM

I'm also wondering because I'm considering buying the last two seats in the 4th row during a show, too. I don't like the mezzanine ever (I'm an up-close seat snob) and I'm also wondering how the view is from the extreme sides. 

Nice restaurant near The Band's Visit
 Sep 5 2017, 07:16:28 AM

As someone else mentioned, go to Trattoria Trecolori. Le Rivage is also a good French restaurant. Trust me. On my first ever visit to NYC, I went to many restaurants all over the theatre district. Trattoria Trecolori and Le Rivage stood out to me. I'm going back in a few weeks and am definitely going back to those two.

Cinderella on tour.
 Sep 5 2017, 05:07:35 AM

"Just for everyone's information, this tour is NOT the same Equity tour that ran two years and ended last May. It is not associated with the NY production in any way."

I swear, though, I saw the tour from 2 years ago and just recently again a few months ago and didn't really notice anything different at all. Unless I seriously missed something? My theatre companion with whom I saw the show 2 years ago vs a few months ago didn't notice anything different either. Th

books turned into musicals
 Sep 5 2017, 04:49:12 AM

Okay so, I know that the title specifically asks what books should be turned into musicals, but, I'm going to throw one out there that I think would make a great play. The Giver by Lois Lowry. It would be interesting to see how they can make the scenes look monochromatic using the lighting / clothing / makeup to make people appear black & white during a portion of the play. 

As for books that would make good musicals, I do agree that The Outsiders would have a nic

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