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Member Name: SeattleTraveler
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HARRY POTTER AND THE CURSED CHILD to Take the Lyric Theatre in 2018
 Aug 2 2017, 03:08:07 PM

I went into it cold and loved it! I'd recommend against reading the script if you have likelihood of seeing it. It is much better live. I read the script afterwards, and when given the time, sure, it isn't the greatest, but the show is magical. 

Romy and Michele's High School Reunion The Musical in Seattle
 Jun 16 2017, 02:23:02 AM

Just got home from seeing this. It was a lot of fun! There's some room for improvement, but that's to be expected for only being on day 8. Best new work I've seen at the 5th in a while. It definitely pulled in a big crowd, even on a Thursday, and they were pretty into it. I'm going to try to go again later in the run. 

I've also never seen the movie, so I might try to watch that before I go again to see how it compares. 

Come from Away SRO
 May 2 2017, 06:56:08 PM

You'll find a lot of great info in the Rush thread

 Apr 24 2017, 11:06:49 PM

djoko84 said: "So these bad reviews seals the four nominees: DEH, CFA, TGC, and GD.


If that ends up being the case, I'm going to feel exceptionally smart and/or prescient. Those are the exact 4 musicals I chose to see on my birthday weekend trip earlier this month. My goal was to finally see a best musical winner before it wins best musical. Booked all of them in October/November. To think, at the time of the trip I was disappointed I

Ernest Shackleton Loves Me
 Apr 16 2017, 05:41:41 PM

Huh. I just checked out the show-score ratings and I'm surprised. I was raving about this three years ago when I saw it in Seattle. It was very impressive, inventive, and non-traditional. I loved Val. Wondering now if it's changed, if my tastes have evolved so I wouldn't like it as much, or if I just disagree with those giving it a low score. Alas, I can't find out since it started playing in NY after my last trip. I was disappointed to see that. 

2017 TONY Awards Performances
 Mar 27 2017, 10:24:49 PM

I'll be really surprised if Come From Away is anything but Welcome to the Rock. Me and the Sky is a (wonderful) solo in an otherwise ensemble show. I think Screech In is too happy. Prayer is probably too "down". Neither would be a great representation of the show. I think it has to be Welcome to the Rock.

 Mar 27 2017, 10:17:17 PM

Going this Sunday evening. Used it to fill that perpetually difficult time slot on my weekend trip. I don't know much about it. 

What to do with extra rush tickets if I win lottery?
 Mar 23 2017, 12:22:32 AM

DEH has a digital lottery on Sunday, just not the Saturday performances. I entered it while in town a couple weeks ago to no avail.

 Mar 11 2017, 11:39:27 AM

Not only roles and accents, but each movement of a chair or prop is unique for each character so that the object will be ready at some future point, sometimes for a different actor's use. It all happens in a way that appears effortless, but there are so many moving parts they each have to keep track of, it's crazy. 

 Mar 10 2017, 08:39:58 PM

sabrelady said: "I was reading in an article  that Bev Bass gave Jen the actual flight jacket & wings she wore on that day. Not sure if Jen is wearing that jacket ( tho that was the intent) cos of sizing et all but  they probably r using the wings. Nice that an actual piece of the day is actually on stage"

Jenn wore it in the final performance in Seattle. It has a red liner. I wouldn't be surprised if it's too hard on it to wear it day in and da

Come From Away, Toronto return engagement
 Feb 28 2017, 02:06:18 PM

Mirvish site and email announcement say "Begins February 13, 2018"

 Feb 22 2017, 01:14:58 AM

ghostlight2 said: "See, now this I had a bit more trouble with. MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!

A lot of time is spent of the fictional gay couple's relationship, and I didn't care for the way they were portrayed. I won't go into detail, but suffice to say I found it slightly offensive. 


Not a fictional couple. It's Kevin Tuerff and his then partner. He was at one of the perfor

 Feb 17 2017, 04:44:57 PM

I'm flying in to see the final preview and keeping an eye out for opening night tickets. I'm also flying out a few weeks after it opens to see it again (along with DEH, Great Comet, and Groundhog Day). Really can't wait to hear what the Broadway audience thinks! That final preview will be my 14th time seeing it and my 4th city. You could say I'm just a wee bit obsessed with the show. 

Help me decide what to see
 Feb 14 2017, 02:57:34 AM

Definitely Come From Away. I first saw it in Seattle and became instantly obsessed with it. Already have two trips booked to see it in NY along with other shows.

COME FROM AWAY - Broadway run announced /DISCOUNT
 Jan 14 2017, 04:46:48 PM

Speaking as a crazy person who has now seen this show 13 times in 3 cities, I have seen it from a few different perspectives. (left, center, right orchestra, and right mezz) I recommend orchestra for it, generally, to help with that fairly intimate feel. Also, all things being equal, sitting center or right is slightly better than left. There are a few times where the cast is sitting lined up facing the left orchestra, so it's a little trickier to see some of the specifics during those ti

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