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Member Name: hushpuppy
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 Feb 28 2022, 08:13:32 PM

If Ms. LuPone's Covid symptoms are as mild as mine were last month, she should be fine. I wish her the best.

Thanks for all the positive comments re; Jennifer Simard. I have tickets for Wednesday and was thinking of looking into an exchange (do they even allow exchanges on TDF tickets?) but now I'm looking forward to it.

BTW: Jennifer Simard was born the same year as COMPANY premiered. Boy, do I feel old.

Susan Johnson
 Jun 25 2017, 10:30:39 PM

Dragging this thread out of mothballs to post a link to THE MOST HAPPY FELLA cast performing 'Happy to Make Your Acquaintance' and 'Big D' from the Ed Sullivan Show, 1956

The Most Happy Fella

Is Telly Leung The Next Prince Ali in Aladdin?
 May 5 2017, 12:59:56 PM

I'm thrilled for him. I've thought he was adorable ever since I saw him dancing with a pair of giant chopsticks in FLOWER DRUM SONG. And quite talented too.

He's certainly paid his dues in flop after flop after flop. Nice that he'll be making big bucks in a hit show. 

Pacific Overtures previews
 Apr 13 2017, 11:59:28 AM

My first PACIFIC OVERTURES was the 1984 production, which I loved, and I agree with newintown that Thomas Ikeda was excellent as the madam. There are snippets of the him, and the 1984 production, in this clip from the MacNeil / Lehrer Newshour


PBS Sondheim

Pacific Overtures previews
 Apr 9 2017, 10:12:01 PM

I get tired of reading reviews that start "PACIFIC OVERTURES will never be one of anyone's favorite Sondheim shows.." because it IS one of my favorite Sondheim shows. It's one of those shows that I will travel to see, and I was greatly looking forward to this production.

As everyone has mentioned, it's greatly cut down. 'Next' is so brief that one gets the feeling they needed to get out of the theatre in 90 minutes because they had rented the hall for a ba

 Jun 12 2016, 10:32:38 PM

Okay, I'm officially an old coot. Couldn't understand 90% of the lyrics in the HAMILTON number.

Barack and Michelle Obama notwithstanding, if you gave me a free ticket to that show, I'd hand it right back and tell you to give someone who would appreciate it.

Then I'd go home and listen to the OCR recording of SOUTH PACIFIC

 Apr 26 2016, 12:32:55 PM

Terry Teachout's review in The Wall Street Journal is scathing (although he praises the cast): 

"It’s a tourist-trap rom-com that has little to offer but Ms. Mueller and her fine supporting cast." 

"Closely based on Adrienne Shelly’s 2007 film and uninterestingly directed by Diane Paulus..." 

"The score is by Sara Bareilles, a not-quite-famous singer-songwriter. Like most such folk, Ms. Bareilles has no notion of how to write for the stage. Her tunes are flat and unmemorably unhummable, and she shoves so many words into each stanza that none of them stand out" 

"It simply isn’t good enough, and though the show will doubtless have a profitable life in regional theater, it’ll take a star as bright as Ms. Mueller to make it worth watching."

I'm Seeing
 Nov 11 2015, 10:03:34 AM

I enjoyed it, but in no way would I describe it as a 'perfect musical'. To me it was like cotton candy, fun while it lasted, but when it was gone, there was no lingering effect. Walking to dinner afterward I couldn't recall one tune. I did get the feeling that I was being beaten over the head for 2 1/2 hours, and the number I liked the best, 'I'm Not My Father's Son', actually occurred when the show slowed down and caught its breath for a minute. 


Shows That Were More Successful Out of Town
 Nov 10 2015, 09:46:46 PM

The 2002 'revisal' of FLOWER DRUM SONG was a hit at the Mark Taper in Los Angeles in the fall of 2001, extending its run an additional five weeks from the original December 2, 2001 closing date until January 13, 2002. The critical response was very favorable. It came to NY in October, 2002, received mostly negative reviews, and closed after 169 performances in March, 2003. 


In the olden days (when I was young) shows frequently tried out in Los Angeles and

What are Your Favorite Rodgers & Hammerstein Lesser Known Songs?
 Nov 9 2015, 10:20:09 AM

I've always liked the bouncy syncopation of 'Sweet Thursday' from PIPE DREAM, but I am not fond of the OCR recording with Helen Traubel. I much prefer Susan Johnson's version (but then I love just about anything sung by Susan Johnson)

Sleep No More is AMAZING
 Nov 3 2015, 03:31:43 PM

My partner and I went last fall. I can honestly say that, in the 45 years I've been attending live theater, I have never hated anything as much in my life. I was unable to follow the 'story' at all. Every time a group of actors ran past me and I tried to follow, a stampede of people ran after them. Most of the time, my view was completely blocked. I was pushed, shoved, and elbowed out of the way. It was like being on the A train at rush hour.


Being una

Megan Hilty Will Star in ANNIE GET YOUR GUN Gala Concert at City Center
 Nov 1 2015, 09:52:17 PM

Speaking of the overture, does anyone know why the orchestra was not seated on risers for AGYG? I could've sworn that at all previous Encores! shows I've been to, the orchestra has been elevated. 

China Doll Previews Thread
 Oct 31 2015, 12:25:42 PM



I just finished Arthur Bicknell's book Moose Murdered: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Broadway Bomb'  and it kind of made me wish I'd seen that legendary flop.


Is CHINA DOLL one of those shows that people are going to be talking about for years because it was so awful, or is it just a boring evening at the theater?

Megan Hilty Will Star in ANNIE GET YOUR GUN Gala Concert at City Center
 Oct 28 2015, 11:20:56 AM

Sally Durant Plummer said:  The book, creaky as ever, was made to look almost pristine on first glance due to the very talented cast, but the cracks are there - and as clear as ever. The book is full of obvious song lead ins, which was a little annoying, but the score is so good you can forgive that.


ANNIE GET YOUR GUN was never cutting-edge, as say ON THE TOWN and CAROUSEL were just a year or so earlier. It was written just after World War II ended and men an

Safety curtain/fire curtain
 Oct 26 2015, 01:55:03 PM

Scarywarhol said: "Fascinating story about the Iroquois. How terrifying. 


It is a fascinating, yet tragic story.


So many safety features we take for granted were as a result of horrible tragedies. Not only the raising and lowering of the asbestos curtain, but the required use of the 'panic bar' on exit doors, lighted exit signs, direct exit routes, and doors that open outward can all be traced back to the Iroquois fire

Safety curtain/fire curtain
 Oct 26 2015, 12:22:37 PM

Scarywarhol said: "They do it during every "interval" in London. It's very strange.


Actually, I think it's rather interesting, but that's just me. I was a little freaked out the first time I saw it happen (1985), but since nobody else in the audience was paying any mind, I figured there was no emergency. 


The mere presence of a fire curtain doesn't necessarily protect the audience. In the infamous Iroquois Thea

Allegiance Previews
 Oct 7 2015, 12:50:09 PM

Thanks for your reply WhizzerMarvin. It's been so long since I became so wrapped up in a new show, I'd forgotten how fun it is to discuss back and forth the elements of a production.


I'll admit I filled in a lot of the family story in my mind, and I agree that some expository dialog would've helped. Tetsuo, the father, spoke with the cadence of a non-native speaker,  and I seem to recall reading that if you come to your new county prior to the age of 6,

NY City Center Encores! 2016 season single tickets now on sale
 Oct 7 2015, 11:52:44 AM

Are they still doing talkbacks after the Saturday matinees?

Best restaurants near Lincoln Center
 Oct 7 2015, 10:47:22 AM

For something a little different, try Andanada on 69th, just off Columbus. It's Spanish. Excellent paella. One Michelin star. Good bar. 


They also serve brunch on Saturday and Sunday, and are open until midnight on Friday and Saturday, if you prefer to eat after the show.

We live in the neighborhood and go often.


Another couple of options are across the street from each other on West 71st off Columbus: Pasha (Turkish) and Santa Fe (Southwestern)

Megan Hilty Will Star in ANNIE GET YOUR GUN Gala Concert at City Center
 Oct 7 2015, 10:09:59 AM

I wonder which version they'll do.


1946 with "Who Do You Love, I Hope', 'Col Buffalo Bill, 'I'm A Bad Bad Man', and 'I'm An Indian Too'


1966 with 'Old Fashioned Wedding', 'I'm An Indian Too', 'Col Buffalo Bill, 'I'm A Bad Bad Man', but not 'Who Do You Love I Hope'


1999 with 'Old Fashioned Wedding', 'Who Do You Love I Hope', but

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