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Member Name: sambaflora
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Attention: Musical Theatre Fans in ATLANTA.
 Apr 6 2005, 03:44:09 PM
Hey Ya'll.
Heads up to any of those interested in heading over to Marys this evening : I am hosting Musical Video Night from 9pm till -???.

For the uninitiated, Marys is an 'offbeat' neighbourhood gay bar in East Atlanta. No scene. No pretensions. Very eclectic crowd. Never a cover. Come check it out.

Feel free to hit me up with a private message with any questions or for directions.

Address: 1287 Glenwood Ave. East Atlanta Villiage


re: i have 2 tickets to MOVING OUT in ATLANTA ...
 Mar 28 2005, 04:27:49 PM
I could use them!
Will PM you.

re: 'Let My People Come' the sex musical
 Aug 27 2004, 12:44:19 AM
I was turned on to this show a few years back via a compilation CD called 'Les Chansons des Perverts' (put out by the great German label Crippled Dick). The choice track presented from the show was 'Come In My Mouth', the title of which says everything you could possibly want it some.

Man, what I would do to see the Cheno squat on stage + warble that one.

Link to Album/Sample below:

"Geek Love" @ Fringe. Shameless Shilling.
 Aug 12 2004, 05:46:56 PM
Hello Everybody.

Fans of the novel will no doubt already have tickets.....but I would like to encourage everyone on board to make attempts to check out "Geek Love" at the Fringe Festival. The play has evolved during two runs here in Atlanta over the past year and a remarkable job has been done squeezing the sordid Binewski Family epic into an easily digested 2.5 hours of theatre. All of the grotesqueries remain....and Olympia is guaranteed to break your heart.

More details: <

re: Anything Goes
 Aug 9 2004, 05:33:34 PM
Hello Matt.
I would shoot for the '62 Off-Broadway Revival cast with Eileen Rodgers. There is an effortless giddiness about the whole affair missing from the '87 Revival.
Rodgers is crisp + ballsy as Reno....+ her duet with Kenneth Mars on 'Let's Misbehave' is just about perfection.

Good luck.

re: re: re: re: re: re: re: wicked Book vs show
 Nov 25 2003, 04:25:59 PM
As well, I found the book pretty 'awemazing'(is that proper spelling, Namo?) but have been less than bewitched by what I have seen/heard/read media-wise regarding the show (I will not see it until the beginning of the year). Though I will save full assessment till I see it in full, it seems like the creators have robbed the source material for concept, but left behind all the meat and potatos..thus forgoing any of the conflict and satire that made the novel so engrossing.

Maybe, 'Like,

re: re: re: re: Most Humorous Song
 Nov 18 2003, 07:28:52 PM
'Candide' takes the cake for me when it comes to humour + wit.
From 'Oh, Happy We!' to 'Glitter + Be Gay' to the ode to syphllis in the 'Auto-Da-Fe' (Oh my darling Paquette, She is haunting me yet with a dear souvenir I shall never forget.....").
As well, I guess it doesn't hurt for the lyrics to be attached to that top-drawer score.

re: re: re: re: Damn Yankees
 Nov 7 2003, 04:29:37 PM
Here's hoping for its eventual release, but Damn Yankees is not currently available on DVD.

However, the VHS is available.

Boy George on Fresh Air
 Nov 7 2003, 02:42:53 PM
Hello All.
For those who listen to Fresh Air on NPR (and if you don't, you really should)'s show features a rebroadcast of an interview the exceptional Terry Gross did with Boy George a few years back. Don't have radio access? You can listen online:

re: re: re: re: What's a 'Secluded Absence'?
 Nov 5 2003, 02:17:08 AM
Scheduled Absence.
re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: TMM tour
 Sep 24 2003, 12:57:31 PM
All in all I found the tour to be a handsome mounting of a very mediocre show.

Darcie Roberts was suitably spunky, and the rest of the cast served well (with the exception of the Cavenaugh fella...what a turkey).

Apparently unlike most people, I do prefer the movie. Gimme gimme Bea Lillie + Carol Channing star quality over their respectively watered down stage counterparts any day (BTW...why does the stage version Muzzy character - supposedly this urban sophisticate - get stuck wi

re: re: re: My review of Little Shop
 Sep 15 2003, 04:06:55 PM
The original ending exists on the premier release of the DVD in 1998 which was quickly yanked out of circulation by David Geffen. Thus, this initial release is much sought after and fetches a pretty penny on eBay.

Does anyone here have a copy of the DVD? Please PM me if so.

re: re: Hedwig & Those 'Misfits' from The Harvey Milk School
 Sep 10 2003, 05:30:14 PM
Bless that list!
Thanks as well Namo.
I am ordered + ready.

Kind of OT.....but has anyone experienced the Polyphonic Spree (singing 'wig in the box' on this album) performing live ?
I have only listened...but will see their show later this month here in ATL. Looking forward to it.

Check out their website. Smart design + nice tunes.

re: re: GOOD SHOW FOR....HELP!!!
 Sep 8 2003, 11:55:03 AM
re: re: wicked
 Sep 2 2003, 05:27:07 PM
Read the book first. It will whet your appetite.

From what I understand they have dumbed down the storyline a bit to allow for less bondage (i.e. The Philosophy Club) and more belting (vocal lashings from the lead broads).

re: re: re: re: re: Why ???
 Aug 25 2003, 04:19:59 PM
Cheers to you Broadwayguy + Etoile.

It seems to me if you are truly passionate about something that you will not feel compelled to rely on others to extend your pursuit of it.

As far as an earlier post regarding lack of resources, I was raised in the cultural wastelands of Southeast Alabama yet we had this really nifty place called a library. Not only could I look through Broadway yearbooks giving a blow by blow of the season's theatre scene...but this information could be cross-r

re: starlight express
 Aug 21 2003, 11:38:15 PM
Like someone else who posted earlier, this was one of my first 'big' shows. Hoping to capitalize on that nostalgia I caught the tour on its recent stopover in Atlanta....and call it rusty I must (sorry - could not resist).

All in all...the show was on par with theme park entertainment.
The new songs only weaken an already mediocre score...and with the spectacle replaced by 3D-film, why even bother? Though admittedly those guys on screen had more depth than their stage counterparts. P

re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Shows with Nudity...
 Aug 15 2003, 05:14:00 PM
Nudity + John Barrowman brought to mind something I read at:

Might take a bit o' spelunking-but his name is there somewhere.

re: re: re: re: Melanie Griffith on The View
 Aug 6 2003, 07:36:06 PM
Hey BroadwayLady.

Might this have been in 'I Can't Do It Alone' whereupon Roxie SHOULD be showing dis-interest in Velma's song + dance?
Seems likely to me as there are comparatively few solo numbers for Velma.....esp. with Roxie on stage with her.

Just a thought you should probably consider.

re: re: re: re: It's the end of the world as we know it -- Wonka Remake -- Guess who?
 Jul 8 2003, 05:09:14 PM
I would welcome a 'remake' of 'Willy Wonka', but would prefer an actual film version of 'Charlie And The Chocolate Factory'. Any fans of Roald Dahl's adult or children's fiction know that as amusing and campy as 'Willy Wonka' might be, it was a fairly bastard attempt at realizing the author's voice. I would be none suprised if Dahl was not pleased with the 'Willy Wonka' movie......That said, the Oompa Loompas were pretty fabulous.

Anyhow, here is hoping that Tim Burton keeps more in the

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