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Member Name: BohemiasAngel
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re: Finally Had Luck at a Lottery (WSS)
 Mar 17 2009, 07:29:03 PM
OK . . . I saw the Wed Feb 25 preview . . . and I wanted my money back . . . at least SOME of my money back! Don't get me wrong, I love love LOVE West Side Story but I was disappointed in a few things, but not everything.

I was so excited to see the scene at the dance, the opening sequence, the fight sequence-basically everything! I'm such a huge fan of hte show, i was a bit disappointed, and I know I wasn't the only one that night.

First off, Karen was the best part of the ent

re: JRB 'I Will Follow' question
 Sep 21 2006, 12:27:56 AM
Thanks! You're awesome! I REALLY appreciate it.
JRB "I Will Follow" question
 Sep 21 2006, 12:19:12 AM
I was on Sara Ramirez' website and heard her singing a duet with Jason Robert Brown called "I Will Follow." Anyone know what it's from, where I could find a recording and (most importantly) where I can get the music for it? I have auditions coming up and have been listening to it non-stop!
Best Broadway Chorus Numbers/Showstoppers
 Jun 20 2006, 07:10:56 PM
Hey all! I'm putting together a musical revue/cabaret that goes chronologicall from the 30s onwards to the present, and am looking for people's opinions on greatest songs and shows from each decade. The group I'm working with are teens (I work at a summer theatre camp) and (as usual) are mostly female. The director is a dancer and wants to have big chorus numbers in addition to solos/duets/trios. Any suggestions or favorites? I'm excited about this project, and want all the Broadway fans to have
re: Fun Broadway Game---How far can you go?
 Jun 20 2006, 06:58:36 PM
Bernadette Peters . . . am I too late to play? Am I even up to date? eep . . .
re: If you could play ONE role on Broadway........
 Jun 20 2006, 06:35:02 PM
Because of the whole ethnicity thing, I'd never get to play the roles I would love (Glinda, Aida, Tracey, The Witch, Maria) but I have to go back to what I loved as a teen; Kim in Miss Saigon. That's also highly unlikely, but a girl can dream!
re: Roles that you have played
 Mar 27 2006, 10:44:38 PM
What is your favorite leading role that you have played? Rose in "Gypsy" was AMAZING!!! Such a great script! Also "Mame" in "Mame" allowed me to show off more comedic skills.

What is your least favorite leading role that you have played? Sandy in "Grease"- what a nightmare! Also, Mother Abbess in "The Sound of Music" was incredibly boring. . .

What is your favorite supporting role that you have played? Chris in "Rumors" if you would call it supporting I guess, it's a tough call

 Mar 15 2006, 11:36:40 PM
Did you say that they would be in Toronto at the end of this month? That's closeby, and I have friends there to crash with(and will be moving there in August) but I have rehearsal on that day . . . Any ideas of other auditions after Easter?
 Mar 15 2006, 11:21:54 PM
Hey, to those with audition experience . . . an idea if they'd be open to seeing a Tracey who is "ethnic" such as myself? Do you think it would be worth my time? I fit the profile, have training, blah, blah, blah but am unsure if they would even see me . . . any ideas?
re: Pryce joins DRS Video
 Mar 15 2006, 11:15:50 PM
I saw Pryce on his first day back from filming Pirates of the Carribean and I thought he was AMAZING!!! Just to see a 'classically trained actor' (whatever THAT means!) be able to work and play with his role was so much fun to watch. He's practically a legend in his career and to just see him onstage was really cool. He has such a presence that is hard to describe. He also moves very well. Last week I did a project on Lea Salonga for one of my voice classes and I showed the class a clip of the M
re: Shaun Earl reconnects with RENT movie...
 Mar 15 2006, 11:02:13 PM
When I saw him many, many, years ago (I believe around 1999) he was SOOOOOO nice to us! He was hanging out by the stage door and signing autographs and pictures and stuff. Mind you, this was in his touring days, but I couldn't believe how nice and humble he was. Good luck meeting him!
re: Worst possible stunt casting
 Mar 9 2006, 09:07:37 PM
I'm not sure if I am alone on this, but one of the worst things I ever saw was Molly Ringwald in Cabaret. I honestly felt a little sorry for her. The Kit Kat girls were just so amazing that she was so disappointing. She really looked like she was working . . . HARD. Trust me, it was somewhat painful. John Stamos was an amazing Emcee though . . . the direction of that show was amazing to begin with, but he was just so committed to the role that it blew me away . . .
re: Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
 Feb 13 2006, 07:43:22 PM
Yeah, when I went it was kindof hard to get them to sign as well. Sherie signed my L5Y Cd and took off before anyone else could get her. I was waiting for Joanna, but didn't know she never came out. I managed to get JP's autograph and my pic with him, but he had a friend with him who was complaining and shaking his head when people wanted to talk to him. He was muttering under his breath, but JP was patient with the few who stuck around to meet him. Aside from his angry friend, he was great.
re: Norbert Leo Butz Status / He did the matinee
 Jan 31 2006, 12:12:54 AM
I saw the show last Friday night, the day Jonathan Pryce returned from filming Pirates of the Carribean. I went on Wednesday morning to get tix but the guy at the box office said that out of the 4 stars Norbert was the only on in. He said Sherie was sick, Jonathan was filming and Joanna had foot surgery. When I saw it Friday night Joanna was wearing sneakers for most of the show. Is this normal? Also, I'm not sure if it was supposed to happen, but Norbert repeatedly humped JP onstage in the scen
re: Shaun Earl reconnects with RENT movie...
 Jan 31 2006, 12:03:03 AM
I saw him as Angel yeeeeeeeeeeeears ago in the Benny Tour when Curtis Cregan and Josua Kobak went on for Mark & Roger (respectively.) We ended up hanging out with them after the show and when I got my pic taken with Shaun I accidentally put my hand on his butt by accident. I'm SHORT okay! It was a total accident and I was mortified. . . not one of my finer moments. He was excellent as Angel. Buff and bigger than my first Angel (Jai) but amazing nonetheless. At least I can say that I grabbed a mo
re: Gypsy - The Greatest Musical of ALL TIME?
 Jul 18 2005, 10:46:23 PM
I've been doing musical theatre for most of my life for various companies, and schools, etc. and have been fortunate enough to do a lot of really wonderful shows. I know everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but I truly believe that Gypsy is a wonderful show. I was fortunate enough to play Rose, and as someone who also has trained 'classically' (not just in musical theatre) the script, story, characters are just so well developed that you can't help but fall in love with it. It's very hone
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